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Rebuilding the fleet by mikegr - 1/700 - restoring old plastic models

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I think after 40 years or so, she's used to my eccentricities. I tell her it's from the hypoxic events in my flying career. And the Darlin buys that. 😁:rolleyes:


Started: MS Bounty Longboat,

On Hold:  Heinkel USS Choctaw paper

Down the road: Shipyard HMC Alert 1/96 paper, Mamoli Constitution Cross, MS USN Picket Boat #1

Scratchbuild: Echo Cross Section


Member Nautical Research Guild

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Just a small update. I installed the funnels, did some mast work while experimenting with snow camouflage. It certainly worked to a point while passed almost unnoticed in the freezer until an octopus next to it revealed the presence of Kiso. We can't compare to nature at this point I guess


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Instead of usually clicking on the like button.
This rebuild of your models is very interesting to follow, and you are doing a great job.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So time for the sea bed. Took a piece of wood, painted it accordingly and covered with a thin layer of express curing resin, just to get a shiny and sticky surface


Then I added the snow packs. I simply scrapped off some old paint, crushed with hummer and added to the resin. Then I used airbrush to paint the white fog over water. Finally to make ice bits I came up with the idea of using white spray with "snow effect" cap on it.

Unfortunately after almost resin cured some "ice pieces" were curled cause of the thermal effect. I tried to correct it but had limited success, a lesson learned for the next time.

The cutting board  set on background maybe help you spot Kiso with the stealth ice camouflage.😁


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  • 2 weeks later...

 First work was to drill portholes and funnel which were solid.

I used a battery operated dremel tool to speed up work and 1 mm tape as a guide for straight line.

It was a big problematic work as on high revs caused heat to melt the plastic and refill the hole! I have seen this in the past while cutting plexiglass with table saw, the temperature produced  caused the pieces to be soldered together.

Also I found some torpedo tubes from my stash with decent appearance to replace the ones in the kits.


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I checked drawingns and pictures of Amatsukaze only to find that mast is quite different. So I scratch built a new one using real 0.4 mm solid steel rods.

A bit hard to cut but hold much better with CA glue comparing to brass maybe cause of less shiny surface. I added the secondary mast and a third 5" gun aft as seen also on box of kit but for a reason in plans there was a triple as gun instead which I replaced.

Finally I added front funnel with some pipe details



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 So I did a bit of scratch built on AA platform. I replaced the frame with PE canvas style. I also added supports but look a bit long. Will be shorten in the other platform. I used brush hair for this.

Guns were replaced. I have PEs but I'm not sure how they will look as they are quite thin. Maybe fit them on the other ship.



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I done added some extra details. I also found out that I was rebuilding Hatsusimo not Amatsukaze as I thought. Therefore the mistake with the rear turret. 

Back to the plan, second rear turret replaced again with AA gun.😁 Better concentrate on one ship each time.

Added ladders,  doors and few other PE details. Then I sprayed photo etched primer. Now will finish up details by adding rails and prepare for final paint



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  • 4 weeks later...

I done some detailing in Amatsukaze, same style. Added bridge windows, put new AA guns, railings, depth charges and paravanes on stern as I show on a 3d detailed model online. Then I sprayed them with IJN grey. I will paint again, add some minor details like boats then finish paint and weathering. But after o get back, in two weeks


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  • 3 weeks later...

What a project! I really like all the different models and the work you are doing.


The only plastic ship I remember building was the USS Guadalcanal because my oldest brother was a Marine serving on her in Viet Nam. I may try another one. I do have a Revell submarine. Might try building it.

   - Allen

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Time for the seabase


First i used some wood putty to make sure that there will be no resin leak. My first wavy resin sea failed lets see now. This time i am using a fast drying resin, curing time aprox 40 min.


First i measured the volume, and filled 80% full about 80 ml. ,waited about 10-15 minutes. Then took  a hair dryer while having a heat gun on my other hand. The dryer gave the desired wave shape while the heat gun provided extra heat for rapid drying.

At first resin was too liquid some spilling was inevitable. Later it dried and caused a sticky base. But far less than previous time. Heatgun was reduced to lower scale as on full scale smoked the resin a bit giving me a bath of cold sweat. But seemed that no damage has been done.

I continued working with both hands and as the mixture got thicker i reduced the blowing distance


Not that at the moment that this photo was taken the black hairdryer on the left died from overheating. Its just present for demonstrating purpose. Fortunately started working again.


After almost an hour resin got thick but i still applied heat for another 30 minutes. This time with hairdryer only and with short brakes. I took it upstairs let it rest overnight and next day i inspected it


The wavy effect has been achieved and the uneven sea level is also welcomed. Some dust spots appeared remind me another rule. Everything around must be very clear during process as well as tools, cups, mixing spoons etc.

Now the other challenge is to level the surface so ships can sit properly. You see putting the models while curing the resin would have disastrous effects caused of the excess blowing and heating. The dremel tool seems to sand resin well, did some work, will do the rest tomorrow


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6 hours ago, king derelict said:


You make great seascapes. The waves look very convincing



I am giving a great effort on seascape so I can cover the imperfections than can't be corrected on these old models. So I can't get a satisfying result . Also I try every time to use a different approach. Next built will be entirely different with other materials

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Sculpting the resin wasn't the best experience. Lots of dust and a constant fear that dremel tool might slip and damame the surface. Which happened in a few cases. But I think this will be covered by the wakes I guess.

Ships were put in place gap filled with acrylic putty and small gaps with thick paint.


At the lower ship on the right side you can see a few thin scratches caused from my very thin tip of the tool. They look like splashes. Maybe set up a small experimental resin base in the future and see if I can draw some wave lines on it



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