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Everything posted by alde

  1. Sometimes it’s hard to redo something you have put so much work into but it’s always worth it in the end. Your tops are looking really nice.
  2. Your doing a fine job on a very interesting ship.
  3. Beautiful Piper Cub. Thanks for posting your pictures.
  4. I have an electric with about an 18" blade. Do you think that might be a bit of overkill?
  5. Well you guys convinced me to cut it off the jig before I start on the interior. I need to plank up the stern first though. I’m gonna shoot for next Friday. Can I use a chainsaw?
  6. Thank you Sjors. I wish my abilities were more up to it. Maybe after a few more years of practice the quality will improve a bit.
  7. I appreciate that Mark. I think the camera hides some of the flaws. I think I should be able to compensate for starting the planking too far from the keel with no problems. The only thing that may cause trouble is where the bowsprite exists the hull. Everything else should be fine. I think I'll build some of the internal structure before I cut it loose. I really don't want it to fall apart though it seems pretty strong.
  8. Thanks Bob. It's gonna be a little stressful but I'm looking forward to cutting it loose
  9. Thanks Bob. It's gonna be a little stressful but I'm looking forward to cutting it loose
  10. Thanks Lou. The next one should go easier for sure. Some of the mistakes will be easy to avoid next time. The old saying measure twice cut once is so true.
  11. I nearing the end of the external planking and it’s ok except for one error. I started the planking too far away from the keel so it’s all about 1/4” or so too high. I don’t think it will cause any major problems but the stern carving won’t be able to go on until it’s off the building jig. I’ll do the obligatory aircraft carrier picture soon. That’s seems to be a requirement of a Hahn style build.
  12. Nice job stowing the Connie. She looks nice and secure. Have a safe drive.
  13. Thanks for the planking lesson Chuck. You have a way of describing things that make them easier to understand. Please do continue on with it for us beginners. This is going to end a great project.
  14. I've started making some progress on the planking. It's not perfect but not too bad either. I'm sure learning as I go though.
  15. Thank you Mick, it’s a great help. I managed to get some really nice straight grained ebony from my guitar builder friend who uses it for fingerboards. Maybe I just need to learn how to work with the stuff before I completely give up on it but it’s too late for Halifax as I already have one glued in place using pear. It’s very easy to shape and bend and looks good. I’ll keep working with the ebony though. It was a bit of a learning curve for drawing the treenails through the draw plate but wasn’t long before it was prett quick and easy. I’m not looking forward to drilling hundreds of holes but it won’t be bad on this little ship. Thank you for taking the time to help me with some of this simple stuff.
  16. Mick, I hope you don't mind a couple of beginner questions that you may have covered somewhere in your build log. First, how far into the frame do you drill for the treenails and do you use a simple pin vise or a power tool to drill the holes? In you last photos it looks like your using real ebony. I tried using ebony for my wales with no success. It was too difficult to bend and I ended up using Swiss pear. Are your wales ebony? Thanks again for the outstanding build log. It's been a great learning tool for me.
  17. Lou, do you have any decent hobby shops on your side of the water? The only one we have is dedicated to RC and plastic models. They have some basswood, balsa and plywood and of course some tools and paint but not much else. I usually get everything in the mail.
  18. Family issues have kept me out of the shop but I may be able to sneak in a couple of hours tomorrow morning. Since I already have the strake laid out I'm going to un-clamp them half at a time and glue and clamp one end then the other. That way I never loose it's position. At least that's my plan. We'll see how it works in practice.
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