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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. Nils, your last two posts of photos were absolutely breathtaking! Thanks so much for posting your build log, it was a real treat to see photos of your beautiful model. As others have mentioned you now have a following of modelers addicted to seeing photos of your work. I am eager for you to start your next build log! john
  2. ah, the joys of edge bending. On my current build I wanted to edge bend the main rail. I made a jig that worked quite well. First I took a piece of pine board and traced the shape of the rail on it. then I added a bit more curvature to allow for springback. After I cut the jig to shape I ran it through my table saw edgeways to saw a groove in it that was a little less than the width of the rail. Next, steam bend the rail. Lastly place the steamed plank in the jig and clamp it in. I allowed it to dry overnight and the next day had a nicely bent rail. As it turned out I had allowed for more springback than there actually was but still it glued up just fine.
  3. looking really good Dick, your half hull came out so awesome, it's exciting to follow your build!
  4. Peter, I just love this boat! Your doing beautiful work, that rudder came out so good. Keep those pictures coming I am really enjoying your build.
  5. Hi Kimberley, good plan to go study the models at the Manitowoc Museum. I think studying other peoples models has helped me to improve my own more than anything else. I've never been to the museum there so I will be interested in hearing about and seeing some photos. have fun!
  6. Hi John, try your local Woodcraft store, there is one in the Boston area at 313 Montvale Ave Woburn, MA. They sell full size lumber but also have a nice selection of modeling size wood in several species of hardwood. For brass rod I don't think you can beat the selection offered by Sprue Brothers. http://www.spruebrothers.com/ they also ship your order amazingly fast.
  7. Pilar is an interesting boat that is on my list of must builds. I will look forward to following your build.
  8. Really beautiful work on such an interesting vessel! I just love Dutch ship & boats. The colors you've chosen are perfect!
  9. What a great mode!! Nils, your metal working is amazing and gorgeous! Thanks for posting this build log. I am looking forward to seeing more. john
  10. What a great mode!! Nils, your metal working is amazing and gorgeous! Thanks for posting this build log. I am looking forward to seeing more. john
  11. the repair is a triumph Sherry! I love you technique for making vines & leaves.
  12. oh Sherry!! it just made my heart hurt for you when I read your post. I know too well that sickening crash and crack sound. I am glad you are already working on fixing the damage, and that it is fixable. Your model is coming along so beautifully. best of luck with the repairs! john
  13. hope all goes well with the shoulder surgery Mark. the masts look great.
  14. Hi Wes, I am glad you are building Essex she is my favorite frigate, a real beauty and on my list of have to builds. I am very interested in your hull framing approach!
  15. Congrats on finishing another interesting build Bob, she looks great!
  16. Lettie G. is a real beauty Bob, I am looking forward to following your build of her!
  17. Hi Mati, I just found your build log and am amazed at your work! I love this era of Dutch ships and I think this is the best model of one I have ever seen. Very inspiring. Will be watching your progress eagerly. Thanks for doing this build log.
  18. Hi all, I needed to machine the top to the boiler on the steam launch I am building and stumbled onto a perfect material to use. I used an old PVC cap and was really pleased with how easy it was to turn in my Unimat lathe. It's soft and easy to machine but holds nice detail. Just thought I would pass it on.
  19. Hi Bill, for my two cents I would go with Confederacy. I like Model Shipways kits best, and of the three kits you listed it is the largest scale. For me, working in less than 1:72 scale is too tiny. I do agree with Andy though, for your first build I would take on a less expensive model, Syren would be an excellent choice. But if Confederacy is the one calling to you. go for it. The most important thing is that you love the vessel you are building.
  20. Hi John, your bireme is looking good! I am looking forward to following your build!
  21. looks real good Clair, I like your technique for making the paddle wheel rims.
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