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Vivian Galad

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    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Piet in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Hola Ulises! Siempre un placer to have u here! Please, take a seat!
  2. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Piet in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Be most welcome, Lawrence! Right now I´m thinking it too small a scale, too - but we´ll get along and see it through, well, at least, I hope 
    Thank you!
  3. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Piet in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Thanks, Steve!
  4. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Archi in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    And time for an update so you don´t think I´ve vanished again.
    First of all, sorry for the low quality pics - I´ll have a new cam next month and be posting better ones.
    As I said, I got a plan on changing the stern and, instead of making a new one (which would be a lot better), cut pieces from plywood and got rid from that steep curve - As it is now, well, not good looking I would say, but, I´ll cover it with a sheet cut and designed as a real stern should look - that said, my keel will be from the same wood, so, I´ll be changing the kit´s wood destined for it.

    I´ve been planking decks. After I finished them I realized I could´ve done it other way, close to what it should be - following beams and such, but, then again the ship have no beams and I would have to create them - and I´ll try at least to reproduce something like them. Of course pictures won´t show, but pin holes were made - caulking coming soon.

    So, I´ll show some cargo hold - don´t know if beams would be visible but decided to try some over the cargo hold - Not quite sure how I´ll make them - but I´m into reading so many things about and seeing so many pictures that I´ll figure it out soon enough. Still don´t know if I should plank the hull inside at the visible parts, so, I´m reproducing some more frames.


    I´m using plywood, but will cover if needed.
    It´s a small update, hope to be showing more soon.
  5. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Obormotov in MONTAÑES by Amalio   
    State of the art - No words to describe. 
  6. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS ROYAL KATHERINE 1664 by Doris - 1/55 - CARD   
    Hi Doris!!
       I couldn´t have come back on a better time! To see your ships again is such a delight and, more than that, great inspiration. Taking a seat to follow and surely be mesmerized by your talent.
  7. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from DORIS in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Hello mates!
    Comes the weekend, its shipbuilding time! 
    In advance, I´m heeding your words and will change the bow, so it wouldn´t look as much as the Mataró´s. I adjusted a little bit the center of the ship ro receive the cargo deck, but after seeing Dori´s start on her new ship and re-reading Woodrat´s marvelous log, felt a little down on myself for not thinking on creating the lower deck, the cargo deck, lowering my frames, all of them. Maybe the kit´s instructions got into my mind and I just got with the flow. Hope the sensation vanishes at some point - I´ll get the ship going and throw away my frustrations as the Mataró´s itself is my next project and will be pof.
    First picture, that massive wooden block I had to sand till my hands were falling off the wrist. It will be responsible for bending the planks on the right direction. Since I´ll change the bow a little, think they´ll be more drivers and have a little less influence on planking. First one I took to the saw piece at piece, second one I tried to sand directly from the final piece and, well, first one is the way to go.

    Second picture shows the cargo deck on place. I lowered it a bit to gain space for beans (think they´ll be on sight). I´ll plank it too, but I´m still thinking what will be it like, so, let´s wait a bit.

    I´m planking decks already. Corel didn´t provide me with the wood for planking, or the last owner (kit comes from e-bay). Had some since I got new ones for the Oseberg (too thin, since I want to plank the Oseberg directly over the frames - have to put that on the Oseberg´s log, by the way).

    Next picture shows where the planking belong.

    I haven´t fixed the frames on the aft and stern for I´m still planning the cabins. Still don´t know what they should have for furniture.
    And the work is going on - The bow line as of Corel´s, the sanded block on place and the mod I´m doing to it, so it will be a little less bended up.


    And that´s all for this update. As always, suggestions are welcome. ^^
  8. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to src in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Well done so far Vivian.
    OC, your Spanish is better than mine, the only things I could say would get me blocked from this build if not banned from MSW!
  9. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to Old Collingwood in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Hola onas deas   bueno mucho bueno - magnifico,    thats about all I can say in spanish.
  10. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to Amalio in MONTAÑES by Amalio   
    Thank you very much Doris.

