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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. Thanks Dom, the up - down bit was due to the original error, as in following the instructions!!! Even taking some planks off was not enough to correct it but I wasn't going to take them all off and start again. I will certainly be doing the second planking differently but at least I should have a smooth solid surface to work on for that.
  2. Well, after a bit of a pause here is an update. The first layer of planking except for the transom is done!!!! I have lots of tidying up to do, plank under the transom, cut and add the bow blocks. Then loads of sanding to smooth everything down before trying to plank it properly next time!!!
  3. I would love to know how you get all this done so fast! You must spend all day at it! Glad to see you have ordered your next challenge though.
  4. It was the Scottish Maid that was given to me as a present and half the wood was missing from a sealed box!
  5. Very good! Did you have to soak those beasties or were they flexible enough not to have to?
  6. Thank you for that. I would revise my last post as, to be honest, I wouldn't buy a thing from AL. I have had serious difficulties with them over parts not supplied in a sealed box kit. A friend of mine has also had big problems with his model. If you can get over the dreadful instructions I would go for the OcCre kit and now, I am glad I did!
  7. I was bought the AL Scottish Maid as a Christmas present. I can't tell you how disappointed I was to find that the instructions were appalling for a start but, most seriously, all the dark wood content of the boat, mostly walnut for the second planking but a great deal more was totally absent from a sealed box. I emailed time and time again to AL who offered to supply the missing wood if I paid for it but refused to accept it was their error. I will never buy an AL kit now of any description and would seriously suggest that no one else does either. I have had a lot of dealings with OcCre which I gather was started by AL employees. I now understand why!! They are more than helpful when you email them. I have done a lot of their kits (non-boat) which have been excellent in quality and instruction. Having said that I am building their open sided Bounty at the moment. The quality remains good but the instructions are awful but, even so I would recommend them way over AL. Hope this is helpful to somebody.
  8. Hi there, How are you getting along, both health and boat wise?
  9. And there was me thinking that us Scottish dwellers were in trouble for drinking too much!!! Maybe it's a side effect of planking!!!
  10. All that weight says something for the strength of your model!! Well done for all your fixes and I do hope your deck dries OK.
  11. Many thanks for those, in fact without realising it I have been trying a few techniques without really meaning to. At least this first layer is turning out to be a learning experience!!!
  12. Woh there fella!!! Not even close to a second layer yet but, when I get there I was thinking of doing exactly what you just said and don't even begin to tell me 'I told you so' or any of that 'here we go again' stuff!!!! (Only joking but I'll bet that had you going for a micro second - tee hee!) Also, no you dare not, you wouldn't like what they tell me to do at all!!
  13. The 'covering' of the hull with strips of wood is coming along very slowly. There is absolutely no way that I would describe what I am doing as planking. Suffice to say that I will need a great deal of help regarding 'lining', start point etc etc when it comes to covering up with a second layer.
  14. Don't be dismayed - you should see the state of my hull !!! Actually, you shouldn't, you would be totally ashamed of you student!!! Happy Easter anyway.
  15. I don't believe that you can be serious about bevelling 0.6mm Planks!
  16. I think your planking looks really good I only hope I can do half as well. Your fix for the lack of wood I think looks great. It's very clever and doesn't look out of place with the open side of the hull.
  17. Hi again, my log is on Mike Dowling Bounty OcCre 1/48 Several people are building the AL model Hope this is helpful.
  18. Hi there, have a flick through what others are building. I seem to be the only person trying to build an OcCre kit, everyone else is doing the AL model. I really don't know which is best but they do seem to be very different both in build and content. I am biased but then I would be!!!
  19. I must admit that the same potential problem occurred to me. I thought that once I had done my first planking, sanded it all down and sealed it I could then, after the final planking, cover the open hull before the final sanding. I know you only have to plank once which makes life more of a problem. I could only think of giving the whole boat a really good blasting with a powerful hairdryer to try and blow the dust out before too much varnishing.
  20. It remains un planked for the first layer. Then balsa filler blocks get put on and shaped before covering the whole lot with the second thin planking. Strange method I grant you but that is the way it is!
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