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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. Looks great Bob! that is such a pleasing looking vessel. If my admiral sees that I will be building one for her as well.
  2. thanks for the tip on the humbrol paint Mario, the teacup is unbelievable, you really are a master at detailing!
  3. beautiful build Juan, your detailing is great. I love the cabin with lights, looks very good!
  4. Mario that engine is just amazing! How long did it take you to build just that part? I love all the extra details you have put in like the candle lantern. Your paint job on the stack is so good, it really looks like it has seen a lot of heat. How did you do your painting of it? glad you are back from vacation.
  5. Hi Mario, Hope you had a great vacation, glad you are back, I was getting antsy for the next installment on this build. I just love the looks of this boat, I ordered a kit for myself from Scott yesterday:)
  6. the hull came out looking real good Bob. I like your framing method, looks like that would work great for making multiple hulls.
  7. Alan, what an interesting history. I look forward to following your build.
  8. Marsalv, those gun carriages are just beautiful! such precise work!
  9. Hi Ray, thanks for the info on the black line and tip on wood to use. she looks beautiful!
  10. Hi Ray, I just found your log today, you are doing a magnificent job! I really admire the top and butt planking you did on the gundeck. I think I may have gone a little crazy doing it. Was it as difficult as it looks? Your coppering came out great! Is the black line at the top of the coppering, tape or a batten? I have wanted to do coppering like that before but was afraid I would make a botch of cutting the angles on the plates and wind up with a serrated looking line. Yours came out so good I want to give it try next time I have to copper. I haven't built a model with quarter galleries yet. Yours are perfection. ok you are 3 for 3 in things I have thought too difficult, I will pay the extra for a front row seat on this one. good job Ray!
  11. Hi Sherry the cabin detail is just great, you did an awesome job.
  12. Hi Jan, I just found your build log, wow... this is beautiful work! I can't believe the detail you are accomplishing at this scale, your figures are glorious! looking forward to following your build. best wishes
  13. Hi Thanasis, I really like that black and white photo at the first of your log. What an interesting vessel. You've done a beautiful job on your planking and the stealers in it. I liked your phrase "new era" for your stage of modeling. I also am entering my own new era, my next build will be my first since retiring. best wishes
  14. Looks good Bob, I like that method of laying out your frames. This is going to be a fun build to follow!
  15. oh Mario, this is such a great looking and unique model, you have done an amazing job on it. Are you going to do a build log on the larger scale model of this vessel that you build next?
  16. Robynn, my hat is off to you for taking on this re-work on your model. I know that would have been the kiss of death for me and the model would been assigned a berth on wreckers row. You have inspired me to have a look at some of my unfinished models and see if there are any that can be salvaged. But then you casually say you enjoy ratlines... I have no reply to that. Talk about the right stuff! go Robynn go.
  17. Oh thank goodness for your reply Michael. Matthew it was killing me that you might be going to burn that beautiful wood pile or throw it out. If I had a wood pile like that I would probably go out and talk to it everyday. (I have a thing for wood, can you tell.) I was wondering if it might work good for carving lifts for a bread and butter build?
  18. oh the engine is coming out beautiful! how did you achieve the diamond plate finish on the copper? Enclosing under the seat is definitely more classy.
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