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Posted (edited)

Beautiful Mark!

Hope mine turns out as well as yours. Now I can see what I would like to achieve. I've also purchased hinges from Rick and agree they are nice.




Edited by BillLib

Pete - thanks so much. I could not have gotten to this point without your guidance & encouragement.                                                                

Bill - from the pictures you posted yours should end up every bit as good as anyone else`s.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


  • 4 weeks later...

G'day Mark

Just wondering how're things progressing? It's been a while memattieee and I think its time to 'pullyurfin'rout'. I'm ichting to see more of yur marvelous work.

"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Hi Greg - I have taken a bit of a break due to catching a cold a couple of weeks ago & feeling lousy. I am much better now & should be up to speed soon. I have made a little progress on the bowsprit. The dowels were tapered & shaped according to the plans,then the top was cut from the supplied 1mm plywood & planked on both sides with a 1x3mm strip glued around the outside edge.The trestle trees & cross trees were then cut & shaped to fit & glued in place. The whole top assy. was then painted black. The chainplates were made by bending some .8mm brass wire around the deadeyes & soldered shut. The lower end was flattened in a vice & holes were drilled for nails. The design of the bowsprit is a little different than I have seen before - the top is offset to one side & the jibboom goes through the top rather than under it.













current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



G'day Mark

Sorry to hear that you were under the weather. I hope that you realize that I wasn't trying to push you (not much) to get some more posting done.

You still up to your usual excellent standards even though you are not the best health wise.

As in Australia we havta say bloody fantastic mate on the bow sprint.

Hope you'll get well soon my friend.

"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Thanks Greg :). All the mast parts need to be scratch built from the supplied wood,so it`s a little slow going anyway.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



G'day Mark 

Again an example of pure excellence! I havta take my hat off to you again. 

Maybe the reason why all your photos are back to front  is because you are from the States and not a forward country like Australia. 😆😊 LOL

Havagooday my friend 


"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



You are right about that,Pete - the main top alone is 83 separate pieces. So nice that the plan sheets are full size so the mast parts can be made directly from the plans without having to do a lot of extra math or measuring.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


5 hours ago, marktiedens said:

So nice that the plan sheets are full size so the mast parts can be made directly from the plans without having to do a lot of extra math or measuring.




G'day Mark 

That's is very good of Euromodel! Not many kit company will do that.

I guess that's is why they are one of the best kit supplies in the world, if not the best.

Keep up with your great work Mark. 



"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



G'day Mark 

I havta agree with Pete.......

Great perseverance with those masks, it shows a lot of patient to achieve a high standard like these.

havagooday mate 


"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Thanks guys:D. Other necessary items such as blocks & wooldings will be added later,before permanently gluing them in place. I might add that the mast sections were stained with Minwax "special walnut". The larger sections were turned down with a lathe,while the smaller sections were shaped with a small hand plane,files,& sandpaper.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Another update - mizzen mast is now completed. As before,all components were cut & shaped according to the plans. The mizzen mast is angled back a few degrees,so the cheeks were cut at an angle so the top would sit level.













current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways





I am wondering about the black mast tips as well as the black platforms. I tried to Google for an answer as to why - No luck - Do you know the history for the painted trims? They do make those ships look much more formal indeed. That might just be the reason?  Just curious.


PS: Nice - noticed your fids - as you know I just learned about that detail bit recently.




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa






Michael -  the black painted tops were a normal feature on English ships of this era. Not sure exactly why they were painted black - maybe to slow down wood rot. Those flat tops would most likely have water sitting on them from time to time. All the yards are also painted black.

  Ahh,yes,the fids - hard to see in the pictures,but they are there. The bolsters are there also.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Update - all the yards are now cut & shaped. Battens were added to the center portion of the appropriate yards,along with the cleats at the ends,& the sling cleats where needed. I found one error on the plans - the battens on the fore topmast yard were about 3mm off center,so I had to file off the previously installed battens on that yard & re-do them. All the other drawings were spot on.









current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



G'day Mark 

Just beautiful work on the yard. I would assume they are all at your high standard of work.

Are you going to paint them black, in the centre or the whole yards?

Again bloody brilliant work mate.



"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Thanks Greg - the yards will be painted all black. Still have a little fine tuning to do on the sling cleats. The stunsail booms will be stained walnut & not be painted.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



A small update - decided I might as well mount the stern lanterns,so I made some side braces from some .8mm brass rod & glued them all in place. Next ,I cut & shaped all the stunsail yards. The stunsail irons were made from some brass & copper tubing & they were fitted on the stunsail yard with .8mm brass rod. I made caps for the end of the yard out of thin copper strip. They were attached at a 45 degree angle from the center of the yard I only have the fore topsail yard completed,so 3 more to go. The irons around the yard was made from black card stock.












current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Thanks Frank! It was a lot of work to fit all those castings,but I think it came out pretty good. It also helped that the castings are very nicely detailed. I must say,though,that it would not have turned out half as good without Pete`s (piratepete007) guidance.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


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