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LUNENBURG 15'-0" Fishing Dory by Retired guy - 3/16"=1'-0" (1/64)

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Not posted in this section before, but want to build eight 15'-0" Canadian fishing Dory's as per drawing I bought from the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic in Lunenburg NS, thanks to wefalck who said contact the Museum when I asked for help on size.

Also bought the book "The Dory Book" by John Gardner, this was suggested to me by Roger Pellett thanks Rodger. In the book there was no mention of the Canadian Dory some dory's had garboard, binder and sheer strake (three planks) I went with the Lunenburg drawing and had garboard, two binder and sheer strake. 



I have started to make these Dory's on my Bluenose build log as per the plans on the drawing from Model Shipways, but after getting drawing and book found they were not correct in length, width and height.

They will go in the scrap bin or I will give them away for some else to finish, all I would ask is the shipping cost.


The drawing came showing a 14'-0" Dory but I have read the Bluenose carried 15'-0" two man Dory's, so I scale drawing down to 3/8"=1'-0" then proceeded to draw a 15'-0" bottom by adding 2" to six sections ( did write to the museum to find out if this was correct, did get an email back saying that's correct). 


I did not add all the detail to my drawing. 



From the station 3 section this gave me the width height did scale this to 3/4"=1'-0"Y8WZFk.jpg

Once this was done I started to make the new plug by cutting out sections and glueing to 1/32 plywood. Machined 1/32 slots as per the sections on drawing.


Same as my previous plug I fill in between stations, checking with templates as I was filing to shape.






You can see the difference between new plug and my first one.





Until next time




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  • The title was changed to LUNENBURG 15'-0" Fishing Dory by Retired guy - 3/16"=1'-0" (1/64)

Good to see you have made it over to the dark side Richard.🙂



Current Build:-

Cangarda (Steam Yacht) - Scale 1:24


Previous Builds:-


Schooner Germania (Nova) - Scale 1:36


Schooner Altair by KeithAug - Scale 1:32 - 1931


J Class Endeavour by KeithAug - Amati - Scale 1:35 - 1989 after restoration.



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To get the plug finished I made up the floor from three pieces, on the 1:1 the size was 1 1/8" thick White Pine boards widths were two 11" wide and one 14" wide, I am going to use swiss pear because it's great to use, all pieces were cut on my Byrnes saw, drum sander and 5" sander,  scale size was .0175" thick x .172" and .0175 x .218" did make sure length was correct to the curved floor. These were then sanded to shape. 





Next was to make the Stem and Transom, 1:1 scale was stem 2 3/8" thick transom 1 3/8" thick width was 14"

Scale size stem .037" thk and transom .021"thk width was .218" 

Did make the plug with small changes to stem and stern to help with the build.


Next up was to start making the planking, all planking was 3/4" thk 1:1 scale, this was .012" scale thk, I got down to .013" with the drum sander and left it at that.

To start working out the Garboard I looked at station 3 dimension was 6 3/4" 1:1 so marked .105" scale size from outside bottom at station 3 with a pencil mark, then I took a plank bent it against the plug to work out the stem and stern widths, stem came out at .181" and stern came out at .196" got all how to do this from information in the Dory book. 



This is how the garboard planks came out, did not do this on my first attempt. 


Until next time




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1 hour ago, FlyingFish said:

Interesting subject!


Hi Andy thanks for looking in, it is an interesting subject and buying the book and drawing has really helped, it appears that they have been around since 1719




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Now starting the planking, but before that I sanded the bottom sides to 55 deg so garboard would lay as per station 3 drawing.

Bending the plank was very easy by just rubbing through fingers with a bit of pressure.



Sanded the end of plank which meets to Stem and also sanded bevel on stem and transom,  trial fitted to plug and marked station points on plank to make sure they go in right place.

Using Lepage multi use glue I then glued the garboard planks to bottom, stem and transom.


 1jqJk0.jpg mCibLC.jpg

Once the glue set gave the bottom a light sand, garboard plank fitted nice and tight so production can start.


Went back to making all stems and transoms


Did make a little jig so that I could sand the angle the same on each side of transom



Thanks for the comments and likes and all who look in, the Dory is all ready looking way better than the Model Shipway drawing.


Until next time,




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Richard, this is going to be a very nice looking dory. 

Current Builds: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver 

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


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