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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. beautiful Mario! I was relieved you wiggled the hull and it popped loose, I am pretty sure I would have a had a "now what" moment had I been building it. Have a great vacation!
  2. oh I love Carlsbad! I used to take my boys there boggy boarding every year when we lived in Calif. Hope you have a great vacation and take lots of pictures of San Salvador. I've been thinking of making a trip back there when to see her when they launch her. I'll be interested to hear about your trip when you get back.
  3. Beautiful work Mario!, I liked that method setting a curve in the roofing, thanks for the great photos you are taking of the engine! The engine is what I was most worried about doing, yours is coming out great!
  4. welcome to MSW Nenad! Cutty Sark is such a beautiful ship, definitely on my list to do one day. It looks like you are off to a good start and it like it might be quite a large model. What scale are you building to? I would love to build a really big model Cutty Sark. I will pull up a chair and watch.
  5. oh good! you've started. I am really looking forward to watching this beauty be built. go Bob
  6. beautiful work marsalv! really inspiring, I am pulling up a chair to watch.
  7. Hi Mario, the cabin is gorgeous I really like the arched window tops and the contrasting wood panels of the cabin
  8. Hi Mario I am really excited about your build log, you did a beautiful job! I was building this same kit a few years ago, when we moved cross country. all I have now is the mostly planked hull, the rest of the kit along with the plans and instructions went missing. I think I may be able to finish my model now by following your build log. Keep those photos coming please.
  9. thanks for the staining description Anja, that helps. now out to the shop to experiment.
  10. what a great idea, thanks Frank!
  11. Hi Anja I love the color you obtained on the last photo in your post. Could you tell me what stain you used and what wood you are using? I have often tried to get this exact color and so far haven't been able to nail it.
  12. Happy Birthday isalbert. Your work on Victory is amazing. What scale are you building at.
  13. Hi Piet, Happy belated birthday, I just found your build log and am exicited about following it, This is a great project, the sub in frame looks fabulous! Makes me think of trying one, I have always wanted to build a model of Jules Verne's Nautilus. You mentioned that you weren't going to say much about planking, I really wish you would though. I think it would be very interesting to hear about how you do it and the problems you may have to overcome with this hull shape. I am also really interested in how you will do your simulated steel plating. take care, john
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