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Everything posted by TBlack

  1. Just as BE has indicated plus the lines go through the euphroe block that you can see in the drawing. Hollowneck in his log on Camilla shows this in some detail. It's on page 6 entry #164. Take a look. Tom
  2. Josh, let’s see, kids, job, doctoral program, sounds like you’ve got a full schedule. Anyway, welcome to our happy team. Good choice on a first model. Tom
  3. I don’t know how you think of these interesting topics, dear brother, but you have captured the attention of a number of us. I don’t suppose you’ve determined a scale yet. Also, I need to remind you that when you were in Alaska canning salmon, mom was really worried about you once again, displaying that you were the favorite son. Tom
  4. So, Keith, you’re originally from Yorkshire, but now live down south in Sussex? A cultural shift?
  5. Well, that’s a London style. I buy the regular Bombay; it’s cheaper. Yes, and a beautiful hull, too. Fun to watch you! Tom
  6. Nice tutorial on ratlines. Should be easier at a larger scale. How are your eyes holding up?
  7. Yes, but the brothers Black are sometimes referred to as the vulgar boatmen!
  8. It IS great work, but I'm focused on the huge inventory of stuff that you can bring to bear. I mean how many of us have a hex draw plate? Tom
  9. It may take me awhile, but I'm going to remember this! Tom(your brother)
  10. Keith, dear bro, it looks like there are 27 dedicated followers here, plus drop-ins from time to time. Grass Lake is west of Ann Arbor, right? I’ll bring the donuts, if you can provide the coffee, and we’ll all have a grand time. Let’s call it a NRG mini convention. Aside from that, we get to see your efforts up close. One of the things that is lost in the excellent photography is the scale of this model.
  11. Tom, I’m following your progress with great interest, as I’m working on the same model (named Sophie). I might add the yards to the masts off the model prior to shrouds for the ease of it. I can’t think that it will be a hindrance. Tom
  12. Oh, and Keith that isn't my only workbench I've got these too, but, as you can see, not a lot of free space;
  13. Keith, That roll came with the kit. I've been using it as seizing, and it's fine. For the shroud/stay seizing I'll be using this: I'm not sure I can achieve the level of detail that Toni Levine has done in her tutorial (I'm 50% smaller), but I'll get close. Tom
  14. Nice work on those wheels/axles. Dimensions spot on. But I’m worried about those railroad ties not being treated. Tom
  15. Keith, I'm not sure you're grasping the situation. In the picture, that piece of paper is 8" square. It takes up all available space, and where do I put it when not in use. The only option is the floor...nope. Besides, you can see the device that I'm using there on the right. Much easier to deal with. But thanks for the suggestion. Tom
  16. It's now time to put my new serving machine together, so a slight pause in ship building.
  17. Keith, I’m really constrained for bench space and this device looks too big for my shop. Let me use what I have and we’ll see.
  18. Chris, Rather than redo all those brace pendants, I decided to just paint the lines black. Seems to work! Brother Keith, I have been using this device. Not the greatest....too many moving parts, but it does the job.
  19. Done! Boy, that took some time: I Interestingly, the plans I have indicate that the brace pendants are natural, but all the models here that I've seen tar their pendants. Haven't checked with Lees. Also, because none of the masts are glued in place, I should be able to attach the spars off ship and no problems, right? I can't think that, having the yards in place will interfere with stays/shrouds. Oh! And see that the yards are sitting on fine grit sandpaper. I find that, working over that spot, and I drop a block it doesn't bounce on the floor. It doesn't bounce at all!
  20. Michael, After all the help you gave me on my Vinal Haven build, I’m a huge fan of yours. Any post you make (ships, railroads, masons, etc.) I follow with great interest. Tom
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