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    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all,
    Thanks for the likes.
    I've carried on working on the tops, masts, and I've turned the yards. At the moment, I've put them in place using loom bands (courtesy of my daughter), which helps me to keep tabs of which yards I've turned, and which I still need to do. Some of them still have the stubs on each end where the lathe was clamped, but most of them (due to lack of excess dowel) were cut precisely to length.
    Detailing on tops:

    Jibboom and bowsprit:

    Yards ready to be turned

    Yards so far... (all over the place, but at least roughly in place on the masts to help me remember which I've already done)

    You can see I've begun putting some detail on the first yard (cleats and blocks), as per below. I also went over the rigging plan and marked the different types of sheets / lines with different colours to try and make it a little clearer.
    Detailing the yards...

    I'm hoping to get all the blocks onto the yards before they're attached to make the whole process somewhat simpler.
    Take care
  2. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all,
    Thanks for the likes.
    A little progress on the masts, tops and crosstrees:
    Fore top detailing (I ran out of the walnut strip, but I've got some more on order from Cornwall Model Boats)

    In the meantime I started making up the crosstrees:


    I finally managed to drill some passable mast caps by drilling from both sides, and added some detailing to the fore and main masts:

    And the progress so far...

    Having made it through the frustration of making the mast caps (which was a patience-building exercise as I seemed to lack the ability to drill a simple hole no matter how many ways I tried!), it's all going quite well again
    Happy building
  3. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all,
    Thanks for the likes. Progress is slow as the ratlines are tied. With a bit of help from my brother I've completed the ratlines on the mizzen and main masts. I've been using a printed out sheet with lines the right spacing apart (I make it 6mm), which has made it much less tiring on the eyes than when I did Pickle.


    Happy building
  4. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  5. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all,
    I've started work on the foremast and foretop.



    It's all dry-fitted at the moment, and the top has more detail to go on. I want to try and assemble the whole mast, dry-fitted before the mast is stepped.
    More soon
  6. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Hi all!
    Thanks for the kind words Don.
    I've done a little more work on the launch:
    I added a tiller from brass rod (painted with Caldercraft Walnut acrylic paint)... I also used this walnut paint to paint along the edges of the ply wales. I added the wale strips (4mm below the wale) from 1x1 walnut strip. Then painted in the 4mm band with blue acrylic (Humbrol 25), and added the brass etch gilding.


    You can see a small spot on the rear corner where the blue needs touching up. Otherwise, I'm very happy with the results I'm planning to put some matt varnish on the brass to stop it tarnishing.
    Still to do: I need to add the rowlocks, oars (waiting for my new lathe to arrive - yes, I finally took the plunge and have bought a Proxxon DB250 - and "benches".
    I've spent a couple of hours drawing up individual plans for each of the mast sections ready to start shaping them. I'm creating these from the plans, and then I'll take a look at AOTS and see if there are any changes I want to make. They're not to scale, but they do give some idea of how those masts are going to be built up. It also begins to give me some idea of where caps, crosstrees, tops and masts meet, and how they're going to go together.


    Thanks again for the likes and kind words. Such an encouragement!
    Happy building
  7. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from hexnut in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  8. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Thanks Per,
    I had a look through your builds - just beautiful I think my dad would have approved. It's certainly making Caroline look more like I know he would have intended.
    Thanks to everyone who looks and 'likes'!
    I've made some progress since my last post. The mainmast shrouds are complete, I've added various stays, and begun the topmast shrouds. Along with the topmast shrouds come the futtock shrouds... Not my favourite thing I have to say, but perhaps I'll like them more as I get more used to doing them.
    Anyway - here are some pictures of the shrouds and ratlines going on...
    The foretopmast shrouds and ratlines

    Maintopmast shrouds, futtock shrouds and ratlines being put on... I find it hard to stop the deadeyes twisting when I'm rigging it up... don't know whether anyone has any wisdom or cunning suggestions to avoid that? It looks worse on this shot, because the masking tape's pulling them even further out of line, but it illustrates the problem...

