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Posts posted by Karleop

  1. Hola,


    Indeed the Vasa story is outstanding! I remember you (Matti) passed the direction of the Swedish TV where you could see the story on film. Unfortunately you can not do it anymore in that channel but on Youtube it is possible to see the same movie in Swedish or French. Either way and even without understanding the language the movie is very good.




    Saludos, Karl

  2. Hi guys:


    Before placing the railing, putting the cannons and/or their ports I decided to start with the masts.


    To accomplished this, the first thing was to find the different parts of each mast and figure out  what piece was for each section, that’s because for some of them, there are no indications on the instructions or in the list of materials and was necessary to cut some of the pieces.


    Having done this, I proceed to make the mast caps, which by the way, the material for the smaller ones was missing. My last step was to file the parts of the masts to get square sections in places where tops go.




    Saludos, Karl


  3. Hola!!


    Now that I'm finishing with the port side chainboards, I've noticed that the number of holes for deadeyes and blocks of the middle one (main mast) mismatch between plan and drawings of the instruction manual. In fact I realized this because the number of chains appear to be insufficient.


    Plan; with 12 chains and marked with an X the one added incorrectly.



    Figure in the Manual:  with 11 chains and marking with an arrow the correct place based on the 1:10 Model that is in the Vasa museum.



    By the way, one thing I've observed in this BB kit is that the number of pieces is the minimum required and not as in other brands where they place extra additional pieces to replace defective parts or inaccurate counts  in case you need them. In fact in this BB kit I have had to replace some of the wooden planks and wire because they were not enough.


    Saludos, Karl

  4. Ahhh, that explains everything  :o  :o In my case my sons did´t live with us and we don´t have cats, so, my "only" problem is the dust.


    By the way, and thanking your opinion of my last picture, we have besides the Sonora-Arizona desert one of the nicest bay in the world (named by National Geographic Magazine)






  5. Hola Ulises, this can be named as "The strange case of the missing plank"   :D  :D  :D


    Seeing your picture I think I found the mystery, there was in the plank I mark red:




    I do not know how advanced are you in the planking, but probably you can take off part of it and repeated again.




  6. That's Rich, this is precisely what I learned with the first boat I did, the HMS Pandora (Constructo), which I had to redo some things because they did not coincide with later steps. Unfortunately the problems in the clarity of the instructions are rather the rule rather than exceptions.  Actually I find more than 50 errors and sent them to Constructo in order to make the appropriate corrections but their answer was that they had already discontinued this model. 


    Something similar occurred with the kits I made from Artesania Latina and now with Billing Boats.


    As you say, main thing to learn:  go much further in the instructions to see if the piece you are cutting or gluing are where they must be and not interfere with other pieces later. 


    Saludos, Karl

  7. Hola Matti, the gun ports look very nice and as you mention, they look much more natural. Probably I will copy you in this matter  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:​  


    I would like to add that the reason why I started with the placement of chainboards and deadeyes before installing the gunports was because some of them (open) lay exactly in front of the chains and placing them afterwards would be complicated.  But with your solution this will be no problem.  Nice!!


    Saludos, Karl

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