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  1. Welcome, Dave. An excellent depiction of a latin caravel with authentic detail. Which plans did you use? Could you do a build log step by step for us? Cheers Dick
  2. Sliding anchors go way back. This one (Which I copied for Yenikapi 12) was found on the Yassi Ada wreck from the seventh century. But Permanent stock would be fine too. Dick
  3. Yes I think it would be reasonable to show a sliding metal stock such as this. Please note that the round ship would have anchors at each quarter of the ship and probably a number of spare anchors stored maybe on deck. Dick
  4. This shows the construction and temporary positioning of the portside accommodation in the great cabin note the panelling surrounding the sternpost and in due course the rudder head on its way to the poop deck Cheers Dick
  5. I have added hatch covers and deck beams for half deck and forecastle a start is made on the panelling and cabins of the officers. Port side only. Dick
  6. Again I would disagree. This discussion, for that is what it should have been, bears directly on Steven's build and on the whole subject of mediterranean round ships. There is no doubt that there was a diversity of rigs extant in the Mediterranean during the period of the thirteenth through fifteenth century. This ranges from simple lagoonal and riverine vessels with latin rigs and quarter rudders right through to cog-like vessels and the later evolution of the nave quadra with the northern innovation of square rig and stern rudder. To anyone wishing to read an authoritative momnograph on this subject I would refer to the excellent publication: The art and archaeology of venetian ships and boats by Lillian Ray Martin , Chatham Publishing 2001 . ISBN 1-86176-173-2. This was a major resource for my previous round ship reconstruction. I have gone back through the entire log of Steven's build and have extracted all the images which incontrovertibly show a quadrangular sail and looked carefully at all other supplied images for evidence of either square rig or settee rig ( a variant of latin sail in which the forward part of the triangular sail is truncated. This is seen well in dhows). Here are the images of square rig: this is the only image from the Veneziano school (first half 14th C) which shows square rig on a round ship. So it shows that square rig was around and used on some round ships. Most other images in this period show latin rig. This may be square rig or furled latin or settee but it certainly shows a rope ladder. Dont know where this image comes from. This is a northern vessel with stern rudder. Note the reefing points (not seen on latin rig) and the foot of the sail tied into a bundle by the reefing points (See my hulc log for details). This is not a round ship and is probably northern european, Again the sail is quadrangular and probably a settee sail running before the wind. Note the "crows nest aft of the mast and the Jacob's ladder. This is a cog. Nothing to do with round ships. Probably settee also running before the wind To show that latin rig when used on different points of sailing can simulate square rig, here is a section of the 14thC Cocharelli Codex which speaks for itself. So, there is no doubt that settee rig and maybe even square rig was used alongside latin rig in the Mediterranean Middle Ages. But the overwhelming number of rigs were latin. To quote the great Fred Dagg : 'I'll get out of your way now'" Woodrat
  7. Not at all Grant. I took it in a humorous vein and replied in a jocular fashion. I thought your comment was most apt. Cheers Dick 😁
  8. I am happy to remove the word "dead". The rest I leave to the moderator. This is an open forum and disagreement is allowed as long as it is polite so maybe dead wrong is a poor choice of words. Woodrat
  9. On the undecked starboard side the carlings are installed The carlings support the ledges which in turn support the deck planking This completes main deck framing. Now for deck furniture. Dick
  10. I am sorry Tartane but you are wrong on both counts. There is ample iconographic evidence from the Mediterranean middle ages for lateen sails since at least the seventh century CE and there were indeed observation baskets just as Steven has modelled them. The baskets were positioned aft of the masthead so as not to foul the yard when going about. Beg to differ. They certainly didnt have ratlines till much later. Cheers Dick the Woodrat
  11. I am really not happy with the octopus. There is no iconographic evidence for its use on galleys or any other ship, so it is gone. I have gone instead for a more austere look. I am happy with the figurehead. Prof Wachsmann has published his thesis that these figureheads reprsent birds' heads and that may be so in most cases but in the case of the Tragana ship the backward curved protuberances on the "beak" resemble no bird I know but would be consistent with a crocodile. Dick
  12. Ian. I dont know this block. Where did you come across it? I dont know of any archaeology to back its use in greek or roman craft? Happy to learn more. Dick
  13. I actually used rope rungs but either way would be OK. I did use wood rungs on my carrack. The lower ends of the ladder are attached to rings in the deck. Dick
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