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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Thks Dan a long build for me but it paid off in the end ICM kits are Nice! Oh Dan as to the clear parts I attached them first for good adhesion then with a q-tip slightly damp I coated the clear parts with Future.
  2. Working on the Auto-gyro now Craig doing the French Navy scheme when I get further along will post pics just started last night.
  3. Looking good Craig but as to the tracks what you are doing should work smaller tip glue applicator/brush?RFM gives the builder a jig to assemble the tracks my armor experience is pretty limited.
  4. Thks Mark it's only my second build in thirty years of the He-111 out of 250 built. Yes Sir I am going to agree with you today I spent some hours on this one doing layers the sun kind of bleached things out a bit may do some indoor pics? Thks OC like your Waterloo though not as intensive as yours different results can take time. N.Africa schemes whether Axis/Allied are a bird of a different flock.Thks. You are correct Yves about the variety of kits they are producing/quality I think ICM is fast approaching Tamyia standards in the future for me it will be Revell of Germany,ICM or Eduard.Which leads me to the next project(s) is it the Eduard Mustangs(3)?I have an affliction for ReCon crates.
  5. Thks Craig I have a deep affinity to ICM kits now they are a joy to build.A little feature the wing tip lights have a long extension that fits into the wing being clear of course you paint that part and the color goes to the lens.I thought it was kind of neat . Thks Ken.
  6. I am calling this one finished guys.I did add with a bit of a cuss factor the external gun sights.
  7. Thks Craig I just about had a small flub when reglueing the top piece some glue oozed out made it a little glossy when to go hit with a brush/flat clear will .... the brush must on been dingy So out came the Africa 1942 color had pastels at the ready a light touch of paint and before it could even think about drying on went the pastels it's working called it quits for the night.
  8. Thks OC and Dan This one is getting into the home stretch little stuff finish the gear,antenna,prop hubs,lights and aerials.
  9. Thks Alan!I am basically done with the shading little things here and there nothing major though.She starting to look like a He-111 now the sides of the fuse and tail are not done as hard as the areas exposed to direct light.
  10. I busted out a box of pastels using a light white grey and an even lighter sand mixed started some blending.I had the airbrush set up with some flat I coat spray coat till I was happy....I think I am happy with the wings and the L/Tailplane.The build is starting to come together just longer than most for me at least it's getting artistic ATTM.
  11. What you fellas think got some powders laid down?I think a little to much yellow actually a sand color but might lay over a light grey to tone it down it's an experiment
  12. Don't worry Dan she will end up being a Nice addition to the Air Fleet.
  13. Yea I know Mark it has a couple of the Persian Rug Flaws just to be sure.
  14. I only used Eduard's copit PE kit Craig to much glass to not.
  15. Yes they have Craig I have bought a few of their kits just for the fact good subject and "ICM"
  16. Decals have been applied I know we like thin but man some of these were just to thin I lost several.I have several mistakes in the paint all on the undersides 1) the white under the wings went one panel to far inboard.2) the white band on the tail is 1/16" to wide hint the "A" hit the white centering the "Z" and 3) the RLM 78 was to go much lower between the wing and tailplanes live and learn.I think when done 9 out of 10 people will never notice those mistakes so I march on.I made up the colors for the props,bombs and prop covers.
  17. Thks for the complement Dan I hope I do her justice.
  18. Thks Ken the build has had it's learning curves in weathering for me liking it thus far. I don't know what it is about the Africa Campaign but it does interest me alot these days Chris,Marseille's crate is in the stash also. Thks Alan this one is a teacher we wait and see if the student can take it forward. Last coat of clear hit the plane this morning already decals soon.
  19. I figured I was getting close enough to the end to post Mark.
  20. Now here is the progression on the shading I did not go black base on this typical Mr Surfacer 1200 was the laid and MM Africa 1942 Sand then the upper panel lines were done in MM Italian Sand.I then started inside of the panels with the Italian Sand(darkest) next came Yellow Zinc Chromate and on to white.I then came back over that with the 1942 slowly building it up I was still not happy with it pic2 so I laid down more #3.I started on the bottom with a med Grey for the panel lines and ever so lightly in a few panel started with the 1942 and went back over with RLM 78 you will notice in #4 R/wing has the dust and the L/wing needs more toning down.The toning down and dust came in #7 I like the effect.I then made a color of a lot of white 70% and 30%1942 almost pink I misted the wings up top and the spine of the fuselage a dust effect sun fade #5 did all the white also.I have the clear on it now and will do some more tomorrow before work and let dry good then decals and pastels
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