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Everything posted by Krutzelpuntz

  1. I'm so happy you decided to build this! It's such a beautiful boat, I'm delighted to get the chance to follow your progress. I have been waiting for someone to give the cutter a try
  2. Hello Alexandru! Even though I have seen the last five pages, I keep re-watching them when you have an update! food for creative thoughts!
  3. Must say it's really coming into shape. She's going to be a real big beauty!
  4. Hello Frank Can you be more specific on the scale you are working in? It is an interesting project I must say, hope you will attempt to succeed
  5. Your work space brings up dreams in me. Living in the city has a lot of bad aspects. Someday day I will have great space, but for now I'll have to work mainly at my parents. Your work is solid and clean. Looks good! Happy Christmas, by the way!
  6. Great build, really great! Looking forward to see how it will end, and good luck with figuring out your little (big) cannon problem. Happy Christmas!
  7. Very nice model. I like the rc steamship idea. Don't worry about the quality, it seems quite alright, and no place takes harm from diversity! I would like to see your building process in more detail, at future work. If in doubt of how to do anything here on the forums, don't be afraid of asking. Well, you can even make a new thread in this section: Questions/instructions on how to use and post to this forum/Site Problems or suggestions (link) Check it out, it's good reading when in doubt
  8. It looks beautiful. Love the planking thus far
  9. Nice work on the 3D model, and thank you, you just gave me a book Was the model for printing? I'd love to have a 3D printer, but on the other hand, the old way is so much more rewarding! Edit: I see what you mean with googles quality issue. But the text seems fine, I should have all the information I need
  10. I see, thank you for explaining, Jay It all makes sense now. Maybe except for the cannon itself, but I'm quite sure I can figure it out, after a while This will be very helpful indeed. Cheers, Jakob
  11. Great information, Jay. I'm quite sure the quality is just fine! Is it already in scale? I have a hard time understanding the English measurements.. Regards, Jakob Edit: Just took a last look, and the table on the right seems to give three scales.. Though I still don't know how to read it properly.
  12. Thank you Allan! The book seems really interesting. I will try to get my hands on it, though it is unlikely I can get it in my money-league here in Denmark.
  13. Thanks for providing the link! To me it seem easier to do it the old "2 part mold", as I probably won't be making over 12 cannons. I also like the idea of keeping the mold the tree method would be for a larger amount of moldings i recon?? Regards, Jakob!
  14. Yes, I could imagine. it would probably respond poorly to heat, would just curl up. I was thinking of some thicker plastic. I'll have to try it out some day. Maybe this glass wasn't used on ships at all, i'll have to find out.
  15. I don't understand the "tree-method". Could you provide a picture, maybe a creative paint version? I'm interested, as I'm planing to make a set of cannons soon.
  16. I haven't decided on a specific model yet, and i think it will rely very much on what plans i can get my hands on. But I have had some thoughts on the Mediator which sailed under Great Britain, and was armed with 10 4-pounder cannons in 1745. It would be my first model, and this one seems relatively small and manageable. This would mean that I'm actually looking for a British 4-pound cannon from 1745. Kindest of regards, Jakob
  17. This is really nice work, and especially for a first model. I am very impressed. It might be too late, but if i'm not mistaken, the windows made at this time had a small outwards curve. I have been unable to find any examples, but I just got an idea that this effect could be achieved by heating up the plastic. I got the idea when i saw this picture, where the effect is already indicated. Really nice weathering too! Best regards, Jakob
  18. Dear Johann It is logs like this one that really gets me inspired to start practicing this hobby! I don't think I can say any positive words that has not been said, but I will repeat: That is terrific and high(est) class mini craftsmanship. A joy to behold! Grüß, Jakob!
  19. I'm planing for the future to build a sloop in scale 1:48, and for armament I will have 10 6-pound cannons, unless convinced otherwise It's probably going to be 18-1850. I would like to scratch-build the ship, and of course also the cannons. I have done some research, but have not been able to find the measurements of a 6-pound naval cannon, and part of this is probably because I don't know enough on the subject. So the question is, what are the measurements of a 6-pound naval cannon around 1800? For those who can read this, here is what I came up with, but I had to use very doubtful sources, and some guessing. The left side numbers are lengths, and right side width (spelled that one wrong) The gun should be 1,65 meters long real life. Thank you for your time Edit, added 4-pound to title
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