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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 29 shaft tunnel rightly or wrongly, i build this up as a standalone, so that it could be painted separately, all the decks in machinery/non cargo spaces within the hull will be green i quite like the colour i found, the white is just primer, the port side will not be seen so i left it unpainted so that i can see the frame numbers the after cargo hold bulkhead is next to be made up and then fitted as a large section some of you will recognise me having done this in January this year working on the shaft tunnel number 48
  2. Good evening everyone day 28 99% of tank top plating complete apart from where the bulkheads sit the tank top plates are laid put in the shaft boxes and now making up the tunnel shaft
  3. lol i love to do daily updates, and to get uncluttered shots it needs to be moved, i am more careful moving it now, and it was just a silly accident last time, the build board is off the table supported and a couple of storage containers,
  4. i follow a build where everything has been copied to styrene, very impressive
  5. good evening everyone day 27 deck plating middle and stern lol im getting paranoid about the wavy lines, even though i am expecting them at this stage, but it has been brought up in several forums, this will be fine when the bulkhead is pulled over to the right and then it is all covered over out into the sunshine, to big for the wheelie bin
  6. everything is already varnished, i dont anticipate any issues when everything is in place, lol thats the issue with my build posts, i tend to photo as is at the end of the day, not when it is all looking pretty
  7. the last time i attempted this, god that was so very very long ago, ummmm January this year i saw the same thing, but as all the formers go in it does indeed tighten up however here is the front end build a few years ago, yes this is my third attempt to do this kit although bulky, it is quite light
  8. Good evening everyone day 25 midships and stern joined over the last couple days perhaps put in about 4 to 6 hours work on the build, but very little to show for it the vets trip and visitors yesterday limited getting into to it that much and the visitors we had yesterday were the first in six month and we had a brilliant time, possibly first time i have laughed this year, so today was bit of a downer, anyway i have joined the midships section to the stern as there is some over lap in the double bottom frames, and as you can see, it has become well, big, hoping over this Easter weekend to get most of the tank tops put on (with the exception of the exposed viewing area)
  9. the boi's update thank you to everyone asking about Dobbie Pingate Periscope (aka the dobster, sock monster, nobs and many other random names) the boi is fine, he picked up a viral infection last year, which some how is possibly allergy related, to what we dont know, but it keeps recurring, i noticed a few signs over the weekend just gone, then some open sores appeared on his two front paws between the toes, but being viral it is finding a non steroid treatment that suits him, since august last he has all sorts of blood tests, and they all give different results anyway he is happy, and doing what he should be doing and thats making me and her indoors happy
  10. the boi has a vets trip this morning, he has an ongoing viral infection that keeps coming back, this might be unrelated but he has now got something very sore between his toes like an absits
  11. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes Day 23 number 1 lower cargo hold im getting used to the grey now, after looking at it for ages Cubic capacity of number i lower hold is 85,500 cubic feet i had never heard of a tank top ceiling. its a extra layer of steel to cushion the deck from loading damage box birders fitted frames and longitudinals going in
  12. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 22 painting the fwd section grey continue tank top plates midships section after taking the advice offered grey is the new red box girders for the fwd section being made up in my head i want to show different parts opened up, so in the following few phots, i have where i am up to in putting the tank top plates down the ones not covered in the last few shots will be left open, these open frames may be pained red this is how it looks tonight
  13. maybe you are telling yourself to go back to the diorama, or create another with the tank
  14. looking great OC its great to be able to switch between projects isn't it
  15. thank you so if i was to do the frames red, light grey decking and white bulkhead (to enhance lighting I would not be shot, why was the lighting crap,? was it to reduce fire risk, and if i was to put lighting in, unseen would that also spoil the effect - lol asking for a friend
  16. Good evening everyone Day 21 fwd section 1st cargo hold bulkhead midships tank top going on stern no progress making up the first Bulkhead bulkhead, scoring the card on different sids, allows the shape to be obtained tank tops going on the midships section forming the box girders to keep the fwd bulkhead in place and now its getting to big for the work bench
  17. good afternoon everyone on a new build of a 1960's cargo ship, what colours would have been used, this is for internal details, bilges frames tank tops/decks bulheads etc was thinking of white bulkheads, green decks and red frames
  18. thank you for the comments, been gardening today, so not much done on the beast, just prepping the tank top plates for the middle section, update tomorrow OC lol you make as much noise as you like, me boats fine
  19. build log day 19 forward section tank tops and lower forepeak good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes i should have just continued doing all the tank tops, but its nice to show the sections in different stages of development (well i think so lol), the lower forepeak was a bit of a change away from cutting slots the red is Halfords rattle can red primer, but i may go to a red/brown using the red primer in the airbrush, a hairy stick is out of the question the middle missing plate behind bulkhead 164 goes in when the pillar is put in the double bottom floors exposed are being left that way, as i make my plans for the cutaway sections
  20. @Nirvana thank you i cropped it a bit
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