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Ariel by Jay 1 – Vanguard Models – 1:64 - based on the True Vine 1905 using Lady Eleanor kit

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Hull Construction – Hull Cleanup


•  When I was 2nd planking, I had to pare areas of the 1st planking near the bottom of the stern and the stem so that the 2nd planking would hood reasonably well into their rebates.  Those pared areas are where fill was needed to level the 2nd planking and fair the hull.


•  I scabbed the tops of the stem and stern with 1mm stock so that their thicknesses were uniform and close the large through gaps in both pieces. 


•  All the rebate location holes were plugged and then filled; likewise, rebate joints along the stem, stern, and keel were leveled at their joints.


•  Because I wanted a moveable rudder, I used one of Chuck’s pintle and gudgeon kits to start hanging the rudder. 


•  I planed the tops of the gunwales to get them level and then after the gunwale rubbing strakes were installed, I filled the tops of the gunwales to ensure the multiple wood joints don’t flash through when the gunwales are painted. 


•  Installing all the rubbing strakes required using CA and were a bit tricky.  The Vine only had 1 rubbing strake on its gunwales; the rubbing strakes on the hull are positioned according to the Vine’s plans.


•  All the bulkhead tops were cut off with a flush-cut saw.



•  To help harden delicate areas of fill and help with painting hull when I get to that point, I sealed the hull with shellac.  Although priming wasn’t necessary with the hull sealed with shellac, the purpose for using primer was to easily identify areas on the hull that will need additional work, corrections, or etc. before I paint and to also further harden the hull fill.



•  I selectively scored hull planks so that the planking will flash through when I paint the hull; however, after priming, I think the scoring looks like crap and I’ll fill these spots when I make other minor hull fixes.









Current Build:  Ariel

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