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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. I am liking it Craig esp. that black on the cowling looks just a touch of grey?
  2. Looking good Chris been seeing so many HellCats and F4F's lately it's trying to make me bite.
  3. Kevin that came out Quite Nice Sir!!but dogs do not pull coaches(a pic) you need some horses.
  4. John that is looking Very Nice from this end.I kept looking at the wood going "what is it?" thinking a mahogany mainly Sapele could be?
  5. Just going through some of your ole builds she came out Nice Craig got this one in the stash.I am about to embark on some WWI builds once I finish the ICM He-111 on a GB on another site.
  6. Craig I have been seeing more of that technique showing up on YT builds.I like the technique over just doing pre-shading of panel lines breaks up the color ever so slightly.I like the effect you accomplished in 1/72 it would seem as one moves of in scale more you can play.
  7. Well Mike it's hard to say a full white but it's real close look at how the forward gun projects itself on the building.Then their is a building behind the center of the ship a couple hundred yards looks white.I think if you go for this pic as your driving force for the build white with a touch of grey better yet find some other pics of peace time no matter the ship as long as Japanese Navy.
  8. I like to run that stuff through my bandsaw quick and effective!So what's the length on this ship in real life Mike?What glue are you using to attach the rails and doors?
  9. Mike I missed this one lovely details and the deck is gorgeous bud!!So what's going on with the build now rigging is not to be feared with something like EZ-line.Looking forward to the final dio.
  10. OOOHH the stash is growing Mikee I seem to remember a conversation about Momma? Nice Build
  11. Yeah I am just trying to give the Ole Boy a hard time"all talk no action"
  12. I am sure it well EG.The only problem with the Dura-Aluminum was through handling and I guess the acid from the fingers it changes color like dingy hence the photos outside in good lighting (inside/outside) she's a beauty.Hey,I can just say it's weathered naturally
  13. I have to say this build was a pig paint wise and through the last little final assembly steps.The paint here in NMF is by far not my best I could almost throw it out but I do not have a Korean Crate in the cabinet.
  14. interesting!Why was that was the USAF following the RAF copit colors from late WWII ?
  15. Well be popping in EG that's one thing that air frame silver does it changes color and it's not always pretty in my book almost ugly but in a good lighting it's Nice!
  16. Thks for the complements Dan answer to the question neither version presented carried a panel but I do have some black touch-ups to the tail and nose I need to complete by brush no biggie.
  17. Okay She is finally starting to look like an F-86 This build has just about been a PIA as far as repainting goes though.I started applying the yellow band decals did the fuse first was on to the one wing when I noticed the fuse band was to far back arrgh!!So I pulled up the wing not dry yet but the fuse............will out came the tape and in the process broke off the Tailplanes OK not one cuss word I promise but their was some breathing happening in the long run made doing the decals around the tail easier without them there.I guess you have figured by now the bands are painted paint one paint all actually looks better but when does it not!The instructions from Kinectic have a bit to be desired on decals so anyone who builds this pay close attention the the fuse band it about touches the wing root. and notice the design of the bottom decal says alot.I think she will look OK when finished trust me I am ready for that word "Finished"..........two with flash two w/o.
  18. John seems you have a decent shop/tools at your disposal and I like the work it helps you to produce top notch metal/wood coming through.
  19. All looking Very good there OC I luv it when a black base comes through the right way and I wish I had your confidence when it comes to weathering.
  20. looks like it would lend itself well to panel line a/c EG got any bookmarks on the fella from France I think you mentioned?
  21. Just seems it would take to much time but yes it does look good.I have had some success with paint but it's a hit and a miss much like baseball life is like that but I digress.I am thinking it will work good in the end lots of decals let the future dry good enough with abit laid down might be able to use the Tamy wash this time used magnesium on the gun ports tried stainless looked frigg'in blue almost.
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