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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. I had forgotten what a beautiful job you had done on this. Good to see you back.
  2. Well thank you very much- I have learned something I never knew about. Could well be useful for future builds.
  3. Actually Popeye I have just worked out your query. Yes there are windows in the sides that make up the transom. It's all going to be very frilly !!
  4. I don't know what he's on about either Gregory but, while you are here so to speak - did you have to cut part of the rear decoration out to allow for the rudder ?
  5. How right you are ! What a lovely paddle steamer. Anyway - how do you make what you call decals ? Are they like water slide decals or something completely different ?
  6. Well we just have to watch now don't we ?!!!! I thought you had done a paddle steamer before but apparently not. I think they are great fun which is why I have done three !! I shall indeed watch with interest. At least you don't have loads of bending to do !
  7. The toprails on the bulwarks had to be made with 2x1mm strip laminated 4 wide and then on the outside edges 1mm square of walnut and 1mm square of boxwood all of which had to be bent to fit the bow and stern !! Is it surprising that I was about 5mm short on the front rails !! I think my patch up job is OK. I have now planked what I think is the poop deck, put on the waterways (more bending), the bulwark rails and the two rear boxwood strips and added the steps. I finished covering the stern and the bow piece. Nearly all the bending done thank goodness except for the ram edges which are drying as I type !!
  8. The hull has been sanded and sealed. It still needs sanding again before final finishing. I have marked the waterline and am very surprised to see just how much of the boat would have been in the water. I have also cut the tops off all the frames. I am very glad I was careful with the glue when I did the bulwarks. I just used the frames as a guide and avoided gluing them.They would have been a nightmare to get off otherwise. They were then smoothed flat level with the deck. The inside of the bulwarks then had to be covered with loads of little vertical strips before planking to give extra thickness. I have planked the lower deck and bulwark sides and I have what I think is called the poop deck to plank.
  9. Well here it is folks warts and all ! Finally covered although I must give up my dream of exhibiting in a museum !!! The clinkering looks worse than it is in the photos I promise. I have to cover the false keel at the bow and stern and will then give it all a proper sanding and a coat of sealer. I think it will look OK then.
  10. Nice advise Marcus but, as you say, a bit late for me. I have nearly finished the second planking now. It will look OK above the waterline !!
  11. Sorry Carl, I hoped you might turn up. Hope all is OK with you. For those following along I am still trying to finish the gap in my planking from the bottom up. I think just maybe I was over ambitious with my working down layers and should have stopped a bit before. As a result, no matter how hard I try not to I am going to have some very pointy pieces. I realise this is a complete no no but within my planking capabilities it will be the best I can do. The saving grace will be that as the mess will be below the waterline and eventually painted white I reckon it will be hard to spot ! Watch this space !!
  12. Hi Boyd, lovely to have you back and thank you for the comments. As you will have gathered, Mary is proving a bit of a struggle but I won't be beaten !!
  13. I think the deliberate mistake was the left hand end panel as you look at it. Do I get my plane ride ?
  14. I think I have gone as far as I dare now going from the top down. Clinkering is becoming a real problem so I think I have to go from the bottom up to meet it. I nearly got to the waterline at the front which was my hope.
  15. Those pictures Thunder are really useful - thank you. The only pictures of the full boat are one on the plans. Otherwise the picture on the box is all I have to go on until now.You are more than welcome along for the ride. I just hope I can be helpful to you as well. Don't be put off by the planking. If I can make a reasonable job of it then anyone can. Planking is not my best point ! Having said that my objective on the first layer was to experiment a bit and at worst simply cover the hull. It actually came out better than I expected and now with a smooth 'whole'surface the second layer is proving quite successful I think. I did buy a whole batch of new walnut for the second layer because the stuff with the kit was so old it was very brittle. I think it was a good idea although the quality of that which I bought is nothing special. I have managed to get two whole strakes on and the second wale. It did need soaking and CA to hold it on but it didn't fit too badly. I now have two more strakes underneath that. I want to get at least two more on before working from the bottom up because I want to try and get to the waterline first. Then, if it is a bit patchy below it won't show especially if I paint it. I did read somewhere that the bottoms of these were copper plated. I wonder if that is right and if so should I paint it copper rather than white ? There is no way I am actually going to try to plate it.
  16. Thanks guys, unfortunately I don't have thinner wood I don't think so I guess - press on and hope !!!
  17. A situation report ! I have done the shaping around the bulwarks and I have done the second planking from the first wale upwards. The second wale goes 8mm (2 strake width) below the first and it is wider (5mm x 1.5). I have curved the bow by soaking and bending as before but it really doesn't like the inevitable lateral bend that has to happen to keep it parallel to the first wale. I think I may have to put it on wet and let it dry in position. I am not sure whether to force two strakes on below to top wale in order to get the width for the second right or to taper them. Below the second wale the tapering has to be quite severe - I just hope I don't get much clinkering. It is tricky because it is only a wee little boat but very bendy and the strakes are 3x1mm. Any more advice would be welcomed before I start going down !!
  18. When you say 'create a line and stick with it' what do you mean ? I don't understand. I don't think the bow looks too bad but I am seriously concerned about how it will come out with the thinner second layer.
  19. No solid blocks at all on this beasty Thunder ! and it would seem from Brian's photos that these vessels were indeed planked strangely. With such a bulbous front I don't think there would be much choice. Guys, I took on board all the advice - thank you. I gave the hull a rough sanding and then sealed it with sanding sealer to stop it being too absorbent. I then applied filler in my normal way which is to spread fine surface, very wet filler with a pallet knife. That way the filler goes on pretty smoothly and without leaving too much excess. Leave to dry and then sand the whole thing again with a less aggressive paper. This is how she looked after that. A somewhat prettier site !! My next job is to remove the excess planking that I deliberately put on down the level of the bulwarks and make her look more boat like.
  20. Well folks, the hull is finally covered ! It is not a pretty sight but it is covered !! For discussion - should I sand first and then fill or fill first and then sand ? Usually I apply some sanding sealer before filling to avoid the wood swelling with water based filler. Also any tips or points to watch on the second planking with walnut? It is not a wood I have used before for planking and I know it can be rather brittle.
  21. Did you choose the colour scheme yourself or is it based on the real boat ?
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