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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. I am sure it well EG.The only problem with the Dura-Aluminum was through handling and I guess the acid from the fingers it changes color like dingy hence the photos outside in good lighting (inside/outside) she's a beauty.Hey,I can just say it's weathered naturally
  2. I have to say this build was a pig paint wise and through the last little final assembly steps.The paint here in NMF is by far not my best I could almost throw it out but I do not have a Korean Crate in the cabinet.
  3. interesting!Why was that was the USAF following the RAF copit colors from late WWII ?
  4. Well be popping in EG that's one thing that air frame silver does it changes color and it's not always pretty in my book almost ugly but in a good lighting it's Nice!
  5. Thks for the complements Dan answer to the question neither version presented carried a panel but I do have some black touch-ups to the tail and nose I need to complete by brush no biggie.
  6. Okay She is finally starting to look like an F-86 This build has just about been a PIA as far as repainting goes though.I started applying the yellow band decals did the fuse first was on to the one wing when I noticed the fuse band was to far back arrgh!!So I pulled up the wing not dry yet but the fuse............will out came the tape and in the process broke off the Tailplanes OK not one cuss word I promise but their was some breathing happening in the long run made doing the decals around the tail easier without them there.I guess you have figured by now the bands are painted paint one paint all actually looks better but when does it not!The instructions from Kinectic have a bit to be desired on decals so anyone who builds this pay close attention the the fuse band it about touches the wing root. and notice the design of the bottom decal says alot.I think she will look OK when finished trust me I am ready for that word "Finished"..........two with flash two w/o.
  7. John seems you have a decent shop/tools at your disposal and I like the work it helps you to produce top notch metal/wood coming through.
  8. All looking Very good there OC I luv it when a black base comes through the right way and I wish I had your confidence when it comes to weathering.
  9. looks like it would lend itself well to panel line a/c EG got any bookmarks on the fella from France I think you mentioned?
  10. Just seems it would take to much time but yes it does look good.I have had some success with paint but it's a hit and a miss much like baseball life is like that but I digress.I am thinking it will work good in the end lots of decals let the future dry good enough with abit laid down might be able to use the Tamy wash this time used magnesium on the gun ports tried stainless looked frigg'in blue almost.
  11. This is were she sits ATTM I am on the fence the AirFrame Silver looks splotchy to my eyes and trust me I have laid several more coats with the same results it's how the light hits it.I have started doing some panels in the last week just playing around using a pointed Yamiya q-tip and buffing(SNJ)with a regular one no need to tape off in this case very close in color to the AF silver I think it lends itself for the most part better lighting on the R-side of the a/c.
  12. It was that the cup was to full of paint Denis must of jerked I was spraying the top of the tail the very tip.
  13. Not to cry in my soup but damn I have been busy as you know what lately.I got some work done the other night and started painting last night Alclad Primer,Alclad Gloss Black then some Airframe Silver wanted a slight shine on this one.I put some Beethoven #5 on the turn table started spraying some more and fook me I did not say one cuss word started cleaning the airbrush and try again tomorrow scotch(and a scotch now) brite and repaint that area and I saw another area I did not like so maybe theirs a reason?
  14. Well after eight days straight of work then yesterday the Wife had knee surgery 9th day I finally got some time at the table.The fuse is glued up no open panels and it's less work.The two halves of the fuse have an ever so slight step from the wing root(WR) up maybe 1" no biggee .The wing is still not glued in place but the worst seam is the side you see now at the WR area I am thinking putty wipe with an alcohol swap and an 800grit scotch brite that is getting some wear.I have got to afix the front and rear parts of the pit research more on colors though.This one is going together easy peasy.
  15. The wing is not glued in or is the tail section alittle more paint and the wing roots not to bad.
  16. As promised were I am at fit looks pretty square ever so slight a gap from tub to the rear canopy slide r/side.Nothing is glued ATM.
  17. Guys the copit is built and painted looked like the resin pit was having alignment issue but I think I saw something tonight while I was in the shop all of ten minutes.I like the look and will have some pics for tomorrow night promise.I do not build much in jets but can see some more coming into play.
  18. From your words, I infer that the ICM kit is quite good, surely it is an imposing build. At one point Dan the plane looked like crap I had a bent needle tip and let me tell you it atomized the paint to were it was mist in the air!This left the plane even after wiping down and one time with 800 grit scotch brite that was worn sprayed again and it happened all over again this time I used a velvet smooth cloth it worked.The issue was it left the surface ever so slightly grainy which allowed the panels wash bite more than I wanted to.I was not going to duck up a good build.The ICM kit's Dan are a dream to build so far my second one now good details with an excellent fit.I have the 1/32 Cr-42 bi-plane coming inbound with a desert version of the He-111 in 1/48.Pic of the mishap
  19. I am back on top of this one fellas already working should paint the pit this week researching the past research.
  20. No wash on this one had issues applying the silver weras the needle was ever so slightly bent was atomizing the paint.I had to go and buff the silver with a soft cloth but methinks it left the surface ever so slightly grainy were when I removed the acrylic mixture it slightly embedded outside the grooves was a no-go.The pics are what I have to do for the GB.
  21. I am almost through with the build tomorrow I start a acrylic wash this time the thinner by Tamy have been eating through the future.I actually have heard of guys using varnish to cover there planes this is a spar-urethane semi-gloss liking it so far dries quick to the touch.Some pics of the interior first(GB another site). The tail-planes and wings 0% filler frigg'in NICE!!
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