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Everything posted by mij

  1. Thanks for that link Antony. I will find some time and studdy that model, I`m sure I can get some ideas from it. Many thanks mij
  2. The bulkheads have all been fitted.
  3. Hi Antony The plans are Amati and I orderd them from Cornwall Models last Tuesday and they came the following day. Great model shop. mij
  4. I purchase a set of Amati Xebec plans 1;60 scale last week, and I must say, these are a very nice set of plans. This model will be built around these plans with some alterations. I used Cherry for the Stem, Keel and Stern and Tulip for the Bulkheads. I wanted to use 5mm ply for the Bulkheads, but my local store only had 4mm ply in stock, as I had a load of 7mm Tulip, I milled it down to 5mm and used that.
  5. Hi John The Xebec kit you are building looks great, I like it that much I went on line to Cornwall Models last Monday and ordered the plans, they arrived the following day. This kit I`ll be building from scratch with sone alterations. mij
  6. Hi Druxey The wood glue don`t freeze. but I have found when it`s under 10c. I have a weak joint. mij
  7. On my table saw I always use a foot pedal off switch. mij
  8. My workshop is my garage, and with the UK winter ( a lot warmer than some of you guys )I`m finding the wood glue is not setting( I do have some heating in there ), so I`m having some time out on HMS Sussex until the summer. I shall scratch build a P.O.B model half the size of HMS Sussex in the conservatory were it`s a lot warmer and the glue will set. mij
  9. Hi Klaus Thanks for your information. Yes there are floors in these plans, but I`ve had many plans that are not perfect. A modeller has to use his or hers skill and experience to overcome these drawbacks. On the plus side, it makes the project more of a challenge. mij
  10. Hi Antony As Rob said, amazing build, and the detail is spot on mij
  11. Hi Gary, It`s nice to see your pictures of HMS Alfred again, it gives me inspiration to keep pushing on. mij ( jim from Warriorgroup )
  12. Hi Mark What a beautiful model, you are a true Master. mij
  13. Richard said it all, a great mill mij
  14. Hi Gianpiero Very nice model and great workmamship. mij
  15. Hi Alexandru It`s the first time I`ve seen your Log. Very inpressive work. mij
  16. This is a picture of my Proxxon mill mij
  17. Hi Nigel I use a Proxxon mill/drill-complete system (Ref:718225). I will be following your thread, as I know I can learn a lot from you. mij
  18. Hi Dan The bandsaw is an old 3 wheel INCA, with a blade length of 104", which is capable of cutting 4" oak, for the milling I use a Proxxon DH 40 Planer Ticknesser (Ref: 27040). The milling does take long time, but as you can see from the cherry, it was worth it. mij
  19. Hi Natan Lovely kit to build, I built the Albatros many years ago and sold it at Christies (London) for £600. Good luck with your build. mij
  20. Cherry ready for the bandsaw The cherry cut and ready to be milled. It was worth the time and effort. Tulip on the left and Cherry on the right Start of the new build in cherry. In the back ground is the one made from tulip.
  21. Hi Richard It`s a mill/drill complete system BFW 40 (ref: 718225). mij
  22. I have just started to re-build HMS Sussex, the stem, stern and all the frames will be made from cherry and the keel from elm. mij
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