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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. Beautiful, really like the color contrast between the planking and the wales.
  2. Looking good Bob! hey I like that foam insulation cradle you have your model resting in, I will have to give that a try.
  3. Hi Bankie, just found your build log today, very nice work on the decking. Am pulling up a chair to watch:)
  4. thanks for the tip on finishes Chris, Swiss Pear and tung oil. I will definitely be using those in future!
  5. I just found your build log Chris, WOW! I absolutely love the beautiful luminous color of the hull!! What wood did you use? Beautiful, beautiful work!!
  6. Hi Adrieke, Your build is looking very good and has me intrigued about card models. I really like the San Salvador. I am pulling up a chair to watch.
  7. Ilhan, I just came across your build log and have been looking at it in astonishment, what perfection!!! thanks for posting your build.
  8. drop dead gorgeous! thanks for posting this build Ed. My admiral my kill me for buying another book but I am going to have to buy yours. If only you could package your talent and include it. thanks for the picture of your shop as well, it's a very organized setup.
  9. marsalv, good call on replacing the belaying pins, yours are sooo much better, the bilge pumps are a work of art!
  10. she's looking really good Bob, I love the chart on the table!
  11. Wow! you are doing a great job, love the hammock nettings! But I have to agree with what has already been mentioned, you are killing me with so few pictures. go Harley go. Glad your recent accident with Syren wasn't worse.
  12. Harley, the picture you included of your Syren is stunning! I found your build log now and am really impressed and glad you didn't suffer worse damage with your recent ooopps. It happens to us all for sure, That Murphy guy never sleeps and he has so much fun at my house. I have thought about posting this story since it happened but was never sure where to post it, it fit so many of the different topics. It could have gone under, worst thing that has happened to you. But no, it wasn't worse than than the time I cut the tip of my index finger off. Or it could have gone under, things you hate to do, who is the most untidy builder, why do builds fail. It was a perfect storm. A perfect Murphy storm. I was working on a model of the galleon San Salvador. One bug-a-boo of modeling to me is drafting frames. Hate it. I had drafted the frames from the stern to mid-ships and was in the process of making the frames. My admiral came in to the shop one day and looked at the 20 gallon fish aquarium over my build bench and mentioned that might be a disaster waiting to happen. I think, "nah" but it begins to worry me so I decide to drain the aquarium and move it out of my shop. Naturally you move everything away from the area before you begin to drain the aquarium. After bailing out most of the water I am carrying the aquarium, when my untidiness catches up with me, trip spill. Where? Of course, onto where I moved the frame drafts to. Lovely. What are the counter tops in my shop made of? Medium density fiberboard, which just loves to soak up water. It was truly a dismal moment.
  13. Congratulations Mario, this is such an interesting boat and came out so great! It's really been fun and exciting to follow along!
  14. Juan, your work is perfection, loved the stern windows and the color you painted them.
  15. thanks Mario, glad the info you found was on the net, I was afraid I was going to be saving up for some expensive books.
  16. Looks great Mario, I really like the rigging. What books did you use for researching the rig?
  17. It's looking really good Mark, love the shape of that hull.
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