    I've also added shrouds to the foretopgallant - something I see in the "Period Model Shipbuilding' book, but don't see on the model plans - They seemed to be a realistic addition, so here they are..

    It's all progress, as long as I can straighten up those deadeyes... a target for this evening, I think.
    Finally, here's a picture of progress so far...

    Thanks again for all the encouragement.
    Happy building
  9. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from dj.bobo in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  10. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Pete_P in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  11. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from GuntherMT in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  12. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from cristikc in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    So... as others have said before it's harder to get decent photos of the rigging underway... but I've worked my way through it, and here are the results...


    Really pleased with how it's turned out. Just need to get it back to my mum's house, now... Plenty of bubble wrap, blankets, made-to-measure boxes and some smooth driving are called for :S
    Thanks so much for the advice, encouragement, suggestions and likes! It makes a big difference!
  13. Like
    robdurant reacted to rafine in Granado by rafine - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Work is now well underway on the upper hull planking. I have done the starboard side and am working on the port side. The work has consisted of planking to completion above the wales and adding the three strakes of base planking for the wales.
    The planking is being done with boxwood strip from Crown. The caulking is simulated using pencil on one side and end of each plank. Where necessary, the planks were bent using soaking in boiling water. Most of the planks are beveled on one edge to assure a tight fit. Treenailing is simulated using the drill and fill method, using walnut filler in #75 holes. Both the planking layout and the treenail pattern generally follow those shown in the AOTS Granado book.
    I expect to be working on the port side all of this coming week.

  14. Like
    robdurant reacted to Chuck in Queen Anne Style Royal Barge by Chuck - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:24   
    I thought I would give a little status update on this side project.   As some of you know I am working on two new complete kits for Syren...
    One is of a 1/2" scale Royal navy barge circa 1700.  I am trying to push the envelope a bit with my design concepts and the laser cutter.   It will look like the contemporary model below but actually be almost exactly like the Queen Anne style barge shown in the Kriegstein collection.  Those that have the Seawatch book should check it out.  This will be a fully framed little model and I am very excited about it.  I am building off of the design concept I used for the long boat and pinnace but taking it a bit farther.  I hope these photos will give you a sufficient idea about the scope/concept of the project.  This is a big barge model at over 20" long.
    I am fortunate to have found someone who is an excellent model builder who will build the prototype for me as it is designed.   Unfortunately there is just not enough time in the day for me to build everything I design.  He will be starting a build log shortly as I get a little further with the design.   Many of you know him and will enjoy his build log as you have enjoyed his others.  This project is a long, long way from being released but I thought I would show you what we are working on in addition to the many other projects.  It also shows you how Syren will bring new projects to market without having to wait for me to build the entire model.   I will be concentrating on finishing the Cheerful and then continuing with the Winchelsea.   At the same time I will be collaborating with others to bring you folks additional stuff!!! 
    There are no deadlines for these projects...they will get done when they get done.  It is more important that these projects are the best possible within my limits of experience and expertise and they will never be rushed to market.   I will however keep you guys updated.   The last thing the hobby needs are more sub-par ship model projects and kits.  I apologize for the longer development times compared to others.  I hope its not too frustrating.








  15. Like
    robdurant reacted to realworkingsailor in HMS Diana by realworkingsailor (Andy) - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Hello again everyone, and thanks for all the likes and comments.
    Time for a small update. I've been busy lately with the gun ports. I was reasonably satisfied with the layout on the starboard side, so I decided to start hacking them out. It's not 100% accurate, but it will be one of those things that separates my build from everyone else's. 
    As has been identified by other builders, the forward gun ports cut through two of the bulkheads. For my approach, I decided to laminate leftover pieces of first planking in order to build up the thickness and support the bulkhead extensions. For the first layer, I offset the planking by starting with only a half width plank to improve the overlap between layers and make for a stronger structure. So far no observed issues and the bulkhead extensions appear to have retained some strength.
    I've also made a stab at the lower counter. The instructions say to simply plank the area, but I read in Jason's log where he created a template. I used some 1/32" basswood sheet I had kicking around to create my own version.
    Moving on, I need to verify all the port side gun ports to ensure things line up as closely as possible before cutting them out. I've had to redraw the forward ones a couple of times already. But I'd rather waste sand paper and a pencil lead and re-do it as many times as needs be!
    Any day now I should receive my order from Crown Timberyard as well as my first order of replacement bits! Can't wait!

