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Beef Wellington

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    Beef Wellington got a reaction from rafine in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:48 scale   
    Looking good BE.  Looks like I'm a bit too late, but one thing I found  that works quite well for planking between the ports is to edge glue some planks together for the height needed and then shape/trim these back as a whole.  This allows the interior edge to be nicely aligned. without needed to scuff up any paint.
  2. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Barbossa in HMS Diana By Barbossa - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64 - The 1794 Attempt   
    Apologies for being a little late!  Lovely work on those ships boats Christian, they look much larger scale than they actually are! Really precise work, I can see these being a nice little distraction to the main ship.
  3. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from jwvolz in HMS Sophie from Cruizer kit by jwvolz (Joe V.) - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - kitbash   
    Joe - that is looking seriously good, love the detail work on the binnacle, and the companion cover looks great.  I didn't get a chance to comment on it earlier but I think the approach you took to the head works is was really wonderfully executed and adds so much character to the model.  Really clean and precise work!  I'm hoping to also use Chuck's ships wheel for 'Jason', but I don't think he makes a large enough version currently.
  4. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Diana By Barbossa - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64 - The 1794 Attempt   
    Apologies for being a little late!  Lovely work on those ships boats Christian, they look much larger scale than they actually are! Really precise work, I can see these being a nice little distraction to the main ship.
  5. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Barbossa in HMS Diana By Barbossa - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64 - The 1794 Attempt   
    Well here it is ( as promised this morning )
    This means this project-aside from some detail to add at the bow section- is as good as finished

  6. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thanks for following along, for the likes, and commentary...
    Still fussing with cannon... I drilled the holes for the rings and hooks that fit to the bulkhead.  The first photo shows the machining jig and drilling tool.  All the barrels are in the carriages and the appropriate hardware added to them.  I also added the trunnion caps made from black paper soaked in CA. (Barely visible in the last photo).  The 2nd pic shows 6 in position to check alignment, etc.   So far... so good.   Now for the fun part... hooks, blocks, and rope for the training gear.  Once that's completed, I'll start adding the breeching and installing the hardware to the bulkhead and connecting everything up.   My only comment is "This stuff is tiny.  Next time, a bigger scale. Admiral permitting of course."  




  7. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to greyhawk in Scharnhorst by greyhawk - Hachette - 1:200 - parts work   
    Scharnhorst issue 35

    Finishing up planking of the middle section of the hull, we learn how to cut strips to size so they will fit in gaps. Afterwards all the nails are pulled and the planked section is given a once over with sandpaper to smooth it.
    We've reached the 25% landmark in the build, so it's time to have another look at the whole thing put together so far.

  8. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMCSS Victoria 1855 by BANYAN - 1:72   
    Hi Pat, catching up and glad to see everything coming together so well, nicely done.  Very interested to see how the capstan works out.  Beautiful model.
  9. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to rafine in HMS Sophie from Cruizer kit by jwvolz (Joe V.) - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - kitbash   
    Beautiful work Joe. Well worth waiting for.
  10. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Blue Ensign in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:48 scale   
    Looking good BE.  Looks like I'm a bit too late, but one thing I found  that works quite well for planking between the ports is to edge glue some planks together for the height needed and then shape/trim these back as a whole.  This allows the interior edge to be nicely aligned. without needed to scuff up any paint.
  11. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Martin W in HMS Fly by Martin W - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Hi Martin, I've been starting to play around with the headworks on 'Jason'.  I'm of the opinion that the kit supplied parts are not the correct shape and will be making and shaping my own.  Aesthetically, it seems the head rail needs to be shaped to allow the space between it and the hair rail to follow nicely and from the side they should be similar in profile.  Just my observation, I'm sure there is something more scientific to the shape.
  12. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to jwvolz in HMS Sophie from Cruizer kit by jwvolz (Joe V.) - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - kitbash   
    Let me preface this update with a statement: I have been the worst at updating and taking photos as I go along on this build...
    So I've gotten a lot done, but have not been documenting well. The deck furniture was all completed along the way and has now been installed. The carronades are now rigged to completion as well. I have even gotten the lower masts and bowsprit built and installed. Again, I've been terrible with the updates...
    I really like how the binnacle came out. I found a compass rose online, shrunk it down and printed it out. The rest of it is built from boxwood sheet and strip. I also built the companionway from boxwood. 
    As I had mentioned earlier, the deck layout is from the Gannet plans, and thus it varies from what the kit shows. 

  13. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to jwvolz in HMS Sophie from Cruizer kit by jwvolz (Joe V.) - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - kitbash   
    Made a little detour and built the ship's boat. This is a (separate) Caldercraft kit that I picked up from Cornwall Model Boats. Nice little kit.
    I modified it by making a cap rail out of some spare maple, adding thole pins when complete. I made the thwarts and stern sheets from boxwood, to replace the kit supplied walnut. The Photo-etched oars and boat hook are included and just require painting. I also added a freshwater cask, and scratch built the rudder/tiller. I also made what is likely the smallest piece I've ever done: a bailing scoop carved from boxwood, that is ridiculously tiny. You can just see it sitting on the bottom.

