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  1. καλημερα Χρηστο. Δεν ξερω αν το γνωριζεις, αλλα ο Παντιας εδω και ενα χρονο περιπου ειναι ο Πρεσβης μας στο Παρισι. Αν τυχει να πας καμια φορα εκει, τηλεφωνα του στη Πρεσβεια, ειμαι σιγουρος οτι θα χαρει να σε δει. Για τα μοντελα, μπραβο! Δηλαδη οταν λες 6-10 μ.Χ. αιωνα, τι ακριβως πλοια ειναι αυτα? Και το Sir Winston Churchill ποιο πλοιο ειναι? Εγω βρηκα και παρηγγειλα, αλλα η κατασκευη θα περιμενει για οταν θα ειμαι Κυπρο γιατι εδω δεν εχω τα εργαλεια μου, το καραβι της Κερυνειας. Ειναι απο μια κινεζικη εταιρεια (απο ολο τον κοσμο, μονο οι κινεζοι εβγαλαν τετοιο κιτ) και το κιτ ειναι εξαιρετικο! Θα συνεχισω να παρακολουθω την προοδο του L'Hermione. Αν καμια φορα ερθεις κατα Βελιγραδι, μη διστασεις να μου τηλεφωνησεις. καλη συνεχεια
  2. γεια σου Χρηστο. επεστρεψα απο Κυπρο την περασμενη εβδομαδα. Δυστυχως δεν τα καταφερα να ερθω Λεμεσο να βρεθουμε. Καποια αλλη φορα. εξαιρετικη η δουλεια σου! Συγχαρητηρια. Ειναι το πρωτο ξυλινο μοντελο που φτιαχνεις? Εγω ασχολουμαι κυριως με πλαστικα (εκανα και 2 ξυλινα) αν και εχω και σημαντικο στοκ απο ξυλινα (υγεια και χρονια να εχω να τα τελειωσω). καλη συνεχεια, Κωνσταντινος
  3. hi Gordon, I think by now you must have solved your problem but if not, I am also currently building the Victory at the same scale (Revell). Which company is your model? I could maybe help you. As for the rigging, if it's the actual thread that is missing, then you can just buy a coupe of spools at any hobby shop.
  4. hi, I apologize for the very dealyed reply but I just now saw your post. I built the La Reale de France from Heller 4-5 years ago. I don't recall there were any parts missing in the kit. Recently, a few months ago actually, I was building the Saint Louis from Revell and there were a couple of parts missing. I wrote to Revell, and although they replied, it was just to inform me that the specific kit was sold out and the missing parts could not be replaced.
  5. γεια σου Χρηστο. πολυ καλη δουλεια. Μπραβο. θα παρακολουθω την προοδο. οταν θα ερθω Κυπρο το καλοκαιρι θα ηταν ισως αμοιβαια ωφελιμο να κανονισουμε να βρεθουμε, ειτε Λ/σια ειτε Λ/σο, να τα πουμε λιγο και να ανταλλαξουμε μοντελιστικες εμπειριες. καλη δουλεια.
  6. hi UV. Just went quickly through your log. Great work! I will try to keep an eye on it:). Just for information, Mamoli went out of business due to a fire at their factory. It's a pitty. I liked their models
  7. gia sou ksana Stergie pantos prohoras arketa grigora. to log sou fenete oti parakolouthite apo arketous pou sou dinoun ke arketes simvoules.# kali sinehia ke kali doulia
  8. gia sou Stergie. Molis tora ida to log sou. Teliose telika to montello i akoma to doulevis? Constantinos
  9. Κωστα, τωρα ειδα το post σου για το Nepomuceno.Για πρωτο ξυλινο μοντελο που φτιαχνεις , η δουλεια σου ειναι εξαιρετικη! το τελειωσες εν τω μεταξυ απο περυσι η ακομη το φτιαχνεις? Εγω αυτη τη στιγμη φτιαχων το Oseberg (πλοιο των Βικινγκς) της Αματι. Εκανα κι εγω καποια λαθη αλλα ευτυχως δεν φαινονται και τοσο. Επισης κανω πολλα πλαστικα μοντελα (μονο πλοια 17ου - 18ου αιωνα). Ειμαι μελος του IPMS Cyprus. Αν θες βρες το στο facebook. Εχω ποσταρει αρκετα απο τα μοντελα μου. Ασ κρατησουμε επαφη, αν το θες κι εσυ βεβαιως. καλη συνεχεια, Κωνσταντινος
  10. nice work so far VU. I'm sure once finished it will be a lovely model. I'll be following your log as often as I can. As for the work space, I am lucky to have a larger workhsop than you. My problem is exposing the models (in their cases) once finished.
  11. hi Marc although you already made your order, another site to have in mind (it's in France) which is very well stocke in all sorts of woods such as samba, red cedar, oregon pine, mahogany etc (including dowels) in various shapes and diameters is www.multimatieres.fr Constantinos
  12. interesting idea. it would be nice to have both the ship itself, the cross section and the book displayed together!
  13. hi Eddie. I don't knwo if my input will really help you but I hope it does. I very recently built (plastic, Life Like models) the Natchez Mississippi river packet. I painted all the railings matt white, the 2 main decks light brown (Humbrol No 97 if I remember correctly) and the main upperstructure green (Humbrol No 47). the 4 chimney stacks matt red (Humbrol 10 I think). of course probably the Natchez had a singular paint set. I tried to research it before starting to paint but couldn't find any information. If in doubt, I suggest you paint all the railings white, you leave everything else in natural wood. The chimney stacks in black and the paddle wheel either white or matt red. Hope I was of help.
  14. Hi guys can anybody help me with a problem I have with uploading pictures in the Completed kit models sectipn? I tried several times to upload pictures (jpg), one by one, following the instructions on the topic, but I keep getting the message that the file is too big to upload! Not being a computer whiz, I don't know how to solve the problem. thanks in advance for the help!
  15. as others said, there is no miracle soution to the problem and we all , to a lesser or greater degree, face it what I discovered is that acrylic stains (being water based) tend to not adhere to CA glues. It would be perhaps better (combined with other remedies you and others suggested) to use solvent based stains which have a much better adhereence (although that would not make the blotching disappear entirely).
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