  16. Like
    robdurant reacted to GDM67 in HMS Naiad 1797 by GDM67 - 1:60 - using Ed Tosti Books   
    Good Morning - 165 hours into the build and feeling good!  I have just four cant frames left in the stern (25f, 25a).  At this point, I will have reached what I consider the fifth milestone. With such a long build, I have taken the advice of fellow modeler, Bill Edgin, who suggested that I break the build up into "mental milestones" so as to keep my enthusiasm up.  Here are my mental milestons, which by no accident closely follow the layout of the books, Naiad, Vol 1 and 2 by Ed Tosti:
    1. Careful studying the practicum, committing to the build, assessing the order of construcution, skills possessed and needed to be acquired - done
    2. Erecting the building board, associated jigs and tools - done
    3. Laying of the keel, stem, and stern posts - done
    4. Bow, to include hawse pieces and forward cant frames - done
    5. Stern, to include transoms and aft cant frames
    6. Aft square frames (to midship)
    7. Forward cant frames (to midship)
    8. Stabalization of the frames and fairing the sweep of the hull
    9. Thats enough for now...  I expect the above to take me about 4-6 months.
    And now for the progress report:

    Here are a couple of shots of some frames.  As you can see, there is a lot of template cutting that goes on with a build like this.  I find this work to be enjoyable.  You need to approach it in a logical fashion, or you will run into trouble quickly.  There are upwards of 15+ pieces of wood in the frames once you start the square frame construction.

    The rough fairing process begins.  Note that I use blue painters tape on the keel.  I find this helps to mitigate any rounging that may incidentally occur while moving the piece to and from the jig.  Keen eyes will note the accidental undercutting of the filler pieces as they meet the rabet in the stern post.  This will get smoothed out, but could have been perfect if I had been more careful as to where my file was...

    The jig in action.  These are "rework frames".  I find that its just plain easier to remake an entire frame as opposed to trying to salvage sections when there are issues.  I have also promised myself not to continue trying to put a square peg into a round hole. When something doesnt fit, I snap it in half and start over.  Its actually faster that way. As fellow modeler Bill Sproul said to me at our Guild last week, "go slow for maximum speed".

    Naiad, sitting atop a newly arrived batch of swiss pear, awaiting milling. 

    Awaiting final fairing.  Good enough for now.  Note how the transom pieces end at the rabbet.

    I am really happy with the symmetry and fit here. But still need a little fairing on the port side by the foot.  The transom was an enjoyable challenge.
    I am debating about adding the filler frames that lay just aft of the aft fashion piece.  I am a huge fan of showing work, so may leave these out so you can get a glimpse of the inner structure.  I am still undecided, but will move on for now and revisit this once I begin the final hull fairing and finishing.
    Thanks for checking in, Gary.

  17. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Thanks rob, I will try the wood in glue bit on any smaller gaps, one thing I'd like to do is get new cannons, I don't like the cut on the kit ones, not one of them is the same cut, I'm not sure of what to get but there must be better ones out there that will work on the brig.
  18. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    After a few attempts to put a set of self made Windows at the stern, I finally went for some Windows I got cheap off the net, now painted and glazed, I just need to do a few fine cuts and sanding tasks to make them look a bit tidier. Thank heavens for dolls houses :-)

