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Speedwell 1752 by Seventynet (Ian) - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:32 Scale - POF Sloop

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Hi all,


Here is my slightly modified version of Chuck’s Speedwell based on Greg and David’s plan. Over a year ago I had planned on upscaling David’s drawings to the same scale as Chuck’s and proceeded to build the keel assembly. After I made some headway I got wrapped up building a CNC mill and learning how to program it. A year flew by as I watched Chuck’s genius in putting together his kit. I could not resist the temptation and decided that I would go the kit way instead, except for using the boxwood (Castello) keel I had already gotten a good start on. Although Chuck’s version of David’s drawings (scaled up) are very similar, they are not identical. However, the keel assembly is close enough (I hope 🫣). I used a router to make the rabbet. The false keel is ebony. I have used a Mylar copy glued onto my building board. 





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Let the real work begin! I am ready to start the frames.


I realized that the keel I had made a year ago is slightly thicker than Chuck’s but I think I can get away with a little tapering at the stern when the time comes. The rest of the fittings were straightforward although I had my fair share of screwups. I decided to employ a higher build board jig so that the stern and stem posts were clasped at their tops - though I know that these extensions will get in my way later. I will interchange the lower jigs when the time comes. 







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  • 1 month later...


Could someone confirm whether the 2 top timbers for Ha are in the template shown below? I have no idea where they have disappeared but if someone could confirm that they are in fact what I have shown I can simply trace and cut new ones. It shouldn’t be too hard to interpolate the notches. You can see that I cut the top timbers out of card and they seem to fit but it is hard to know for sure. If these are not Ha top timbers can you show where they are?

Thanks in advance, 





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Wrong sheet you have there…thats chapter two.  Those parts are all for the cant frames.   They shouldnt even be out of the sheet yet.  I fear you have mixed up all of your parts.


literally that part 8 is on the sheet with the keel parts from chapter one.  The long keel sections for beneath the keelson.  Again 5/32” thick.  If you built your keel then you have those parts.


A little tip….dont even touch the parts bag for chapter two until you are done with chapter one.  That is a recipe for disaster.


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Posted (edited)

Thanks Chuck. Sorry to waste your time. I’ve located a bunch of parts that I cleverly squirled away in a place I’d never find. I think I’m good on the organization of parts.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Looking forward to this Ian. I haven't attempted a PoF yet. I've seen a few very impressive ones on MSW. 


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello and thanks for all the comments and likes. I have almost gotten to the end of Chapter two. I have the stern framing left not to mention a final fairing on the outside. I didn’t do any of the interior so that will be a hunk of work when I get around to it.


Everything fit together beautifully and when there were problems it was always my fault. Most of my errors were corrected but not all but I think/hope I’ll be okay down the road. Following shows where I am right now with pictures of my most used tools. 






















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That looks so good.  I hope you had fun with it.  Chapter three is just around the corner.  


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Thanks very much Chuck, I am indeed enjoying this build. It goes together like a dream with all your precision cuts and jigs. Just perfect.  



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Thanks a lot Jeff. I have the benefit of being retired so I can spend as much time as I want in the Shipyard.  Even so there’s no way I’ve been motoring on this. It’s really just the ease with how everything goes together. 



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Agree with Todd...mighty nice shipyard you have there. I've yet to use powertools on any build....yet.


Build looks fantastic. Your work is impressive.


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

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Thank you kindly, Mikki. I greatly admire anyone that builds without power tools. So good for you. And thanks for your praise, I really appreciate it. Keep up the good work on your San Martin, it’s looking beautiful.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Rick, you must be referring to the standard (at least that’s what I think it’s called). After breaking it off for the 3rd time I decided to wait until much further into the build when I don’t need to turn it over anymore. I kind of knew that I would break it and made a few extra standards. I look forward to your next instalment Rick.




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