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I agree, there is an unusual amount.

With the deck furniture left to build, there does seem to be quite a bit left.

More than enough for what I need.


My waste hasn't been too bad, I re-did a few deck planks but not too many.


Model Shipways really means it when they say they give you extra!




You have done a terrific job!  Congratulations.  I will be sure to watch for further updates.  The Niagara is on my to-build list,

but I have enough on my hands at the moment with Fair American.  Again, a very nice build that you are doing.




Hope everybody's Shipyards have been busy.

I have been busy, but only results in a short update.


I've been painting!

Since it's by hand, it's slow going. Have to do layers, then more layers.

Constant "dot patrol"!

I'm purposely applying thin layers of paint, it means more painting, but hopefully it means it wont have a thick look.


I'm going to get the Gunport area done by hand.

Then I'll mask off that area and use a rattle can for the bottom of the hull.




This Emperor is starting to get it's new clothes!

It really jazzes up with some paint!




Started carving out a Foremast Topgallant/Royal Mast.



As of this evening, the Carronade Factory has re-opened. 

Four at a time, no rush to get them done...….yet!



Tom E 





Not much of an update, but I suppose anything is something.

Every little bit is a step forward!


Seems all I do is paint.....








Then paint some more!!!!!


It does end...….right?!




On a side note,

Just happen to snap this late summer sunset last Friday driving home from dinner.

It was cool, and could just start to feel a bit of fall.


Tom E 




Hope everyone is having a quiet Labor Day.

Did the cookout/party Saturday. That left Sunday and Monday to the Shipyard!

I took full advantage! :cheers:


Still painting.....

Although, somewhat of a milestone in my book. The hull now has it's first few layers of Black.

Couldn't find any quality rattle cans, so I stuck with hand paining it. 

I can control my paint better by hand. 

It will be thin layers. Should fill in nicely!


She's a bit snaggle toothed at the bow, but....I can live with it.

It's my first of, I hope, many ships!



I placed a piece of 1/32x3/32 at the junction of the Waterways and deck.

My version of a "simplified" Nibbing Strake. 




The height will come down as I finish sanding the deck.

The deck had a good rub with several grits, then I placed the nibbing strake.

Once dried in place, I'll finish the deck with one more good sanding.

Then ready for staining. 


I also finished the Fore Topgallant/Royal Mast.

Its in the paint shop as of tonight.






More Carronade should be ready soon.

I hope to have them all done by the time I'm done staining the deck.







I also finished the Flying Jib Boom for the Bowsprit.

I don't wanna do a basic white on the Jib and Flying Jib Boom.

I may stain these a dark tone.

We'll see.


Tom E 




Suggest not permanently fastening the bowspars yet. Once you do she gets rather unwieldy to work with. Don't forget the quions under the gun barrels.

If you have something like a 1'x6' board with holes to store and work on the other spars you can make a few holes for the bow spars as well.

Personally, I like the look of the hull sticks being somewhat visible so don't fill in too much. If you do have gaps you want to fill try a craft syringe & needle to apply a thin line of white glue down in the gap. Paint over it afterwards.

Keep it up Tom.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Thanks Mike, 


I agree, I like the planked look as well. I used the wood filler very sparingly.

It looks rough, with some gaps, but I can live with it.

The paint does a lot to hide it.


The rough side will be the "no show" side of the ship! 


Definitely not installing anything yet.

I would snap those Bowspars off so quickly!!!!!


In my head, my order of build right now is....

Continue with the cannon, masts, and deck- which I may stain this weekend.

After I'm happy with those 3 bits, It'll be the deck furniture.

Its somewhere way after all these bits where I'll actually "attach" anything.


Tom E 



Tom she is beautiful. Great paint job.

One of the things I find easier is rig it off the boat. I get all the blocks, Standing and Running rigging attached before hand. I work from fore aft and bottom up. I have broken off bow spirits before, usually whilst trying to run a line through a block or a fairlead. Learned my lesson about the third time. Now I rig in my third hand.


Jim Rogers


Damn the Torpedoes , Full speed ahead.   Adm David Farragut.


Thanks Jim,


I want to rig as much as possible off ship.

Biggest fear I have, Is I forget to install a block or thimble some where impossible to reach.

And being impossible to reach, the final outcome wont look good.


I know I'll have some learning moments, hopefully most off ship!


Mike, below was your idea a few posts ago. Still in use to this day.

Probably for all my future builds as well. 

The below pic is old. That Fore mast is a lot further along!


As the Fore, Top, and Topgallant are built, supports are added to the board.

I want to do all, or as close to as possible, rigging on it.



Tom E 





Can't agree more with Jim on rigging plan. I did all of the standing rigging on my masts while they laid flat on the bench, including all of the upper shrouds and ratlines. I tried to apply all of the blocks, but missed a few. I think I showed that on my log.


Good luck going forward.  Your paint work is superb.

  • 2 weeks later...


There's a nip in the air, the trees are changing color.

There's a boiled dinner in the slow cooker.


It must be Fall!!!!!!       My favorite time of year.


In my humble opinion, probably the best time of year to build.


Any who.....


I stained my deck!!!!!

