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Hello from Belgium

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Good evening everyone,


A few weeks after my inscription on ModelShipWorld, the time has come to present myself.

My name is Cédric Liégeois and I’m a belgian modeler, 48 years old, working in civilian engineering area and, when I’m not busy with building sites, principally connected to the XVII century ships of the line and even earlier, I spend a lot of time building battleships ; in fact I still have a number of 1/350 kits just waiting to be built.

After a long break (children and so on) I came back to the hobby a few years ago after spending a holiday near Rochefort, France, where the replica ship l’Hermione was under construction. That gave me the impulse to come back to a long - forgotten project concerning le Soleil Royal of Heller.

This project, owing to certain specific developments, has now evolved in a somewhat different direction. I have decided to attempt a conversion of the Heller kit into La Reine of 1668. This ship, altough dimensionally somewhat smaller than Le Soleil Royal in lenght and breadth, was constructed in the same shipyard (Brest) by the same master carpenter (Laurent Hubac).

Currently, my progress on this model can be viewed on the French modeling forum La Royale Modelisme.net

That’s how I met Hubac’s Historian, who’s current WIP on Le Soleil Royal lead us to exchange informations and our correspondence gave me the courage to translate my work in English. Marc is helping me with translation, I’m really not fluent and the imperial system of measures that most of you are using is quite a nightmare for me.


As soon as possible, I will start my own building log on MSW, I’m looking forward to you comments and help.


Have a nice day.




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Welcome aboard Cédric,


This is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.

If needed, you'll find plenty of help, advise and encouragement from everyone. 


I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.




Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo

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Hey howya goin Cédric mate, welcome.   :bird-vi:

I'm probably not going to live long enough to build all these but I'm BLOODY going to try HAHAHA.


Future Builds: The Schooner Bluenose, scale 1:48, POF Scratch Build (Gene Bodnar practicum - Plans from modelshipbuilder.com)

                       HMS Victory, scale 1:64 or 1:48, POF Scratch Build (John McKay's plans)


Current Builds: 42ft Longboat Armed for War 1834, scale 1:36 POF Scratch Build (Plans from A.N.C.R.E.) 

                        Galley Washington 1776, scale 1:48, POF Scratch Build (NRG's Plans)

                        Ragusian Carrack, scale 1:59, POB kit (MarisStella)

                        King of the Mississippi, scale 1:80, POB Kit (Artesania Latina)

                        HMS Snake 1797, 18 Gun Sloop of War, scale 1:64, POB Kit (Jotika/CalderCraft)


Current Build: Stage Coach 1848, scale 1:10, Kit (Artesania Latina) Shhh don't tell the Admins I'm building this I'll hide it here ^under this line^ so they don't see it HAHAHA.



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Welcome Cédric - enjoy MSW!


Just as a side note, my surname [last name] is Rochefort so it is intrigueing to see it mentioned. I am Anglo Saxon should anyone ask :)





Currently in the shipyard:      Meta nr 484 - Billing
                                                La Toulannaise (Billing) - on hold


Waiting patiently in the shed: HMS Victory - Da Agostini (collection complete and anxiously waiting :D )

                                                 IL Leudo - Amati

                                                 Lilla Dan nr 578 - Billing



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Welcome Cedric!  I am sure that you will find that the knowledge and eagerness to share, here at MSW, goes quite beyond expectations.  In the short time that I have been a member, here, I have learned so much from so many.  It never ceases to amaze me the particular talents of others.

We are all works in progress, all of the time.

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You have an impressive vision and depth of knowledge. Try looking on YouTube for information. You may be surprised at what you find. I have yet to figure out how to do the pictures for posting but I am closing in. I have the same Soliel Royale kit you have and I must say it could be daunting. Whenever I get frustrated I work on the engine on my 1986 Dodhe Caravan minivan. Turning wrenches helps relieve stress.

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"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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