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This is going to be my first attempt at a Sjors.... :P


What is a Sjors, you wonder??? :piratetongueor4:


It means starting a second project before the first one is finished! :D :D :D :D :D


The reason I chose this ship is personally historical.  The Lackawanna was used to deliver anthracite coal to markets along the east coast.  It was painted white to demonstrate the clean burning characteristics of 'hard' coal. 

My grandfather, Ted Meehan, was a coal miner for the Colonial Coal Company of Natalie, Pennsylvania.  Many of my fondest memories involve his taking me and my brother picking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. and just hiking in the mountains surrounding the town,  Mount Carmel. 

It wasn't until years later I became educated about the miners life.  Spending every day in the dark, inhaling coal dust and not being sure if you'd make it out of the mine.  He had no known connection to the Molly Maguires but it was a very active group in the area.....

The industry has completely changed, with very few deep mines. Now the practice is to strip the tops off the veins and then use power equipment to dig it out.  In addition, other than for a few power plants there is very little demand for the product.  But who knows......


So here are the first pics of my new project.  The there are only two 'drawings' and a printed manual with only a few pictures.... :(


Going to be a lot of guesswork....and resulting erors... :o

But it will still be fun. :D :D :D


So I found my old scout knife and rough trimmed the hull........I can't wait to start sanding...NOT... :o:angry::PB):D















Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


Looking forward to following this one, Jim (or is that Sjors Junior???)


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


So IL is also coal country. Although we have the high sulfur variety which forced many mines closed back in the 80's. Now with increased power plant restrictions on scrubber emissions many mines around here are reopening.

It's a scary life, mining that is. Dad joined the navy to get out of the area, but moved back here in '75 when he retired from the USN. He luckily got work at a general tire plant and never mined. I've have to many friends killed and paralyzed in mine cave ins. I had one that was trapped underground 5 days. He could never go back down after that...

My Grandfather also was a miner and worked railroad before finally buying the family farm from my Great grandfather and becoming a farmer. He raised Black Angus. Gramps made it to the age of 89 before lung cancer took him, but he also had black lung, another mining hazard.

Thanks for the personal history. I love builds that have personal connections.


I thought by a Sjors Jr you meant you'd be picture begging :D


Look forward to seeing this one built. So where's the popcorn.


Wayne, Keith, 


Thanks for stopping by.   I'm not sure about the Sjors Jr......since I am his elder... :P   But I am flattered to be mentioned in the same sentence as such an important and impressive character! :D


No popcorn.....my facility is quite limited. :)


Keith,  I was aware that Southern Illinois is mine country.  Thought it was bituminous though.....


My grandfather passed away at the young age of 74....he never did show any signs of black lung but I'm sure all those years of chewing tobacco did not help with his health....or maybe it did.

You remind me of a story my mother told my brother and I.  She said that when she was a little girl, every Saturday night she had to walk up to Katch's bar or to the American Hose Company and fetch gramps...her dad.  The big recreation for the miners....aside from turkey shoots and such was hanging out at the bars or fire company bars on Saturday night.  She said she always led him home happy.....he never drank during the week.






Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


Hmm.... to be honest... I think the Hobbyist ADD award rightly goes to Popeye.... :P


Pulling a Sjors is only H-ADD for beginners.. :P:D


Anyway, good luck with this next project, I'll be following along :)



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy




Popeye's case has advanced to the PTSD-OCD-ADHSD stage (post tramatic shipbuilding disorder with ocean craft delusions and attention deficient and hyperactivity shipbuilding disorder). It's terminal with no hope of a cure. Lucky ole fart. :piratetongueor4:


Typhiod Popeye. I wonder how many he's infected knowingly. :dancetl6:


What no more pictures???....

              (tmc doing his best Sjors impression)

Get Sjors in here, he'll bring popcorn.


Good one, Keith!


No pocorn but I do have peanuts...




Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


Oh and yes, thats why they stopped burning the IL coal in the 80's. The EPA was requiring scrubbers on power plants if the higher sulfur bituminous was burned. That shut nearly every mine around down between 1980 and 1990, around here. Now with tighter restrictions on coal burning emissions, the palnts have the equipment, so many mines have reopened around here in recent years.


We are 1 block off the railroad line and believe me, from 1990 to today the track activity is back like when I was a kid.


Andy, Keith, Wayne....thanks for the comments..... :D ....I think....... :huh:


Sure, throw the peanut shells on the floor and the gnome can clean 'em up..... :P


So who is the gnome and how do they know when to start sweeping? B)





Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


Jim unfortunately the gnome is you, so start sweeping :D This looks like it's going to be a fun build , so...... HAVE FUN !! :)


completed build: Delta River Co. Riverboat     HMAT SUPPLY


                         USRC "ALERT"


in progress: Red Dragon  (Chinese junk)



Jim unfortunately the gnome is you, so start sweeping :D This looks like it's going to be a fun build , so...... HAVE FUN !! :)



Frank,  I prefer Andy's response....... :P :P :P

Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869



You're off to a great start.  In honor Sjors,, I'll bring refreshments... 


first post-76-0-00548400-1370749220.gif


And to wash it down.. post-76-0-32579000-1370749220.gif

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         




Thanks Mark,


I'll take mine straight up....... :P       Famous Grouse would be okay if you bring blended.....