This is a milestone for me on Niagara.

Never did I ever think I would get this far on this build.


Started with a pre-stain wood conditioner and a sanding.




Below is Golden Oak.

It looks better in person. Pics do it no justice.




There's some splash over of stain onto the paint.

I can easily clean that up.




There's no dip in my deck on the Port side. That's my shop lighting.

Pics do it no justice.




I'm reluctant to stain again.

I don't think I want it any darker.




Just realized that I started this build a year ago, September 2017.

I cant believe It's been a year!


I wont say I can see the end in sight, that would be simply foolish!


Thanks for watching!


Tom E






Time for an update.

Spurred on by a stained deck, I have been somewhat busy.

The work week does get in the way of my ship building tho!


For several weeks now, more than I like to admit, I have been wondering how many blocks are under the uppermost Crosstrees.

Looking thru numerous builds, looking at the plans...….frustrated.

Then I found the below on one of the plans.

I had just never seen this before, believe me, I looked!


Its the second paragraph that grabbed my attention.




Sooooooo, I did that


Started stropping 1/8 Syren blocks.



I used a simple seize to tighten things off.

Then I'll hang from the straight part.




Only needed 4.




If it's wrong, It's easily re-done. 









I also started on some deck furniture.

I'll start with the Forecastle hatch.

Work my way aft.


It starts with a box.




With a small square strip around the top. 

This will be covered with planks.


I'll start with planks, then I'll start using the grating on the other pieces.

I wanna get a feel for building furniture.


I'm still learning!


Tom E 






  • 3 weeks later...


Been a while, time for an update.

Admittedly, haven't been working on Niagara as much as I want to.

During the Fall, a lot of family and friends visit for the foliage. 

Good food, family and friends...…...good times, good times!:cheers:


I drilled out the hole for the rudder.

That was nerve wracking! I was going to drill it out with my Dremel......was.

I was looking thru other ship builds and I saw where it was drilled out and the planking around it exploded.

Did not want that!


I wrapped some tape around a 1/8th drill bit for finger traction and did it by hand.

I'll clean it up with some sand paper.

The Hawse holes will be done the same way. No power tools here!!!


I built the Forecastle Hatch.

Seemed easy enough.

It was the paint that would prove difficult. 


I used a Golden Oak paint I had left over from another build.

Yes, Its as orange in person as it is in the pics!



The paint has been stripped off.


I've been thinking of staining it a dark stain to contrast the some what light deck stain.

I'm still chewing on that one.


I started building the Galley Hatch over the weekend.

Should have pics soon.


Most building of late has been Carronade.

I only do 4 at a time. Feels rushed If I do all at once.

Just feels like more of a controlled process.

I'd feel overwhelmed with all 20 guns at once. 


Below are primed and ready for the first coat of red.




As with any Cannon being built, eyebolts are always in the picture.

We all have our own methods.

Here how I do it. I use a pick like tool Model Expo sells as a "Rigging Tool".


I use 28g wire and wrap around the tool head. 



While holding the wire with the left hand and the pick in the right.



Twist about 2 times, then gently force down the neck of the pick to form a loop.

Need a bigger diameter eyebolt, force it further down the neck of the pic.

I would go about 1/3 of the way down the neck. That seemed like an appropriate size.


I remove it from the pick to fix it up a bit before clipping of the tail of the wire.



1 eyebolt.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy!


It works for me!


Tom E 





Well, I started today about 4am, just to get the chores done and get back to the shipyard.

First quiet weekend in a while. Looking to take full advantage!


I started cutting the Main Mast 



From what I can tell.

The Mast has an angle roughly 11 degrees.

Am I reading this right?

Is the angle measured on the protractor from the center line of the dowel?

Not the fore or aft edge of the dowel?


I've also been keeping in mind where the Shrouds are located, and 11 degrees looks good.


I made my Galley grating!

It was kinda fun.


The eggcrate method with the grating supplied is unique.

Odd looking stuff.


Maybe not for this build, but, I see an upgrade to Syren gratings in the future. 



Primed, then a few coats of red.





I just had to throw in the below pics.

Its been a beautiful fall in New England.










Winter is next! I'm ready!


Tom E 



  • 2 weeks later...


Admittedly, I haven't been in the shipyard as much as I want to be.

Life gets in the way. Nothing bad, just prepping for the winter. 

Get the truck inspected, serviced,,,blah blah blah....chores. 


I made some progress on the Main mast.

It starts with the Octagon.

I did much better on this one than the Fore mast. 




Squared up the top portion.


I finally stripped that orange like paint off the Forecastle Hatch.

Stained it an "Early American". 

Looks soooooo much better.


I also finished the Galley grating as well.

I chose the "Early American" stain for the Forecastle hatch because it was close to the color of the Gratings supplied. 

Don't know if its right, but I like it.



Just as I wanted, Its just a tick or two darker than the deck for some contrast.



On a side note, 

We had our first snow event!

Local ski resorts are starting to open up. There's a lot more snow in the mountains than what we got in town. 



Tom E 



  • 2 weeks later...

