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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes this build keeps getting ideas way above my skill levels, i now seem to have a representation of the Britannic, as a steppingstone for someone to come along and show how it should be done, perhaps thats the way the hobby is but if someone was to spend a few more coins than i wish to they could make it look quite nice things that i should have done planned electrics before the build started obtained at least one extra full deck set found a better source for the deck machinery (pumps, vents fans etc after working out how to wire the after red cross i moved midships and looked at the floodlighting of the midships cross, yet again the first attempt melted, even though the lamp had more room
  2. very nice Andy, Sorry i missed the start of the build
  3. kevinaris3 minutes ago Thank you Andy for your comments, very much appreciated i have spent the day reworking the lighted red crosses, after posting last night i looked around and found a pile of poo where the cross had been, the heat from the lamp melted the plastic, so using a low heat led i have kept the size the same but thinned out the side frames accommodate the different lamps i now have four units, and will post photos tomorrow providing i can get power from the after stack where i left some power lines for this purpose i think i will get a reasonable result
  4. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes yesterday detailing the after stack and priming in grey today was spent trying to work out how to light the red cross boards, there are 4 of them and floodlights illuminate the large hull painted ones
  5. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes the after-boat gantries are now in place, and im as happy as can be considering, som more platforms to go in as well as ladders as i then make my way towards the third smoke stack
  6. apart from all the rubbish, ladders, cannons and other detail that has to be replaced, i always deliberately put a loose note in mine, say, what the build is, date started and completed, photo of me and family, etc etc, , no real reason i do it, i just do
  7. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes like all kits, they are not always suited for conversion, and a lot of artistic licence is required to make it work, its not magic, just a lot of worrying, of what people might think of my pathetic attempt to show a build in progress i have two sets of gantries in place, but the spacing between them is slightly different as there is not enough space to put everything in, also the superstructure islands are different between the two hulls however they are are now in place and hopefully staying there, im still thoroughly enjoying this, but so looking forward to getting back into wood some walkway supports are raised a bit, will be sorted Some of the extra detail, ladders and fixing points
  8. Welcome to MSW
  9. unfortunately, they have no added detail, so i have a choice to accept them or try and scratch a bit of extra pipework etc
  10. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes the crane gantries arrived yesterday from Shapeways in Holland, Britannic was only fitted with 5 of the 8 sets ordered as a result of the Titanic disaster, made up in 4 pieces, base plate, the crane/jib arm and slot
  11. good evening, everyone thank you for comments and likes after cranes complete, used EZ line on them rather than PE moving fwd and up another difference in the layout to Titanic (yep another) the beams running fwd to aft, support the awnings i finished this rail last night, and this afternoon it was another, "not Britannic" this why the deck is squared off slightly lighter, but i now have room for another two gantry power houses The gantries are due to arrive this week, i can then tell if the boat racks work or not, knowing me they wont
  12. you mean like this? HMHS Britannic by Kevin - Based on Trumpeter 1/200 Titanic - Started September 2022 - Page 5 - - Kit build logs for subjects built from 1901 - Present Day - Model Ship World™
  13. good evening every one thank you for comments and likes been deck grafting, and removing some of the unwanted markings next on the lest to paint and fit sorry the boi wanted to be in the photo after davits in the Britannic position EZ lines on the cranes rather than PE
  14. good morning everyone thank you for comments and likes im still hoping to finish this build before the end of the year, im busy saving me pennies for the next project, my delay if any will be the boat gantries, i dont evem know if they will fit, all the upper superstructure has now been added, with access to power for any other lighting points that may be required. This morning the after raised deck was permanently fitted, and seams to have gone on ok, all this scratch work seams quite messy to me, working without plans, im finding quite tricky intentions are now to slowly work forward and get her complete
  15. thank you @Roger Pellett i am still looking how the boats stacked below those on top were removed, as the racking does not appear hinged or slatted,
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