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Everything posted by alde

  1. Color change is done and some work on the deck houses. I sure don't have the fine craftsmanship that some of you guys have. I hope it's something that will come with practice and learning. And how do you guys keep your work area so neat?
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it.
  3. Thanks for the reply, Chuck. I can't imagine the time it takes for you to keep up. I'm in absolutely no rush but am happy to know that it will eventually be available. I'm looking forward to seeing what you develop in the future.
  4. I see Chuck shows these as sold out. Will they ever be available again? I would love to join in on the fun. I know I could email Chuck directly from his site but I thought asking here might be useful to someone else that might be interested.
  5. Glenn, I know I'm really late to the party but have to tell you how much I appreciate you sharing so much detail of your amazing build of Cheerful. She's absolutely beautiful and an inspiration. I purchased the set from Chuck a few weeks ago but I see I'm far from ready for it. Luckily I have a couple of kits to practice on before I take Cheerful on. When I do, your detailed build will be an excellent guide. Thank you for taking the time to share your work process.
  6. The small details sure matter. Your work looks great.
  7. Thank you John. It's lifts my spirits to be back among friends and back on the bench.
  8. The repairs have started. It's going to take a little time to get back into the flow for sure. I need to get back to an organized workbench to. I will work on better tool storage and keeping a clean work surface. Here are a couple of pictures of how it looks right now with some repairs done.
  9. It's sure been a long time since I posted on this build. After my wife had her stroke, it was the last thing on my mind. I'm getting ready to pick it back up. In all this time I've lost some parts and 2 sheets of the plans. The nice folks at Model Expo replacement them with no questions asked. The hull fell off a pretty high shelf and has some damage that needs to be fixed. Since it will need a re-paint I'll take to opportunity to go with the yellow hull. It will be a good model to get my mojo back and get my mind occupied with something positive. I'll start posting regularly as soon as I get it on the bench. I have an Armed Virginia Sloop kit to build next and then Chucks beautiful Cheerful kit. If all goes well I might get started on the Winchelsea next year. I'll have to see if I feel like my skills are up to it. I'm so glad to be in a position to get back at it and be among friends here on the forum. I see we have lost a couple of good people since I was a regular and that really saddens me. They were good people always with a kind word and willingness to help.
  10. Your Cheerful looks amazing. I really like the darker wood for the hull.
  11. Your Sherbourne looks great. I'll be ordering this kit tomorrow and look forward to following your build to help me along the way.
  12. You sure do great work. Your build log will sure be a great reference when I get up enough nerve to build a Syren kit.
  13. I always cringe when I hear stories of accidents with beautiful models. I'm glad you were able to fix it.
  14. Wow, your Cheerful looks amazing. I was following your build early on but I had some life changing family issues that took me away from the hobby for a few years. Seeing your works is a real inspiration to get back at it.
  15. The Lumberyard for Model Shipwrights https://www.dlumberyard.com The Lumberyard for Model Shipwrights Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I've been away from modeling since I last posted on this thread due to a family emergency.
  16. That's some fine looking brass work Mick. I would love to clone your shop too.
  17. Glad to have you here. Don't forget to start a build log when your ready.
  18. Glad to see you back and happy to be aboard your log. As far as holding the keel there are some great ideas in build logs to borrow. I think simple is better. I know sometimes we try to over think things.
  19. It's too bad he bugged out. Oh well, maybe he will find what he's looking for somewhere else. Hope he comes back though.
  20. I have a Veritas mini block plane but I'll keep an eye for one of those luthier plans. It looks like it would be easy to handle for a small tool. Thanks again.
  21. Thanks Mick. I really appreciate it. Looks like a nice tool.
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