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Thanks everybody for the warm welcome.


Bob - I can't find anything that lists the scale, but here is a picture. From the tip of the stem to the farthest point at the top of the gallery measures 33". The prints are dated 1971 & have Sergal's name on them. I'm pretty sure I bought this in 1980 & started it then. I also think I tore it down & restarted it a couple of years later. There will be no extra charge for the antique dust that's all over it.



I spent the last week building breech ropes for the carronades & cannon. I think now that I'm done the ropes on the carronades are too long. Here is a picture of my little serving machine. It was a freebee from Model Expo about 30 some years ago.


I was playing with the bowsprit & noticed it didn't sit on the deck. After close examination, I found that the ceiling planks at the bow came too far forward. After trimming them, the bowsprit was perfect. Now I have to rebuild the bowsprit bitts. The crosspiece sits way too high.


I'll sure be glad to be done with the armament. It sure is tedious.





Well, crap. After spending three days building the breech ropes, I discovered they are all wrong. They are supposed to have a half hitch in them. Well that will take care of the length problem, won't it?


Hello Laxet, If we did everything right how would we learn,I personally think you are doing nice job of your model,enjoy the build. Edwin



Does anybody else have this problem? It sure makes building tougher


Yes, but mine trips me when I'm cooking. I think it's something that's taught as a puppy through the teat. On mine is black in the few places she's not grey. Click here and select "more" to see some funny dog stuff. Seriously entertaining.


Nice job. Why is everyones model so clean looking. Mines not.

Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 Scale. 2nd boat in the learning series.



In Dry Dock:

Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack. 1:24 scale. Model Shipways, 3rd in the learning series.

Not sure what'll be next, probably the Santa Maria by Artesania Latina 1:65 scale. Unless someone has a better suggestion for a beginner.

Pride of Baltimore. Model Shipways. Clipper used in the war of 1812.

Black Falcon. Mantua Model. 18 century corsair brig.

CSS. Alabama. E. Manolie? Can't read the font. Build in Liverpool in 1862 for use in the American Civil War by the Confederates. Steam and sail, sloop of war.


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

A baseball cap my Dad wore.


My golden usually sticks a play toy at my feet or in my lap while I am doing something difficult on my kit.


By the way, guess I should start my own Niagra build log as well. So far no big problems - have completed adding bulkheads to keel and carved bow/stern blocks, completed most of stern detail. Quarter stanchions were a bit annoying to position correctly...


Yous looks really nice. Hope I can equal...

Steve Brock

San Jose, CA


There are five blocks & tackle on each gun. Does anybody know how many of those are left in place when the guns are not actually in use? And which ones they are? It seems like they would get in the way if they were always attached, especially the rear one.


What a pain in the patute to serve the ends of the breech ropes. I just finished again today, three days wasted because I wasn't paying attention. They have to be served while attached to the gun, & it's back breaking work, especially doing it with the condition shown in the above picture. I'm glad it's done again. I will post pics tomorrow.


Also finished rebuilding the bowsprit bitts. Seems I spend half my time rebuilding stuff. It's starting to irritate me.


I even got the rudder painted today. I will mount it tomorrow. I think I'm about ready to mount her on the pedestal, unless anybody can give me a good reason not to do it yet. This is the kind of thing that experience helps with, & why I do so much rework. There is probably a really good reason not to mount it yet, but I haven't the foresight to know why. It just seems it will be easier to do the rest of the work with it held fast.


She finally has a rudder. It's been one of those procrastination parts. Started the quoins for the guns. Another major procrastination project that I can't put off any longer. I need to mount the guns.



Hello Laxet, Being critical of yourself only makes you improve your skills,don't be so hard on yourself as you are doing a fine job, that's how I see it anyway,have a good week .Edwin


Does anybody know how many ladders go on deck? The plan shows only one on the starboard side. Can this be right? That would mean they could only moor starboard side to the dock. Sometimes the plans omit the other side for clarity, but the usually tell you when they do. It isn't mentioned here.


Hull looks great, guns look great;  I don't spend alot of my time (now) looking at the Niagara builds, because I'm trying to focus on the C. Sark.  But, inevitably, with your fine build and the others, I'll do the teeter-totter once again... :P 


I haven't pulled out my plans regarding the ladders, but remember this ship was only built (hastily) for one specific battle (of Lake Erie) in mind at the time.


Most of us in the Niagara Club will spend more time building our models than the original shipbuilders did, with the original ships.. :pirate41:


Hey, look! I've got a base board now! That's almost like launching a ship (to me). A milestone of sorts. I'm a proud papa. :D



Holy moly! What a frustrating two days. I installed the armament. I think I bent 75% of all the eyebolts I tried to install. I even dropped one down into the nether world of the bilges. I didn't realize just how fat my fingers were until I tried this little joyous task. It's done. It's obvious I'll never be a master shipbuilder.


I think the ropes are still a little too long, but I'm not making them a third time. Only you guys & I will ever know the difference. (SHH, don't tell anyone).








Hi Laxet

Regarding the ladders

I have installed one either side. Directly  opposite each other

Ditto with the sea steps




Under construction  US Brig Niagara


Completed  HMB Endeavour - Caldercraft


I referenced early on the device I used to steam & bend planks. It is called the Shark. Here is a picture of it. thought somebody might be interested. After steaming with this baby, you can tie a plank in a knot.




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