A suggestion Tom. Up at the bow be careful of how much you install right now. You still have the bitts and the bowsprit to get into that area and there is no wiggle room for those. Get those in first. Other parts can be placed around them in a pinch.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Lancia Armata 1803 - Panart                                   US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


  • 2 weeks later...


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

The best part of the holiday is when everyone heads home and I still have a full weekend to spend in the Shipyard! 


This build needs an update!


The Main Mast is coming along. 


The Tops are pretty easy and fun.

I got them shaped up and in for paint within a day.



As with the Fore Mast, I strengthened the sides of the Top with a brass strip.

A firmer base for the Top mast shrouds.

The wood used is pretty flimsy and needed a bit more back bone. 




One coat of primer. 



First coat of Hull Spar Black.



As a side project I primed and painted the Galley Stack.

I don't have much skill yet to really bash this thing.

What I have done is modified the Galley base. 

Instead of just a simple pad per the plans, I put some 1/32x1/32 strips underneath to lift it up a tick.





So glad my next build (Bluejackets Bowdoin) has none.

As of tonight these all have eyebolts and a coat of primer. 

I'm hoping to have these done by the weekend...…..we shall see!



Tom E 





Well, admittedly, I did more playing than actually building!

But I have started building the Forward Fife Rail.


Every once in a while I like to put everything "together" and see where I am. 

Never did I ever think I would get this far!


Its so cool!


Not one thing is glued to the ship.

Purely just a "test fit".


I my rebuild the Galley grating.

Looks like one of the sailors stepped on it!

The Fore hatch grating came out much better.










Tom E 




14 hours ago, Tom E said:

Looks like one of the sailors stepped on it!

Gives it character!



 Current build: Syren : Kit- Model Shipways


Side project: HMS Bounty - Revel -(plastic)

On hold: Pre-owned, unfinished Mayflower (wood)


Past builds: Scottish Maid - AL- 1:50, USS North Carolina Battleship -1/350  (plastic),   Andromede - Dikar (wood),   Yatch Atlantic - 14" (wood),   Pirate Ship - 1:72 (plastic),   Custom built wood Brig from scratch - ?(3/4" =1'),   4 small scratch builds (wood),   Vietnamese fishing boat (wood)   & a Ship in a bottle








Quiet night in New Hampshire, wintery outside, but the Shipyard is warm and the Patriots are winning! :cheers:


As mentioned in an earlier post, I started the grating for the Fore Hatch.

This time I laid it down 1 piece at a time, instead of building the grate outside the Coaming, like I did with the Galley grating.






I think it came out more uniform and even. 



Started to bring together the pieces for the Fore Fife Rail.

Never built one of these before.

This should be interesting.  


As of this evening, I have all the parts shaped and ready to go.

My biggest worry is keeping everything square.



Everything in its place. 


Once I'm done with a piece I stow it in these plastic organizers.

Bought them at Michaels. Maybe $3.99.




Stackable and easily store out of the way.



Tom E 






Hope everyone is well. Chores were done early, and into the Shipyard I went!


Started pulling together the pieces for the Forward Fife Rail. 

I imagine this little guy will have a lot of stressors on it. Loaded with Belaying pins and rope pulling on it must push this wood to its limits.

Well glued joints with pins it is.


Started with the knees to there respective bits.

I would just move forward from there. 


Side bars next then the smaller bits.

It was more difficult in my head. 

It's square for the most part. Not bad for my first try. A little sanding should hide it! :ph34r:


Before I glued it all together I did check it on deck with the Foremast for reference. 

Looks good to go from my side. ;)


Built a little Jig/Shelf to find the right size drill for the Belaying pins. 

Didn't take much. Started with a #65, was a bit loose, went to a #66, was a tight fit but just right.

Compared the size of the drill to the belaying pin, was a Hail Mary.


All dressed up.

It will still get some more sanding, and I want to fill some glue starved areas.

The pins were laid out according to the plans. I noted there was only 1 hole that was dead center.

That little fact actually made laying out the rest easy...….I thought. 


I figure with these pins coming in and out the holes will widen and become easier. The holes are on the "tight" side, but not by much. 

These pins have been pulled and its in the paint shop as of tonight.

Last thing I did today was put a primer coat on it. 

I'll follow the plans and the knees will be black and the rest will be "bright", per the plans.

I've been using the Model Expo Niagara paints, I'll use the Deck Buff, same as the Masts. 


Tom E 






Hope everyone is having a great Holiday. Christmas sure does come fast!


Oh well, :cheers:


Chores are done, off to the Shipyard!


The Forward Fife rail has its first coat of buff.

The knees will be black. 


I started the Main hatch.

It starts with a box.

The size is pulled from the plans. 


I border the inside with 1/32x1/32 strips for the grating. 

A good overall sanding, then put an angle on the straight edges.

It will get a coat of primer next. 


I've hit a milestone in this build, well at least I think it is.

All guns are done, except for some small things, and the Quoins. 

Rigging is a whole other beast! I'll cross that bridge soon enough. 




They look good. 

In person, seeing it, it's impressive.

Never thought I would get this far with it!


Checking the height of the guns to the Main Rail. 


Not too bad.



Tom E 




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