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b dylan

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  1. Hello David Beautiful model and details. I would be interested to know what stain you used on the deck. I really like the look. Thanks.
  2. That looks very nice. What technique did you use to weather the copper plates? They look great.
  3. Just a followup. I did a test with Future floor polish (Pledge), acrylic liquid. Applied as a gloss base. Then applied a decal. Followed by a spray matte dullcote. This approach worked very well. The decal looks much better, no edges seen. The photo demonstrates the matte finish over the site of the decal compared to the adjacent gloss finish. Thanks for the advice.
  4. John What a fantastic looking model. Could you please comment on the specifics of how you achieved the weathered look? Thanks
  5. Sounds like a good idea. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. I'll trim a little closer, as well as apply a gloss before placing the decal . I gather I can apply the matte finish on top of the decal and the area with gloss. I'll do a test first, but sounds like this should do the trick. Thank you
  7. I would appreciate any comments on how to achieve a proper appearance for application of decals on a wood model. I am wanting to achieve a weathered, matte finish. This is a trial picture that demonstrates a shiny appearance of the decal on the matte finish. I obviously do not like this appearance and would like to see the decal blended into the wood better, without the shiny, stuck on appearance. I have painted and weathered the wood and then applied a matte spray finish. I then applied the decal and used Microsol to try to soften the decal. Any input on how to achieve a better result is appreciated. Thanks b dylan.
  8. JCT - not sure how I missed your build log - excellent build. I've sanded and lightly painted the aluminum pipes - seems to work OK. I'll keep in mind the Birchwood Casey for the next time
  9. Thanks, I've tried both of the above methods. They work equally well to adequately remove the sheen.
  10. Thanks, John. I'll give it a try.
  11. I'm building the Picket Boat. There is aluminum tubing that is used for the steam engine. I've not worked with aluminum tubing before. Does anyone have any advice on how to give it a weathered finish; so it doesn't look so shiny? Thanks
  12. One method is to put a piece of two sided sticky tape on a thin piece of cardboard. Put a small drill hole thru the center of the tape and cardboard. Put an end of the rope thru the hole. Coil the rope on the sticky tape, it will coil easily on the tape. Once coiled, coat it with dilute pva glue. Allow to dry, gently lift the coiled rope off the tape, after cutting the end that had been placed thru the hole.
  13. Very nice. Could you please describe your technique for making the seascape. Thanks.
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