  14. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Martin W in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:48 scale   
    Looking good BE.  Looks like I'm a bit too late, but one thing I found  that works quite well for planking between the ports is to edge glue some planks together for the height needed and then shape/trim these back as a whole.  This allows the interior edge to be nicely aligned. without needed to scuff up any paint.
  15. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Lee Hutchinson in HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 by Timmo - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Wayne, very nice looking ratlines.  Have to agree that the loops look just a little bulky.  Did you consider using thinner line to do the serving to keep the same look?  Using regular thread (would need to check exactly what) worked well for me following the dimensions on the plans - I was happy at least.  Nothing like a nice stack of served shrouds/backstays, looks like mine ended about half way up but didn't think it looked too odd...
    Interesting that you picked HMS Pelorus as a candidate for next build, she was one of the few Cruizers that was ship rigged (at least for a period) so could be built directly from the kit and be authentic.  Also some nice paintings to follow and refer to after the storm.

  16. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Martin W in HMS Fly by Martin W - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Hello Everybody -- This is just about the first chance I've had to look away from work (retirement is calling me, and I'm beginning to listen), and since the weather outside has been cool, I've spent the rare weekends out there -- except for the days that were eight degrees.
    I've been trudging along with the head works, and have mostly been finding my skills seriously challenged in just about every way.  So far I've re-made the rails twice, and am seriously thinking about redoing them yet again -- the problems have been keeping them even in their downward sweep, and in getting that sweep at the proper elevation.  I've also found that little decisions I made long ago were ill-informed and are revealing their consequences now.  In short, I've mostly been frustrated.
    But I thought I'd show what I've done (without the repeats).
    I made the rail out of two layers laminated. 

    At the top is the kit's rail, made of walnut.  The bottom is the first layer of mine from boxwood, and if you can penetrate the poor photography, you can see the 2 scarphs.  The second layer will also be jointed with scarphs offset from these:

    And then the two layers are glued up:

    Here's the view from port of the rails pinned in place:

    These look too low to my eye.  Simply to slide them upward makes them overlap the swivel mounts, however.  I'm thinking I might just get away with raising the mounts a smidge or two.  If that doesn't work, then I'll start over on the rails.  In fact, I've graphed them out again, trying to get the forward sweep to start just below the swivel mount, but haven't set the drawing against the build itself yet.
    And finally here are the timbers:

    Or I should say, here are the timbers in their first manifestation.  In re-reading FFM on the timbers, I finally came to the understanding that the rails will need to sit on top of notches at the outer ends, so I've already begun to do them over.
    That's where I am.  Progress is slow to say the least (and sometimes backwards).  I'll update again when I get the lower rails done.
    Meanwhile all comments and suggestions are welcome!
  17. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Blue Ensign in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:48 scale   
    Post 18
    Completion of Topside planking
    Planking between the ports is now completed, looking a little rough but hopefully scraping and sanding will rectify the appearance.


    I think I will wait until the stern area is planked before doing any serious cleaning up along the hull.
    Onto the stern.
  18. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from drtrap in HMS Snake by drtrap - Caldercraft   
    One thing I did Stergios (I used the supplied CC rope), was to ensure that it had been fully straightened to remove any kinks ( simply running through fingers or leaving a length suspended from a door frame with a clamp on one end as a small weight).  It should then hang a lot more naturally, and if necessary then a little watered down PVA can help as well once on place.
  19. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from popeye the sailor in La Renommèe by Landlubber Mike - Euromodel - Scale 1:70   
    Looking good Mike - I like this stage of a build...so much potential to look forward to.....and few regrets or mistakes!
  20. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to flyer in Granado by RMC - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Looking at those pictures of the second planking I can understand your slight frustration - especially after your fantastic Vanguard. But allow me a perhaps stupid question: Are you sure that your wood stripes for the second planking are truly boxwood? Judging by the pictures it looks more like lime to me, which would be rather coarse-grained for a second planking.

    I had much fun with my Granado kit myself and would like you to have too. Please feel free to ask for more information or pictures. Unfortunately I made no build log - only a gallery file.



  21. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Elijah in La Renommèe by Landlubber Mike - Euromodel - Scale 1:70   
    Looking good Mike - I like this stage of a build...so much potential to look forward to.....and few regrets or mistakes!
  22. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from robdurant in La Renommèe by Landlubber Mike - Euromodel - Scale 1:70   
    Looking good Mike - I like this stage of a build...so much potential to look forward to.....and few regrets or mistakes!
  23. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mtaylor in HMCSS Victoria 1855 by BANYAN - 1:72   
    Hi Pat, catching up and glad to see everything coming together so well, nicely done.  Very interested to see how the capstan works out.  Beautiful model.
  24. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Piet in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Really nice progress Mark, love the work on the cannons, should look really sharp when all finally assembled.  Oh, and Licorne is looking pretty good too.
  25. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from paulsutcliffe in HMS Ethalion 1797 by robdurant - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Modified from HMS Diana 1794 kit   
    Hi Rob, really beautiful work, those rails look nicely in proportion and certainly 'finer' than the kit's walnut.  Colours are always hard to judge in photos but glad you were able to tone those down a bit.  Are you planning to attach all of the trim at this point?  I'm planning to wait until I have the quarter deck in place before going any higher than the sheer rail with trim to allow any compromises with the line of the wale and deck to get figured out....and also whatever is going to happen with the headworks.
    Tell your son he did a really nice job on his Red Arrow.  I'm finding my son doesn't quite have the same passion for plastic modeling and hes been chipping away at a model of the Tirpitz for quite some time.  I've promised him I'll post a picture of it when he finishes!
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