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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. You know Dan the early MIGs well just looked fugly and when you laid the paint at first still fugly but you know what the decals and your enhancements have changed that opinion to just ugly😄 You really have some nice work going here and would not mined it in my cabinet,
  2. A bit smaller isn't she?I have the Matchbox 1/32 in the stash I p/u for like $10 I also bought the old Fiesler Storch for the same price.Keep at it Chris.
  3. She is starting to look like a Tank now with the tracks in place.I black based the tracks then MM Stainless Steel with a fog of MM Burnt Metal at 10PSI from about 10" the track on the front I got a little to close with the BM.I did not worry about finishing off the wheels up top seeing how the skirts will be covering them.
  4. Things are moving slow just about ready to paint the tracks and add the skirts.I had a Sis come in town two weeks ago loves to go to antique shops I found four spindles(oak) 36" instantly a project hit me so I have been in the other side of the shop.The hatch on the r/side will be open see the crack on closing.
  5. OK pics figured it was time just a couple though.I built the little handles that go under the windows of turret opening these allow the commander to look through armor plate glass.The handles comprised of PE and the standard part supplied by the kit.The inside of the turret opening is about to get another coat of white and then goes in the armor plate from the top now it appears to me leather pads exist between each piece of glass,I picture the commander hands up top of the pad with forearm on the pad looking out.The inside of the turret is my idea for this build the King Tiger with full interior will get more research sites already bookmarked.The main body still has more pieces to apply as well as the main turret it self.The KT kit tracks look beefier on the pins for the tracks as opposed to this kit cannot tell you how many I had to make!!!!
  6. OC this build to me is one of your better one's it's the combination of a flawless build with very Nice weathering in a well balanced approach.
  7. A bit to clean Mike but when you have over 200 unbuilt kits sometimes well production comes to mind every now and then I play hence the reason I am not real good at dirtying things up.
  8. This is were I sit ATTM the tracks are a bit of a PIA and still look to loose with this one while the other looks better??both have 98 links?I am at a stage were some knowledge from ya'll is needed.......the tools on the deck what color?The instructions have me installing them at this point did they just shoot the whole tank camo?
  9. It is the E-4 Mike kit fits like a dream. Oh Mike get the mask got mine of ebay I think $12 Eduard no longer making them.
  10. Oh how my Brother would luv to see these he was a biker from the age 11 or 12 doing dirt bikes.The guy rode Triumphs,BMW,Harleys,Honda,Yamaha and the last was an Indian methinks.You have fun with that luv.
  11. So Mike got any mechanics yet?With all those panels off would make for a neat Dio and with plastic card readily available a quick build under the flight deck might not be all that difficult.She is coming along real Nice!!
  12. I used MR Hobby glue just a little thicker than Tamiya so it does not lock up the tracks as much still a PIA.I did one Tamy and one Hobby the Hobby came out better.
  13. Have fun with the tracks Craig just finished mine last night.
  14. Phil would the loop be better in the front than the back of the poles?it might look like a knot as much just an obs.Kevin
  15. After step #5 complete.The tracks had a small learning curve for someone who has never played with individual links less glue is better CA not so great.I liked the idea of the working suspension esp. if someone was doing a diorama.The kit does fit like a dream kinda like the Tamy of tanks without the cost so much.That's it for now assembling tracks a little at a time so when the time comes I am ready.............
  16. Backer luv the walk around site it's bookmarked did they use RLM02 for the interior of the tanks?
  17. Denis the idea is to get me ready for the Pride of Baltimore which I have the hull ready for planking just a scary-dee cat Russ was impressed with my idea for the stays and making them line up right.
  18. That's it OC on the back the the suspension base guards and yes it was pretty far down the list
  19. I have read the book and quite interesting just had to pull that leg!😄
  20. Hey hey P-51's never got captured but that slower Spit of those Brits now that I might could conc................
  21. It's a first for me to I spent 20 minutes putting on what I thought best may of been some 16 allen head nuts(?) on the underside maybe Backer can clear that up? I will take a pic of the region.The Tiger has the whole interior it could be next on the bench but I have also started the assault once again on the Revell 1/56 Civil War Blockade Runner using His Models blocks.
  22. Well do I can paint but my ability to weather even planes is iffy at best when I get to that juncture any input will be much appreciated.
  23. Already started and have to say nice fit thus far but just the beginning.I have another RFM with the complete interior I believe a Tiger I that has way more pieces than this kit and the box is 2/3" deeper/taller however you wish to look at it.The idea is to cut my teeth with the easier of the two kits and see how RFM like to assemble their stuff together.I have not decided on a paint scheme yet but I will have to look around here at the other builds that are happening and the net to figure the weathering aspect of the build.This may take a while.
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