So for some pics.....


Solid hull craft are not easier...just different... :mellow:   Until you've spent the time to finish a hull to size by sanding you haven't lived!! B)


I spent the better part of today doing such...almost as much fun as coppering.... :D


If you look back at the previous pics, you'll see the difference.....I hope....... :)


And my guess is another week to get close to finish shape. 


My new plan is to not do any painting, just stain.  Not sure how that will work or look...........









Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


Hello Jim,


I smelled some fresh popcorn ...... And just followed my nose.

Found a comfortable seat animaatjes-bank-71062.gif and will wait patiently for the updates.

Wait till Sjors sees this one, or better, hear about this one.


Good luck with this build.


Take care,



Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo


Morning Jim,


What are you thinking?

I started a new one and Sjors didn't found out????????

Wrong my friend!

I have a moderator in the house before you forget it.

I see that Mark provide one cup of popcorn…….that's not enough Mark !

And even you have no space, I'll put a small one in the corner.




I see also that Anja has a couch where she sits alone.

Let me see if I can found something else…….




A little bit more space…….


Back to the things of the day...

Looks good with that solid hull.

I will follow you of course again!

When Anja takes a look at your stage coach , I'm watching over her shoulder.

That also looks very nice!




Hey Sjors... grab a broom, you're needed in the lounge.... someone's spilling peanuts all over the place... and you've been volun-told to clean up duties.. ;):P

Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy






Thanks. :)


This is my second solid hull....I did a version of the America way back in the Stone Age..... :P




Glad to see you will provide some catering.... :D


And a spare sofa is also welcomed....I have no place to take a nap in my little work space..... :(


I am also extremely glad you are handling clean up duties..... :P :P




I do appreciate your helping guide Sjors in his tasks.... :) ...he does tend to get distracted...... :D :D :D :D







Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869

  • 1 month later...

So here it is about six weeks later and I have learned something.... :huh:


It is not easy to do two hobby projects at once while living in temporary quarters and supervising a remodeling.... :o


It truth, the two projects alone probably got me derailed.....had to remove and replace every time I changed subjects so I just stopped. :(


Anyway, since my stagecoach is completed it is time to get back to the shipyard. 


Since my last report, I've spent quite a bit of time looking at the plans and drawings....all two of them... :D :D ...and concluded that this is going to change from a faithful reproduction of the Lackawanna to my vision of a luxury cruiser that might have been envisioned by one of the coal barons that would have owned the tug.  Virtually everything on the original vessel would have been painted.  I'm going to try and minimize painting and use some of the woods left over from previous builds as well as the brass photo etch parts to "upgrade" the tug to a coastal cruiser.....I will also dispose of the included plastic strips...not that there is anything wrong with them, they just don't fit on a boat built about half a century before the development of a lot of plastics. 

Note to builders of plastic vessels.....This is not meant to demean plastic as a construction element.  That is all I ever built with as a youth and had plenty of fun doing so! :)


The hull is basswood....not the best for staining but what the heck.... :P    It's now stained cherry with three coats of clear gloss polycrylic.  After taking the pics and then zooming, I can see where there is more work to be done to attain a smooth finish...... ^_^


Suggestions and comments are appreciated!  :cheers:


By the way.....no weapons on board...... :P











Completed      Robert E Lee, Misisssippi riverboat               


Completed,  HMS Victory Bow Section


Completed,  Wells Fargo Stagecoach...Picasa album.... 


Completed,  Lackawanna tugboat converted to private yacht...


Completed:  Sopwith Camel, 1:16 Scale, Model Airways...at another location...


Completed:  1961 Ferrari F-1 Sharknose


Completed: (sorta)  OcCre BR-18 Locomotive


Completed: 1/35 Pz.KPfw.III


Completed: Allerton Steam Pumper circa 1869


Hi Jim,


Welcome back !!!!!

I have refresh the popcorn because the old one are to old and hard…...

Wow, what did you do with the hull ????

That looks amazing good ! unbelievable !

Great work.

I'm gonna sit right up and wait for the next update.




WOW, nice colour.

For basswood the colour and evenness is fantastic. Turned out browner then most of the cherry stain Ive seen but I love the colour.

Her shape also make me see a whale shape for some reason, I love the hull shape of this one.


2 kits and remodeling, sheesh you might need professional help taking all that on at once. In my opinion remodeling is enough, depending on how extensive the job. We did a huge overhaul 5 years back and seems theres still work to be done, but that was a huge ripping out of walls (interior and exterior) and the addition of an upstairs and roof deck with interior and exterior stairs. I could barely function while that was going on.


Good to see your back at it. Oh, are you going to link the stagecoach in your sig? I'd love to see it.


Hello Jim,


It is great to see you back.


I like the color of the hull.

The hull looks smooth to me.It turned out great.




PS - Just had a look at your stagecoach. It looks fantastic!

Those we loved but lost are no longer where they were, but are always where we are.

In the gallery: Albatros 1840 - Constructo


Hi Jim,


I was looking over the shoulder from Anja and see the stagecoach too……….

That's a beauty…

Give her a nice place in your house, she deserve it !




That hull came out very nice - where can one see this mysterious stagecoach???


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


Just finished loading the truck. A quick cleaning and I will be on the road again.


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

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