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Posts posted by Karleop

  1. Hola TomJonas


    I did not have the intention to stain the blocks but as you mention could be a good idea.


    About the masts, if you have a Dremel and something like my base it is really easy. (see post #49) First you begin with one side and lowering the sanding roll very carefully until you get the desired height, then you have a flat surface so you can work the opposite side without problem.  But be careful, you must to begin just touching it with the sanding roll and then lowering the roll step by step.  Finally take a little piece of wood that has square section and use it as a guide to sand the adjacent side and proceed as before to have the opposite side.


    The interior of the gunports was indeed some problem at first but then it was really easy.  Of course it could be much more easy if I do that before the planking, but I did´t. 


    Saludos, Karl

  2. Hola Rich,


    I agree with you, having enough spares and keeping them is essential to this hobby.  In any of my models it was necessary to have replacements of planks, deadeyes, blocks, etc.  Fortunately in the Constructo and Artesania Latina they give you some extras of everything,  I already used some of them for the Vasa building.  Now I have 3 boxes full of spares, and counting!!


    Saludos, Karl

  3. Hola a todos:


    Finally I decided to place the gunports for the cannons. Initially I had no plan to add the rear (holding) ropes and put only the ones that are in the front, because I had not a clear idea how to do it. The solution was to dip the yarn in diluted white glue and dry it vertically until hardened.




    To put the door in place, and having the hole for the yarn ready, the operation was very simple.





  4. Hola TomJonas


    Welcome to another BB Vasa builder!!


    Answering you questions:

    To stain the hull I used an alcohol based Oak stain and for the masts and spars a mix of Magnolia (more yellowish and clearer color) and Walnut, both alcohol based wood stain.  After 24 hr I used #600 sandpaper and then varnished it with  Poliurethane clear SATIN varnish.  Finally I made a last sanding with very fine sandpaper (#1500) and then rub the pieces with a clotton cloth.


    About your question to Frank "I missed making the interior of the gunports before planking".  At first I didn´t do them because I wasn´t sure if it was worth all that work for a boat that was in bad shape when I acquired it.  But when I finished the planking I decided to do the the interior of the gunports, not in a perfect and regular way, but only doing the holes, then squared them with a file and finally introducing little pieces of planks with the hole the size of the cannons base and the width of the gunport, add some white glue and holding them with a plastic coated wire (the one used to close the bread bags).  The results were quite acceptable.  Here some pictures:




    To paint the plastic figures first I sprayed with white undercoat and for the colors I used "Multisurface" Acrylic pain:




    For the hull I didn´t use wood fillers but I used one to simulate the treenails (that were not done in the model when I acquired it), make the holes and use a syringe to introduce the filler (combined with a small quantity of black acrylic paint to make it darker and more fluid)




    Saludos, Karl




  5. Hola Rich, I completely agree with Augie about the little things that makes the whole wonderful and mainly the self satisfaction for a job well done.


    By the other side I remember a comment that Ulises made some time ago in this forum:  is very frustrating when a person come to my house, see one of my models, and after a glance made the comment "very nice" for a work that take me months to build!!!


    Saludos and continue with your very nice work,  Karl



  6. Hi guys,  a little update.


    I finished with the bowsprit shrouds. 




    I must say that instead of using the white thread that comes with the kit to make the ratlines I substitute it with a light brown or beige color cotton thread. This was acquired in a fabric store and is named as "crochet thread"  that comes in three thicknesses: 10, 20 or 30.  I used number 30 that is the thinner one.  




    By the way, it is less fuzzy (?) than the one that comes with the kit. (lower one in the next picture)




    Saludos, Karl

  7. Hola amigos:


    After sanding, staining and varnishing the masts and spars I started to assemble the bowsprit placing the topmast, masts, blocks and tops.


    post-797-0-37219300-1401737930_thumb.jpg, post-797-0-44799800-1401737963_thumb.jpg



    Because deadeyes are partially tucked into the top I decided to make the shrouds separately because otherwise it would be more difficult to hold them.




    To put the shrouds between the masts I leave unglued the topmast cap.  This operation is contrary to the normal way of doing it.




    Saludos, Karl

  8. Thanks for your comments Mark, David and Matti.


    As I already mention in some place, all kits I built had some imperfections, some in materials, some on instructions, or both, and this is part of the game. In reference to the BB Vasa I must say, that comparing with the original, is the more accurate kit of the ship and in general the materials are very good. My complaint is for the lack of clarity in instructions and mainly because the drawings included in the booklet show differences to the plans(e.g. positions and number of deadeyes on the chainboards, scale of topmasts)


    Update: I made the first upper topmast leaving space for the shrouds and with only 2 instead of 3 rings:







  9. Hola amigos!


    After a week out of town I resume my building.  First of all, thanks to Matti because he confirms that the instructions Manual is wrong (again) in respect of the topmasts because the thickness of them does not correspond to the scale of the real ship. Curiously in the plans appear correct and is easy to see that the plans do not correspond to the kit.


    Unfortunately I already made the lower topmasts of the  foremast and the main mast according the Manual but I will follow Matti in putting only 2 instead of the 3 rings  that come in the kit to the other topmasts.  It will be necessary to make and adjust the size of all the pieces that hold the rings but I don´t think will be a problem.




    Knowing the above I proceed to make sure if the other topmasts fits properly to the masts.  And the first thing to notice was that there were not enough space to enter the shrouds and it was necessary to lime the pieces as shown in the next pictures:




    Saludos, Karl

  10. Hola Matti, seeing your topmasts I confirm that the instructions in the Manual are wrong (not so in the plans that the high appear correct).  Unfortunately I already made the lower topmasts of the  foremast and the main mast according the Manual but I will follow your idea of putting only 2 instead of the 3 rings  in the other topmasts.  It will be necessary to make and adjust the size of all the pieces that hold the rings but I don´t think will be a problem.


    From now on I will wait your building progress before continuing!!


    Saludos, Karl

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