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That is really looking nice Matti! Thanks for pointing out the gunport sizes. I don't know if I would have caught that otherwise. That has to be a real treat to be able to go look at the real one for reference and inspiration!



Current build: AL Morgan's Whaleboat (1st build)


Kits in the ships locker: I cannot confirm nor deny that there may be a few kits in there...


Hi Matti, interesting discovery you made regarding BB gun port fitting sizes. I am sure that I will be learning more from your log as you progress further. Well done so far on your build



Thank you Buck and Tony!


Yeah, Im going to Stockholm next week, and I will take my kids to see her. Everything about that museum is excellent, and I will get a chance to get inspiration and take more pics. If you need something covered let me know in the next days.


I dont think any kit correct gunports and shutters. Its hard not to see once youve noticed it. If one likes idealized models, then Im sure it looks wrong this way. But its the way they were built and I love that look.









Billing Boats Vasa


Hi Matti,


I wish I could join you in visiting the Museum for a 2nd time..


when building a kit you have always to make compromises with supplied materials in the kit and verifying with the original. we can see here that everybody makes his own deviations in his kit, I feel this personally as a good aspect of the creative part of the shipmodelling

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard




That would have been awesome Jan! And afterwards have a beer or two and discuss Vasa modelling.


Yeah, good point. I think there are a lot of creative choises and preferences involved also, and that makes it very interesting to look at different builds.


Finished the gunports and wales on the ports side. I will add the top wale/list later on since its painted and I want it to look sharp.


So now Ill start over again on the starboard side. I think it will be a bit quicker as Ive got the hang of what to do and I dont have to look at reference as much.












Billing Boats Vasa


Thanks Lawrence! I was gonna stain her, but I went by the local hobby shop and he is moving so he had below half the price. He have a good sortiment of planks. I couldnt help myself from buying a big pile of planks of all sorts and will double plank her, probably with darker planks.


Im experimenting with the planks as we speak and will post an update later on.








Billing Boats Vasa




I've been away. Just starting to catch up. NICE updates. Your hull planking looks so good. (:-)






Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa






Matti. I feel envious of your job. I am building the Corel kit in the color scheme that it was supposed to be many years ago. I am very happy with it though, as I don't really like the actual Vasas' color scheme. Anyway I want to congratulate you on a job superbly done. If I had to build the Vasa again, I most likely go with the BB kit.

Best regards and many congratulations.

There aren't but two options: do it FAST, or do it RIGHT.


Current Project Build Log: Soleil Royal in 1/72. Kit by Artesania Latina.

Last finished projectsRoyal Ship Vasa 1628; French Vessel Royal Louis 1780. 1/90 Scale by Mamoli. 120 Cannons


Future projects already in my stash: Panart: San Felipe 1/75; OcCre: Santísima Trinidad 1/90;

Wish List: 1/64 Amati Victory, HMS Enterprise in 1/48 by CAF models.


So much to build, so little time!




Thank you guys!


Ulises, I love your Wasa, you have done a very professional build up of her.


Buck, it started to rain just as I had taken that pic, and I had to grab her and run inside.








Billing Boats Vasa


Done a few steps of the painting. Its still a work in progress though.


Im inspired by the 1600-artist Vroom and tried to get the tone of oak that he has on the ships in many of his paintings. I have also looked at pictures of tarred boats and reference pics of Batavia and The Gotheborg.


In the dark picture the camera pics up on some yellow that are not there IRL. The outside picture shows the colors better.















Billing Boats Vasa




I like the look. good choice. She's really coming along very beautifully. 




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





Posted (edited)

Thank you guys, greatly appreciated!


Buck, It was with a mix of joy and horror I did the stain. Painting plastic models are much easyer, as you always have the chance to redo the step. Staining is permanent.


Michael, its both. After mixing a stain I liked, I stained the ship. This is the base cote and I then apply pastels and acrylic washes. Some drybrushing also. I airbrush a cote of clear varnish to bond the acrylic dust once in a while.


Ive done some more steps since the last pic. As Im new to wood, its a lot of experimenting. It is the hardest paintjob Ive done so far. Slave 1 from Starwars is nothing compared to this.




Edited by NAZGÛL





Billing Boats Vasa


Cheers Wolf!


Been in bed having the flu for some days but the fever finally went down and I could do a little work this night.

When I was sick I found a great video of the build up of the new Gothenburg an it was very interesting to see the way she was tarred and how dark she looked when she was new. This gave me a few ideas for the paintjob.


I have also started on the bow to give it some strenght. Ill post a little update on that later on.








Billing Boats Vasa


Heres where Im at in the painting progression. Id say Im halfway through with the hull. Blended the colors and gave different areas and planks different tones. Also added some tar runnings and algae colors. I also do some light sanding to get the paints to merge and get a used surface.


Also added some planks to the bow to make it rigid, and now it feels strong. I wills sand the extra planks thinner where it will meet the lion feet later.













Billing Boats Vasa


Heya fellas, thanks for the comments!


Nigel, when I look at ships like these my understanding is that the rough tarred surface is one thing and the painted areas another. The Gothenburg and Batavia both have a rough look on the hull, but the painted areas look more pristine.


Ill post some pics of my inspiration for the look. First three are from when the Götheborg was launched into water for the first time. The tar makes her dark and the runnings are there after tarring the chaulked planks of the hull, so it would not need time to look dark.


Number four is of Götheborg after a few years and you can see how nice the painted areas still look compaired to the darkened tarred areas.


Finally theres a pic taken from the Vasa film, and I just love the look they gave her. I am not sure if the last one is copyrighted, but its from a filmreel by one the animators free on the web, not taken from the actual film. If anyone asks, Ill remove it.

















Billing Boats Vasa


Thanks Lawrence! Yeah been out today. Body still tired after the high fever, so Im a little shaky. Hope you are well as well.


I also enjoy watching pictures of these ships and how they look. So much personality.








Billing Boats Vasa


Thank you Mikhail! Your comments means alot.


The film is really good, and is named: Vasa, människorna skeppet tiden (Vasa, the people the ship the time). Its about Stockholm and the people building Vasa.


I send a PM with more info to you.









Billing Boats Vasa


Hello Matti! Many thanks for communication with cinema. The cinema is very good I now from it, I receive inspiration. In me with problem model. The cat the dumped model and from blow a covering gave way. Now I started remaking a covering all vessel. Success in construction! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! With the best regards Mikhail.

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