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Posted (edited)

Great stuff, Ken! The more mediaeval ships the merrier IMHO.  There are several build logs on MSW for cogs/kogges etc. They may be helpful to you.


You might also be interested in these contemporary representations of cogs -  https://www.pinterest.com.au/lowe1847/mediaeval-cogs/



Edited by Louie da fly

5 years?  What's the hurry?  😁


Plenty of popcorn standing by.  Looking forward to it.  The cog by catopower is pretty close to what you are working on.

Chuck Seiler
San Diego Ship Modelers Guild
Nautical Research Guild

Current Build:: Colonial Schooner SULTANA (scratch from Model Expo Plans), Hanseatic Cog Wutender Hund, Pinas Cross Section
Completed:  Missouri Riverboat FAR WEST (1876) Scratch, 1776 Gunboat PHILADELPHIA (Scratch), John Smith Shallop

6 minutes ago, Chuck Seiler said:

5 years?  What's the hurry?  😁


Plenty of popcorn standing by.  Looking forward to it.  The cog by catopower is pretty close to what you are working on.


Somehow I am unable to edit once I leave and I don't remember how to create a link.  Hefre is the link to catopower.




Chuck Seiler
San Diego Ship Modelers Guild
Nautical Research Guild

Current Build:: Colonial Schooner SULTANA (scratch from Model Expo Plans), Hanseatic Cog Wutender Hund, Pinas Cross Section
Completed:  Missouri Riverboat FAR WEST (1876) Scratch, 1776 Gunboat PHILADELPHIA (Scratch), John Smith Shallop



Looking at the plans the model at 1/50th looks ok. Smaller than a suitcase :)

Because of the way the ship is constructed, I'm going to try first carving a plug

Then building the planking over the plug

Then removing the plug and "filling in" the framing.

"Dutch Style" so to speak.

If I get really adventurous I will trying building the model so all the interal planking (and the masts and sail) can be "lifted out" of the shell for inspection. Instead of leaving off part of the hull or deck to make the internal construction visible.




    I would be interested to know how detailed the planking instructions are.  One thing to remember is that (working up from the keel) the first three strakes are caravel planked (side by side) and all subsequent strakes are clinker or lapstrake.

Chuck Seiler
San Diego Ship Modelers Guild
Nautical Research Guild

Current Build:: Colonial Schooner SULTANA (scratch from Model Expo Plans), Hanseatic Cog Wutender Hund, Pinas Cross Section
Completed:  Missouri Riverboat FAR WEST (1876) Scratch, 1776 Gunboat PHILADELPHIA (Scratch), John Smith Shallop

Posted (edited)

With the plans from Werner Lahm, you have the best source you can find for the Bremer cog. I Will follow your build with great interest.

The plans are also the basis for the replica's in Germany.

I've published a pert of the foto's I did from the original ship at Modellmarine.de.

Edited by AnobiumPunctatum

Regards Christian


Current build: HM Cutter Alert, 1777; HM Sloop Fly, 1776 - 1/36

On the drawing board: English Ship Sloops Fly, 1776, Comet, 1783 and Aetna, 1776; Naval Cutter Alert, 1777

Paused: HMS Triton, 1771 - 1/48

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." Salvador Dali


Not far from where I live, a cog was once excavated during the expansion of the port of Antwerp.




My hope is to one day make a model of this cog. So I follow with great interest.


Well, I measured this morning and I'm in luck.

I have some 3/8's inch thick untempered masonite from a previous project where i was building a "block" model, and the layers in the 1/50 view are just 3/8's of an inch thick.

So I will rework the lines to get full outlines for each layer, cut them out and glue them together, and the file/sand the hull smooth, and i will have my plug.

I have decided to go ahead with the idea of dividing the stem and the stern posts so that the shell of the hull built around the plug will be separateable from the framing, deck and mast.

At this scale, and using wire "ropes" i should be able to make the mast/sail actually riggable, so they can be taken down for storage.


I should know this. But how to I interpret the lines on the left hand side ? Are they cross sections that go between the lines on the right hand side?


15 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:

What are the plans for the “ Antwerp Cog”?  Will it be reassembled and displayed?


Roger, there are in fact two wrecks - known as Doel 1 and Doel 2. They are nowhere near as complete as the Bremen cog. You can see the archaeological reports at https://www.academia.edu/19499820/Construction_Features_of_Doel_1_a_14th_Century_Cog_found_in_Flanders and https://www.academia.edu/27506746/Doel_2_a_second_14th_century_cog_wrecked_in_den_Deurganck_Doel_Belgium



Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:



What are the plans for the “ Antwerp Cog”?  Will it be reassembled and displayed?



Belgium is a difficult country politically. Believe it or not for the administration of 11 million residents we have 5 governments ...
Explaining this whole political question is a very long story and a hopeless task. 😟

To make a long story short. Everyone wants to decide about everything, but no one wants to pay for it


The cog

  • Found in 2000 and disassembled.
  • Then the question, what do we do with it, where do we place it, and especially who will pay for it
  • Parts stored for 10 years in containers with water.
  • In 2010 an investigation whether the parts were still suitable for restoration (luckily yes)
  • Return to storage in containers with water.
  • 2014 - 2017 money has finally been found to treat the parts.

The planned reconstruction will start in 2023. However, a museum must first be built...

I hope I live long enough to ever see this cog 😉


In Dutch





Edited by Backer

stitching the plans back together digitally always gives me fits. since I can only print them 1 scan at a time anyway, I decided to print the 4 scans that cover the hull and assemble them back together "on paper"

by good luck the horizontal height of the layers is 3/8", just the size of some press board I have left over from building another "block" hull. So I'll be assembling 12 plans (1 for each layer) gluing them onto the pressboard and cutting them out with my jigsaw.

then a lot of sanding and filling to fair the lines :)




The lines drawing presents the shape of the hull  in three two dimensional views; a half breadth (top view), sheer (side view), and body plan (end view).  Each view shows a set of curves arrayed like contours on a topographical map.  


The half breadth shows waterlines,  lines parallel to the vessel’s waterplane.  


The sheer shows buttocks, lines parallel to the vessel’s centerline.


The body plan shows sections cut through the hull perpendicular to the vessel’s centerline.


Each view shows only one set of curves.  The other two appear in the view as straight lines.  For example, the half breadth shows waterlines as curves; the buttocks and sections appear as straight lines.


Although these three sets of curves adequately define hull shape, naval architects will often plot a set of diagonals as a final check to ensure a fair hull; a smooth shape without lumps, kinks, or other discontinuities.  These diagonals show up in the body plan (end view) as straight lines radiating diagonally downward from the centerline.  They often  show up as curves on the half breadth.  In your case, the draftsman has flipped them over to the unused side of the half breadth to avoid confusion with the waterlines.


If I correctly understand your construction scheme, you intend to use the existing drawings to carve a plug from laminated  lifts.  The shape of these lifts should be derived from the waterlines.  The angle of the bow and stern can be determined from the sheer view.  You will then need templates to guide your carving.  These are copied from the body plan sections.


That’s all that you need to carve your plug.  In carving your hull you will ensure a fair hull by eyeball.  The diagonals can be ignored.



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