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Everything posted by mij

  1. Very nice fine work. mij
  2. Like your work Rusty, Cherry is a beautiful wood to work with. mij
  3. Here are some of my tools I use for models. SIP bobbin sander Walker Turner drill presss, and Proxxon lathe Proxxon mill/drill Proxxon bench saw A Proxxon small bench saw Draper 16" fretsaw mij
  4. Hi Ed This an oscilating sander, and at the back at the base, there is an outlet for a vac. But I don`t always use it, my work shop is an out side garage. mij
  5. Thanks for the artical, It`s very informative. mij
  6. With out measuring the spindel sander, (as I`m at work) the top plate must be 12" square and the body 18" high. If your building a framed model, it`s a must have. mij
  7. Here are some photos of HMS Sussex from the Authors book This will be an interesting an challenging project for me, and I know I shall have the support from you when I neeed it. mij
  8. The mill I`m using is a Proxxon mill/drill-complete system BFW40E, the model will be 47" long and will be built as a navy board model. m i j
  9. Hi Dan Yes, I shall be fairing the frames on the inside as I go along. I like to have it looking neat as possible. mij
  10. Sanding the forward frames Milling the stem scarf Forward frames fitted to the keel and deadwood This is one of my main machines, an old 3 wheel, 104" INCA bandsaw. mij
  11. Fruit woods are excellent to use, along with Boxwood. mij
  12. Hi Brian It should only take me 2 to 3 years to build. mij
  13. I have now started a HMS Sussex build log in the Scratch area. Regards mij
  14. I have started to build HMS Sussex 1693 from the plans by Gilbert McArdle, all the frames will be made from tulipwood. These first two pictures show how I fitted a removable keel by fitting a piece of brass tube into the baseboard and a smaller piece of brass tube to the keel. The tulipwood being planed for the keel Milling the tulipwood for the forward frames The frame templates are glued to the tulipwood, the glue I use is a non-toxic washable glue stick Cutting out the frames
  15. Milling the tulipwood for the forward frames. The frame templates are glued th the tulipwood Cutting out the frames. mij
  16. Hi All I have started to build HMS Sussex 1693 from the plans by Gilbert McArdle, The frames will be cut from tulipwood. These two pictures show how I fitted a removable keel by fitting a piece of brass tube into the base board and a smaller piece of brass tube to the keel. The tulipwood being planed for the keel. mij
  17. Hi Crowe I used Pearwood to build all the frames on HMS Warrior (practium by Romero 3/16in scale), it`s very nice wood to work with. Good luck with your build. Regards mij
  18. Hi Brian Tulipwood is the pinkish yellowish wood yielded from the tuliptree, found on the eastern side of America, it is commonly known as tulip poplar or yellow poplar mij
  19. I perchased this book about a mounth ago, and I`m about to start the building board. I`ve been building period ship now for many years and have a stock of timber i,e Holly, Cherry, Pear, Apple, Elm, Maple, Boxwood, Mahogny, Jelutong and my new addition Tulipwood, Its a wood I have not used before. I made a frame with a piece and it works well, so this is what I shall use for the frames. Regards mij
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