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Great idea, thanks a lot for sharing!

Leo Moons

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Present build: Cutty Sark by Sergal/Mantua 1:78

Previous builds:

- Collie by Graupner RC Sailing boat

- Blue Nose II by Billing Boats

- Harvey by Artesania Latina

- Oceanic by Revell RC Tugboat

- Thyssen II by Graupner RC Pushing boat



An alternative to joggle sticks ("pick up sticks") which is often helpful in tight spaces is to bend a strip of lead or annealed copper or brass against the shape to be picked up. The "dead soft" metal strip will hold the shape when bent and, when turned on its side, will serve a template against which the shape can be drawn with a pencil. 


Thanks for sharing. I've been having problems fitting pieces and was hoping there was some technique like this.



Current builds: Artesania Latina Cutty Sark, Myrtle Corey (scratch build)

Completed: Model Shipways Pinnance, Amati Hannah ship in a bottle, Blue Jacket America, Midwest Sakonnet

                     Midwest Fantail (R/C), Thunder Tiger Victoria (R/C), Victor Model V-12 Footy (R/C)


Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara


This method certainly results in a quite accurate copy of the curve. However, it appears to be rather elaborate. In effect what you do is, you trace onto a rough-cut template a line that is parallel to your target curve. So, there may simpler methods to do this. Boatbuilders fitting planks use parallel scribers for this: they clamp the new plank into place and then trace the edge of the already fitted plank onto the new one below.


Perhaps a compass where the legs can be locked in position could be used: at each frame location you draw an arc onto the template and then connect these arcs with a tangent line, which should be an exact image of the target curve.


Or take a short, rectangular piece of wood, put a short piece of dowel as a handle on it, hold this against each frame and draw a short line onto the template on the opposite side. Finally, connect these lines to get the image of your target curve.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg

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