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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Cristiano Congratulations!! Your ship's a real beauty, especially with all of those lovely sails set. Well done. Patrick
  2. Hi Tallshiptragic Great job so far. You're definitely in an enviable position to not only have access to the builder's plans, but access to the real shop itself! That way, you'll have no problem when it comes to checking out something, or measuring this or that, or confirming the placement of so and so, etc. I'm sure many of us wish we were in the same position as you! Pls keep the updates coming, because I'm definitely following with great interest. All the best Patrick
  3. Hi Dennis I'm constantly amazed whenever I look at your latest updates. Not only are you supremely creative and inventive, but you seem to be able to work at an incredible pace. The ideas just keep coming and before you know it, the ideas become reality and are transformed into detail after detail. I especially like the map on the wall. Very nice, indeed! I also noticed that there was a red smudge on your workbench (especially evident in the last photo).....now, that wouldn't be your blood having been spilt after a hard days' labour in the shipyard, would it? Keep up the great work, Dennis! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi David, Leo-zd, Dennis and Lawrence Thanks for all the information and compliments! Cheers and all the best for the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  5. Nice commitment to making your Leeuwin as realistic as possible, as witnessed by the discharge ports, etc.
  6. Hi Leo Ahh, ok. I thought I may have got the term wrong. Sorry if I confused anyone! These are the sort of Evergreen products that I'm referring to: http://www.hobbylinc.com/evergreen-model-scratch-building-plastic-supplies Cheers and thanks Patrick
  7. Hi David Thanks for your question. Maybe I'm using the wrong term for it, but it's basically just a thin plastic sheet that I've bought from the local model shop. I think it's sold under the "Evergreen" label, or something like that! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  8. My condolences to your father's uncle. It seems that there are a number of strong family connections that some builders on this Forum have with their models, (such as Piet and others). It also comes as no surprise that others such as yourself are also similarly connected by tragedy and history. It just shows how how precious life is, as well as how small a world this really is!
  9. Hi Dennis Even inspite of your cold and the problems that you've come up against, you still manage to pull it all together! I've said it before, but I'll say it again...your AG is just marvellous! Well done and I'm glad that you're back in the shipyard again. Cheers Patrick
  10. I agree with Keith about starting the log. It's nice to see a model of such a beautiful ship being built; especially one that's traditional up top, but with a modern underbody. Can I also add that you must, must, must start logs of your warship models such as th AWD Brisbane. There's bound to be a whole bunch of guys ( me included) that'd relish the thought of seeing one of those builds come to life! All the best Patrick
  11. Hi Mike Very nice! I bet the RC gear can't wait until it's installed for the maiden voyage! All the best Patrick
  12. Thanks for the photos of the fibreglass construction. It's not a method I've ever tried, so it was good to see how it's done. I'll definitely be pulling up a chair to follow along. All the best Patrick
  13. Hi Tallshiptragic What a great subject for your build log. I will definitely follow along and enjoy your progress. One thing I noticed is that you've already progressed quite far into Leeuwin's construction. It'd be great to see how you built your fibreglass hull, ie did you make the mould, or did you buy it? The only reason I'm asking is because many of us would be interested to see how that process is done. If you can't, then that's ok, also. All the best Patrick
  14. Hi Carlos Really nice work so far! I'm going to look forward following along. All the best Patrick
  15. Hi Igor Absolutely incredible! Now, I can really see just how TINY your ship really is!! What's next? Surely you can't go smaller? Cheers Patrick
  16. Yep-I definitely agree with Igor, except that I would go one step further by adding that it's been my experience that the 'scraping blade' always results in a better finish. For instance, I often find that scraping just brings out the grains better than sandpaper, resulting in a far superior finish off less work. Worth the effort. But, as always, what works for one modeller may not necessarily work for another, so, it's a decision best left to the individual to decide which method works best.
  17. Hi Mike and Igor Yep, I agree, too. Pulling off a nice representation of the sea would add a nice shot of realism to the model. But, even if this weren't possible, it'd still look really nice in the bottle resting on a stand/cradle. All the best to you both! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi everyone Many thanks, as always to everyone who posted comments and Likes, i.e. Igor, Lawrence, Dennis, Matija, Mike, David, Cap'n'Bob, John and Row, etc! They're all greatly appreciated. Well, Rainbow's interior inches closer to completion. Tonight I finished the navigation station which is occupied by the navigator when racing. I've tried to show the navigation station in the photos below, but it's so small that'd you'd have to take my word for it! Trust me, it's there...it consists of a navigator's bench, a slanted work desk and some sundry shelving on the bulkhead wall above the slanted desk. On the stern deck, Rainbow has a large hatch, which eventually will be glued in the upright position to show the interior of the stern. at the moment, it's just temporarily shown in the upright position. I hope you enjoy the photos, so far. All the best! Patrick
  19. Hi everyone. Many thanks for all your compliments and Likes. I'll post some more photos of Rainbow's progress later on. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  20. Hi Igor Very nice and it must be very satisfying to see everything come together so nicely. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Bob Thanks for that comment about the fuzziness of the caulking because I was wondering the exact same thing. Nonetheless, it looks like it worked out really well. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Igor If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it!!!! Don't sneeze or it'll go flying off! Lovely work. Cheers Patrick
  23. Very nice, Mike. You should feel justifiably proud! Job well done.
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