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Everything posted by shipaholic

  1. Hi Mike The standing part is attached to the yardarm. Here is a pic from Lees "Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War" Also a pic from the AL Endeavour instructions, and a pic of my dusty old AL Endeavour showing the rope attached to the yard arm like shown in Longridge's "Anatomy of Nelsons Ships". Note that single blocks are used on the yard arm. The AOTS has double blocks for some reason . Its also interesting how the full size replica Endeavour vessel has the jeers set up differently with three single blocks Cheers Steve
  2. Hi Mike Re your question about slings, according to Lees slings came into use around 1773 Cheers Steve
  3. I spent most of the weekend making the main stay and main preventer stay, lots of worming and serving. I am doing a collar around the bowsprit like the replica vessel for the mainstay. Very fiddly work doing the seizings with the collar in-situ
  4. Hi Pat, yes I see what you mean, I just looked at my AL Endeavour and those trestle trees are really small. I also notice that only the two aft top gallant shrouds are rigged, then I looked at the AL instructions and that's what they say.
  5. Thanks Pat looks like between the other Steve and myself we have answered your question. You must be using too thick a thread if it wont fit through the holes. I have been very careful to get the scale of my rope right and I am surprised how thin the mizzen lower shrouds are, and thats at 1:51 scale. They look thick in the photo I just posted but they are only 0.75mm. Steve
  6. Mizzen shrouds made and ready to get installed. I made the rope on my elcheapo ropewalk and served them on my wonderful Domanov serving machine.
  7. On the subject of serving the topgallant shrouds I have found the following. Here is a diagram from Darcy Lever's "Young Sea Officers Sheet Anchor" which shows the shrouds only served where they reeve through the trestle trees, also a pic of the Endeavour replica showing the same setup. Lets go with this.
  8. Thanks Mike, yes I have done the seizing as you described, that last pic is on the port side with the tail end seized aft of the shroud.
  9. Yes Paul, that's because all the different versions of Endeavours stern are different people's interpretations of the one and only sketch of the stern by Sidney Parkinson Cheers Steve
  10. Still working on the shrouds, finished the main lower shrouds. Spent today making the rope and serving the mizzen shrouds. Here's a pic of the last deadeye turned in for the main shrouds.
  11. Hi Mike I can't find in any of the books I have that describes the fore top gallant shroud being served. They probably were for the same reason as the topmost and lower shrouds shrouds were - to prevent chafing by the sails. I will serve mine. I will stop pointing out faults in the AOTS, people treat it like the bible and get offended I think. Cheers Steve
  12. Hi Pat Yes you are correct, I just read the section in Lees, the top gallant futtock shrouds were seized to the futtock stave. It also says that dead eyes were not used after 1719. That was my main problem with the AOTS - I don't think thimbles and lashing on the top gallant shrouds is correct Cheers Steve
  13. Thanks Mike yes its interesting how each of us develop our own methods to achieve something. Whilst on the subject of the shrouds; Another one where I believe the AOTS is completely wrong. Marquardt states in his commentary that Endeavour had two topmast backstays because Cook wrote in his Journal that both backstays broken - hello! I think Cook might have meant both the starboard and port one. He has changed the size of the main mast deadeyes in his drawings to suit his argument. If you look at both of the original draughts there is only one small deadeye for the topmast backstay whereas AOTS shows two small deadeyes. Also (correct me if I'm wrong anyone) AOTS shows the wrong arrangement for the topgallant shrouds. The topgallant shrouds are led through holes in the trestle trees down around the futtock staves and down to the top where they are lashed to an eye secured around the lower topmast deadeyes. I think you guys must hate me for pointing out faults with AOTS, sorry Cheers Steve
  14. I bought some of the Syren cleats, they are better than the ones I made manually because they are laser cut and therefore uniform in shape. I am currently fitting the main shrouds.
  15. Great work Mike, yes the macro shots show detail you can't see with the naked eye and sometimes looks crap but you stand back from your model and think, **** that looks real! Cheers Steve
  16. Thanks Mike I am still deciding which way to go with the mainstay, I could be wrong but I think the replica vessel is the correct way, so I will probably do it like that, a collar around the bowsprit. I was going to do it like the AOTS and have even fitted a large eyebolt, but have changed my mind as I cannot find any reference other than the AOTS describing mainstay collars secured to eye bolts in the deck Cheers Steve
  17. I finally finished the foremast futtock shrouds today, then I started serving the mainmast shrouds.
  18. Thanks Mike The rope I used for the futtock shrouds and catharpins is the medium size dark brown thread supplied with the partwork, served. In the partwork instructions it's listed as 0.5mm thread Steve
  19. I managed to get some time on the ship today. I finished the foremast catharpins and started making the futtock shrouds.
  20. Hi Dave Nice work on the hinges. You may have already thought of this but for the smaller hatches I made the hinges by looping brass wire around a nail in a piece of wood and then flattening the brass by lightly hammering it. Cheers Steve
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