  19. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Elijah in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Hi Terry,
    Just checked in to see the progress, and its looking fantastic so far!
    Slow and steady's definitely the way. I was impressed with how nice the walnut looked once it was sanded down... seemed a shame to put paint on it, really. Glad to hear you're going to leave it on display. Your progress so far suggests that's going to be a great choice!
    I've noticed a number of posts on this forum have recommended mixing wood dust in with carpenter's glue to fill gaps? Might work well, although I've not tried it myself. Sounds like it might have the same effect as the water and filler but end up even closer in colour to the existing planking? It might also take the varnish better when you come to finish the hull? A sample test might be in order. Just my tuppence. Feel free to ignore.
  20. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    As per Steves advice to raise the bow bulwark, I have contoured a line from the inside of the original shallow bulwark with a couple of pieces of 5mm to give me the line I need and will finish that off with a couple of bits of 2mm on the outside to give it sghape and some strength. As I had not yet placed any finish second planking on the inside of the original bulwark it has allowed me some tolerance in thickness and made it easier to sand down as there will be less friction on a more solid part. I'll photo the finished part when it's done, going to give the glue a few hours to set.
    May adopt this approach to give the back bulwarks a more straight defined line as well, this will help make the decks look less warped.bthanks again Steve.

  21. Like
    robdurant reacted to hornet in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Hi Terry
    Looking Good. One thing I did notice from your photos, and you may already intend to rectify this, is that the top layer of planking on the bow section is not the same distance from the deck for its entire length (it tapers towards the front) See arrowed copy of your photo below. If left like this it is not going to look right and it will also be impossible to drill hawser holes through the front for your anchor ropes (not wide enough) Once the bow piece (part 23) is fitted only 1 - 2 mm of it should be above the level of the top planks at the bow (and it should be sloping upwards towards the front) so that you can fix the bowsprit to it. I've added a couple of close up pics of my Supply to illustrate what I am getting at. Hope this helps.

  22. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    A few pics of my first planking, I am now taking time to get a shape, a bit of filler is helping with my mess ups. I decided to use 10mm bits for the deck edges as I made a mess up removing all the pegs that help with the planking run, the 10mm are also helping me re align the deck as I think the actual ship was slightly warped at the start, but I am happy with the fist planking so far, I just need to refrain from too much rubbing down as the wood is thin in parts, I have to say, I was not impressed with the wood itself, very sub standard. Will now take photos as I move on.
    Captain minion is my kit boss for now :-)

  23. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Been a few weeks since my last post, I have finally placed the first planking and will post some pics soon, never went fuss free but I have the initial shape and am in the process of sanding down. I wanted to give my head a rest so spent today putting one of the 4 pound cannons together, what a great way of chilling out as well. Thanks to some photos from other builds in here I am adopting a few changes from the plans of the ship such as installing eyelets for rigging the cannons later. Will post some first planking shots in a couple of days.

  24. Like
    robdurant reacted to Telp in HM Brig Supply by Telp - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Well that's today's efforts completed, back to work tomorrow then a long weekend in London. Found the walnut wood very nice to sand and decided to sort any gaps as I go. An old trick I use to use when I was an aircraft painter was to mix body filler with a small amount of water mixed to a paste then gently fill in any small areas where the planks were not quite square. Captain minion is happy enough for now.

  25. Like
    robdurant got a reaction from Dubz in Royal Yacht Caroline by robdurant - FINISHED - Panart - Scale 1:47   
    Thanks Per,
    I had a look through your builds - just beautiful I think my dad would have approved. It's certainly making Caroline look more like I know he would have intended.
    Thanks to everyone who looks and 'likes'!
    I've made some progress since my last post. The mainmast shrouds are complete, I've added various stays, and begun the topmast shrouds. Along with the topmast shrouds come the futtock shrouds... Not my favourite thing I have to say, but perhaps I'll like them more as I get more used to doing them.
    Anyway - here are some pictures of the shrouds and ratlines going on...
    The foretopmast shrouds and ratlines

    Maintopmast shrouds, futtock shrouds and ratlines being put on... I find it hard to stop the deadeyes twisting when I'm rigging it up... don't know whether anyone has any wisdom or cunning suggestions to avoid that? It looks worse on this shot, because the masking tape's pulling them even further out of line, but it illustrates the problem...

    I've also added shrouds to the foretopgallant - something I see in the "Period Model Shipbuilding' book, but don't see on the model plans - They seemed to be a realistic addition, so here they are..

    It's all progress, as long as I can straighten up those deadeyes... a target for this evening, I think.
    Finally, here's a picture of progress so far...

    Thanks again for all the encouragement.
    Happy building
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