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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Igor! I take my hat off to you. That's a masterful job you've done there. Wel done. Cheers Patrick
  2. Good work there, Lextin. She's looking really nice, with a beautiful hull shape and the way that you've gone about your planking is really nice as well. At the rate you're going, you'll be doing the masting and rigging in no time. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Igor Thanks for the offer, but I'd hate to put you to that much trouble. I'm still unsure if I'll even attempt to do the sails, but If I do, I probably could find something suitable locally. I think someone on the Forum suggested resume paper would be a good alternative and that could be obtained locally here.. Thanks for the offer, though! All the best Patrick
  4. Looking nice, Pete! I'm surprised at the amount of camber that's on there, though...or maybe that's the way it is. Either way, your ship's going to be a beauty. Will this one be Radio Controlled, or maybe free sailing like your first one? Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Igor Another amazing and TINY hull taking shape. This one's gonna be another beauty, for sure. I'll definitely be following along! All the best Patrick
  6. Hi Igor Thanks. I am actually tossing up about doing the sails. If I do, I have to figure out how to make them look realistic. The hardest thing is how to replicate the geometric patterns of the sail panels that are so characteristic of these modern sails. Perhaps I could draw them in using a ruler and light pencil. But then, what paper/cloth should I use? Any ideas??? Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Igor Thanks for the compliments about my updates. I do the same with your Atlantic log and a number of other build logs as well! The mast is made from three Evergreen plastic strips which I laminated together to form a thick strip. I then proceeded to shape it into the design that you see now. The cross-spreaders are just thin strips of plastic card which I've cut to shape. Tomorrow, I'll need to paint the mast and boom with a flat/semi-gloss silver colour to match the mast's colour of the actual boat seen in the photos. I hope this helps. Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  8. Hi Dennis Thanks! The mast goes all the way through the deck onto the keel; a distance of about 1.5 cms approximately. I must admit that the mast looks awfully tall, even for a J Class yacht, but I've checked and I'm satisfied that it is to scale. Perhaps, once the rigging's in place, it won't look so tall. As for the paint, it's Humbrol Gloss Black which has been applied by hand, using a brush. I've never used an air brush before. I have been tempted to buy one a few times, but I've never actually gone ahead and done it. As with any paint job, the secret's in the prep-work. In Rainbow's case, this involved lots of filling and sanding and swearing before the surface came good. I'm glad you liked the paint job, because the real boat has a wonderful mirror-like black gloss finish, which I was determined to replicate here. All the best and thanks once again! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi everyone Many, many thanks to everyone for all your comments, Likes and encouragement! Over the past few days, Rainbow has gained a few things. Firstly a rudder, then her auxiliary motor's propeller and most importantly, a brand spanking new mast and boom!!!! The mast and boom, of course need heaps of work before they look the part, but it's a start. I hope you enjoy the photos below. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Anton Those brass dead lights for the cabins really look darn good! Sometimes the easiest solution is often the best and this is surely one lesson I'll lock away for the future! Thanks Patrick
  11. Hi Dennis I'm not entirely sure why, but I keep coming back to this photo of the ice box. For some reason, your ice box looks so life-like that I fully expect to turn the handle and see bags of ice tumbling out of it, with maybe the odd frozen fish or two, as well. http://modelshipworld.com/uploads/monthly_03_2015/post-612-0-96415100-1426768198.jpg Now, that's the sign of a damn good model; one that gets the imagination going. Well done! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Dennis The wheelhouse is looking better and better all the time. Additionally, using a tube cutter to make the light-casings is a master stroke in ingenuity! They're looking great. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Nils Words can't describe just how masterful your work is. Brilliant stuff. Cheers Patrick
  14. Very nice job and wonderful details. Congratulations too, to Mrs Hartmut, your Admiral, for a great job on the sails, Hartmut. I hope you have rewarded her well?
  15. Hi Anton Thanks for that. I can't think of a better way to spend your time on leave doing something that you love. Way to go! Look forward to following along, so hopefully there'll be a few more at least until you get back to sea. All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Anton You're not only a talented painter, but also a very fast builder! At this rate, you'll be finished in no time. Will this ship take pride of place on display in your home, or is it destined to be gifted to the Leeuwin's owners? Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Cristiano Despite what you said above, your boat is still a beauty and only you (as the builder) would naturally be so critical. I guess we all do that with our own models. If it really bothers you, the opprtunity is there to make a new one and keep the existing one as stand alone display model. However, that'd be extra work for you. Either way, you're making great progress with your Polacre and I enjoy following your updates. All the best Patrick
  18. 12.5 inches is a nice size...not too big so as to take up a lot of room, yet not so small that your eyes will go gaga! Well done. She's looking great! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi everyone and thanks for your Likes, especially Mike, Anton, Bob, Michael, Nick, Matija, Mark and Piet for all your comments, advice and compliments. I'm a much happier boy tonight!!!! I made sure that I applied the masking tape and pressed it down firmly this time and it seemed to work far better. There is only a little bit of bleeding which can be easily dealt with. More importantly, the paint finish is smooth and shiny. I've tried to show how good the gloss looks in the photos below. I'm not sure if the camera has picked up the reflections bouncing off the gleaming hull well enough; but you get the idea. Up on the deck, I've also added the gloss black cap rail, which highlights the slim and streamlined shape of the hull when viewed from above. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi WEich1213 Many thanks for your compliments. Yes, it may seem difficult, but I just took things step by step and it all seemed to come together pretty well. But, you know what, it doesn't really matter, because at the end of the day, it's all about fun and relaxation. Thanks once again and all the best! Patrick
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