  11. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Old Collingwood in Thermopylae by popeye the sailor - Sergal - 1:124 scale   
    U r a busy fellow, Popeye Denis! Nicely done. I´ll be here following one more of yours. 
  12. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from Omega1234 in Thermopylae by popeye the sailor - Sergal - 1:124 scale   
    U r a busy fellow, Popeye Denis! Nicely done. I´ll be here following one more of yours. 
  13. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Thank you, Piet! Just trying to do my best - and learning, always learning.
  14. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from rafine in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    And time for an update so you don´t think I´ve vanished again.
    First of all, sorry for the low quality pics - I´ll have a new cam next month and be posting better ones.
    As I said, I got a plan on changing the stern and, instead of making a new one (which would be a lot better), cut pieces from plywood and got rid from that steep curve - As it is now, well, not good looking I would say, but, I´ll cover it with a sheet cut and designed as a real stern should look - that said, my keel will be from the same wood, so, I´ll be changing the kit´s wood destined for it.

    I´ve been planking decks. After I finished them I realized I could´ve done it other way, close to what it should be - following beams and such, but, then again the ship have no beams and I would have to create them - and I´ll try at least to reproduce something like them. Of course pictures won´t show, but pin holes were made - caulking coming soon.

    So, I´ll show some cargo hold - don´t know if beams would be visible but decided to try some over the cargo hold - Not quite sure how I´ll make them - but I´m into reading so many things about and seeing so many pictures that I´ll figure it out soon enough. Still don´t know if I should plank the hull inside at the visible parts, so, I´m reproducing some more frames.


    I´m using plywood, but will cover if needed.
    It´s a small update, hope to be showing more soon.
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everyone,
    Thanks again for your likes and complementary comments.
    A long day and a bit has seen the lower gallery supports made with only the rudder hole and a slight tweak and final sand to do. I was moving into new territory here and didn't know how it would turn out but again I'm delighted at the result, more grins here.
    First I'll say in fairness to Euromodel  I found the piece that in my last post said was missing, it was in the bottom of the box, it had broken in half and I hadn't been looking for something that size, the annoying thing is that having made a new piece it wasn't needed at all, ah well.
    I took note of all the advice that I'd been given about carving small amounts at a time and keep checking against the hull. I would normally guess what size would be needed and hack away only refining it near the finish and if it didn't work start again, this would not have got me anywhere with these supports, I was surprised just how critical accuracy was so the new me just kept chipping, carving and sanding bit at a time all day. You'll see in my pictures what was done, the only thing I would have done with hindsight would be to carve the recess for the casting before I had done the curve because after it couldn't be held in a vice because of that concave curve and was very awkward to hold. The outer edge of the supports profile was quite accurate and needed only minimal shaping. 
    I have taken some of the decorative castings for this area out of the bags to see how they would fit and Wow, they are something else, better than could be imagined without seeing them in the flesh. I hope that I can do them justice.
    Pete has shown the gallery cast parts, their numbers and position that they go, on checking I realised that by opening up the windows which form the bulk of the gallery I have filed away the numbers, er!
    Finishing off I will say that I don't envy those who started this kit without all the logs and information that is now out there, I don't know how they did it, the plans for this difficult area  are vague to say the least. It wasn't overly difficult but it was knowing what to do, I couldn't have figured it out from the plans alone. I'm sure there will be other areas like this and I think that this is why it gets a reputation for being such a difficult model to build. Just my thoughts.



    Not glued yet, when held the gaps aren't there

  17. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to KenW in Rattlesnake by KenW - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64 - American Privateer   
    The main top gallant mast and yard is installed.  The amount of rigging is getting crazy.  I spent hours trying to insure that no lines were touching or otherwise fouling.  A small flashlight was very helpful.    Anscherl says that top gallant bunt lines were only used on larger ships so I left them off.  Most of the lines are still not tied off yet.

