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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. lol i wonder what im doing on this site sometimes, i am full of ideas, just dont have what it takes to bring them to life
  2. good evening everyone day 22 over the weekend i did some photo etch and made up some of the winches and pumps then i revisited the preverbial pain, that being the after welll deck. i was getting lots of light bleed so it was all ripped out and resorted its better now, and the bulkheads dont glow anymore
  3. i dont think they would honeor that deal now
  4. the Caldercraft 1/72 Victory was my first ever tall ship, and at the time about the 3rd build under my belt, on and off the table she did take me 7 years, i fully inderstand now why so many are never completed
  5. the UK like many euro countries are struggling to meet fuel demands, the Putin war, post pandemic, even brexit have had an effect, energy companies keep raising the price cap set for energy, even ours has gone up 100% and we are using about 1/2 of what was used last year. the nicer weather has helped keep the costs down, it will level off sometime next year, however some customers are facing higher bills depanding on how they pay for it, like pre-payment the government are helping out, but for some it is not enough to keep up with the extra problems we are facing with inflation/cost of living What is the energy price cap and how high could bills go? - BBC News
  6. loads more lighting to go in, the kit comes with a 5vt lighting set, which on recommendation is discarded, however the power supply is a 12vt sytem with dimmer, i may obtain anr one which will give me the option to fully light her up like a christmas tree, but tone it down so it looks like the tree was still up in March today i found out that she also had as well as the green hull line but green lighting along the upper deck
  7. Good afternoon everyone thank you for comments and likes DAY 18 revisited the enclosed after deck and sorted the hatch truckways and the new 2nd class gymnasium also on the top deck is a childrens play room this still needs work, im not happy with it at all i think some primer is required the primer has stopped the lightbleed both sides of the hull are now with topcoats, been deliberatly left looking pants to ease the weathering (which is the same as i hate airbrushing)
  8. Good afternoon everyone thank you for comments and likes day 16 i not going to go on about airbrushing, other than i remember why i dont do it preshading, well thats enouth of that deck work continues, yet again KA dont put in where everything goes, and hence i missed some of trhe stain glass window detals, to late now lighting conrinues, i will most likely be running three feeds
  9. good afternoon everyone thank you for comments and likes day 14 lots of little projects going on Portholes, i dont want to spend several hundred pounds sorting out the rivets and portholes, but i can make a couple of changes so some of the kit widows are being filled in to make her look a bit like the Britannic internal decks are haing PE windows fitted lighting is ongoing filling windows
  10. very nice indeed, i also found her hard to photo, there is so much detail for the camera to focus on, i will not build another Bismack, but sometimes look at mine and see things i could have done better
  11. out in the sunshine, im still messing about with the scratch built after deck, the size is about right now
  12. good morning Tom, i will tag along with your build progress, i wont be in a hurry to drill those portholes again
  13. we did that even in the 80's with RN diesel boats, just to listen and wait, Nuclear boats are unable to do so due to contast requirement of cooling water
  14. Roger good evening in the link it shows the covered over well deck, as part of the walkthrough experience of the Britannic, it however does not show any hatches or trunks, https://www.facebook.com/messenger_media/?thread_id=100002107592434&attachment_id=799897851150443&message_id=mid.%24cAAAAAHArC6CJRTLo72DE-0-c14sj the photo here however does show the hatches on the deck above
  15. there is notning at all in that area to suggest the hataches are there, here is a tour guide of the after well deck https://www.facebook.com/messenger_media/?thread_id=100002107592434&attachment_id=799897851150443&message_id=mid.%24cAAAAAHArC6CJRTLo72DE-0-c14sj
  16. stunning work, the PE justs sets it off to another level
  17. good afternoon everyone thank you for comments and like day 9 after well deck Britannic had lots of changes made to her, as a result of the titanic loss,, the after well deck was one of them it was decided that 3rd class passengers needed somewhere to smoke and protected from the elements to achieve this they removed the hatched to the after cargo holds (but at present i dont know where to)
  18. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 8 after completing the portholes, i then redid them from the other side to clear the swarf, and then reprimed a cheap shelf unit, will be the main stand, holes drilled in the keel and base to keep her in place, and power outlet, the nuts inside the hull are permanently fixed with two part expoy the main deck is now also inits final position and fixed the forcastle will be the next part, after i have sorted the power run
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