  18. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to Piet in O16 by Piet - FINISHED - Pacific Crossroads - scale 1:350 - PLASTIC - Royal Navy Netherlands 1936-1941   
    Another small update on the O16. Before tackling the railing on the con I wanted to finely cement the deck torpedo launcher doors to the hull. Instead of closing the launcher area off on both sides I cemented one closed and cemented the other door laying down so we can peek inside and see the launcher. I relity they fold down inboard to lay against stops on top of the pressure hull.
    This was actually done in to time so I decided to complete the display board. I cut a piece of boxwood to 1/16 inch thick by 9 1/4 by 1 1/8 inch to cover my poplar base piece nicely. Glued and clamped it to set to cure overnight.
    In the meantime I cut two 1/8 inch pins of bamboo to place the model on. Originally I thought to turn two mooring bollards to set the model on and actually started to make one on my Unimat lathe but on a visit to Hobby Lobby and browsing along the isles I found some really nice brass beads that would fit. Well, okay, not quite mooring bollards but it saved me a lot of time.
    Today was a rainy day with T-storms, thus ideal to spend some time on the display board. I cleaned a little excess glue off, sanded it down and applied a coat of warm satin Colonial maple stain. Rubbed it in real good and applied a second coat on it and repeated step, let it dry.
    I drilled two 1/8 inch holes into the bottom of the sub and when the stain dry enough to handle I also drilled two 1/8 inch holes into the display board at the appropriate places.  Glued the pins in, put the brass beads on and placed the O16 on it. I'm really happy with the way it looks.
    If youns don't mind I like to add e few pics of the O16's interior as well.
    Deck torpedo launcher door installed in the closed position, port side.

    Deck torpedo launcher door installed in the open position, starboard side.

    1/16 inch boxwood plank glued and clamped.

    The finished display board.

    Bamboo mounting pins installed with the brass beads on them.

    The O16 temporarily placed on the board with the con also temporarily placed on her.

    Forward torpedo room.

    Crew quarters.

    Officer's quarters.

    Central control room on port side. This is located below the bridge inside the main hull.

    Engine room.

    Aft torpedo room with galley.

  19. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to rafine in Halifax by rafine - FINISHED - The Lumberyard - 1:48 - semi-scratch schooner   
    I have now completed the upper hull planking. Before beginning, I had to cut away three of the frames to allow for the small gunport openings. As with the previous belt, this was done with boxwood strips without taper, first edge bent and then bent again horizontally to fit the severe bow curve. This planking was done with a combination of 1/16" x5/32 ", 1/16" x 3/16" and 1/16" x 1/8" strips to fit the dimensions shown on the drawings. BTW, the Lumberyard provided pear strips to do this planking, but I didn't like the material supplied and chose to use boxwood that I had on hand. The treenailing was done as before. After treenailing, the area was final sanded and finished with a coat of Wipe-on Poly. No further work will be done on the outer hull at this point
    The next task is to cut the hull away from the jig.

  20. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to md1400cs in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Acabou de encontrar seu log - (:-) will also follow. Welcome back- looking good. Nice project.
    PS My sweetheart (Eliana) is (on a Sunday) making me a Caipirinha -my baseball team lost today - She wants to help  
  21. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to Ulises Victoria in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Hello Viv dear...
    So glad to see you back mi amor. If you think your worktable is a mess, you should look mine.
    I will be following your build with interest. Looks like a pretty neat ship!!
  22. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from src in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Thank you, Piet! Just trying to do my best - and learning, always learning.
  23. Like
    Vivian Galad got a reaction from hexnut in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    And time for an update so you don´t think I´ve vanished again.
    First of all, sorry for the low quality pics - I´ll have a new cam next month and be posting better ones.
    As I said, I got a plan on changing the stern and, instead of making a new one (which would be a lot better), cut pieces from plywood and got rid from that steep curve - As it is now, well, not good looking I would say, but, I´ll cover it with a sheet cut and designed as a real stern should look - that said, my keel will be from the same wood, so, I´ll be changing the kit´s wood destined for it.

    I´ve been planking decks. After I finished them I realized I could´ve done it other way, close to what it should be - following beams and such, but, then again the ship have no beams and I would have to create them - and I´ll try at least to reproduce something like them. Of course pictures won´t show, but pin holes were made - caulking coming soon.

    So, I´ll show some cargo hold - don´t know if beams would be visible but decided to try some over the cargo hold - Not quite sure how I´ll make them - but I´m into reading so many things about and seeing so many pictures that I´ll figure it out soon enough. Still don´t know if I should plank the hull inside at the visible parts, so, I´m reproducing some more frames.


    I´m using plywood, but will cover if needed.
    It´s a small update, hope to be showing more soon.
  24. Like
    Vivian Galad reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Please enjoy the pics.
    Best regards
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