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Everything posted by ChrisLBren

  1. Group - I order number 14 needle rasps kit back in August - handmade and stitched. They arrived last week - wow - I can not recommend them highly enough. I corresponded directly with the owner/artist Noel - during the manufacturing process. They are not cheap but will last a lifetime if taken care of. Here's his site. https://www.liogier-france.fr/
  2. Looking good Rusty - your instincts are right with Pear -I am a big fan of more of a monochromatic look - especially with the bright friezes.
  3. Thanks for the tips everyone !
  4. Hey Group, I know I saw a comment recently about files and a certain manufacturer that makes the best ones for our modeling purposes. Can anyone share a link ? Thanks much, Chris
  5. Hi Group, Quick question - wondering if there is an optimum speed when using your Proxxon MF70. The pear wood I am using has a tendency to chip - any tips as to running at higher or slower speeds to avoid it ? Thanks
  6. Go with this Dewalt Scroll Saw 788 and Stand - no vibration. I somehow managed to scratch build Confederacy with a crappy Delta saw that had so much vibration. The Dewalt is a game changer https://www.grizzly.com/products/DeWalt-DW788-20-Scroll-Saw-with-Stand-and-Light/H7414?gclid=CjwKCAjw-YT1BRAFEiwAd2WRtgYQQy5pOwsZ7zKRoJVJzvSMlFpfwgzXx7z0GxEmpHPZu1i0UMuzRRoCcikQAvD_BwE
  7. Wow - just wow - I have been collecting Ancre books and Monographs over the past few years. This is by far the finest. The incredible amount of detail in photos and plans are off the chart. Some of the previous Monographs require back up of the 74 Gun Series (which I own) as a reference. This one is a stand alone - everything is in here to make an incredible model - one that obviously influenced the Super Frigates of the US. I ordered it two weeks ago and it arrived today. I can't recommend this one enough - its a must have for anyone's library who love French ships. Bravo Gerard !
  8. Nice work Mike ! Now that it may be finally thawing here - I can start fairing my hull and hope my planking turns out nearly as good as yours...
  9. Im really curious about the paper patterns - how do you not get glue bubbles when applying and also would it be possible to put a finish over them ( dont think that would work due to printer ink)
  10. The deck is a focal point on any ship model - its one of my favorite areas to build - to me a laser etched deck doesn't look right
  11. Looks exactly like mine at this stage - need to start fairing the bulkheads !!!!
  12. Beautiful result ! I agree with Chuck - having worked with Ebony and Fiebings dye (on my Confederacy which is fading) on wales - I’m just going to paint them
  13. Looks really good Chuck - still thinking about an approach for us building in Pear/Cherry. Maybe just going with Boxwood colored for the rails and sculptures will look good. It does tie in well with the frieze. Usually I only like three tones in a project - on this one there could be black wales, red bulwarks, pear planking, boxwood sculptures/rails and blue frieze. Or dye all of the boxwood down using your recommended gel stain - Ill have to experiment. This ship is looking amazing - kudos - Im also thinking of rigging her. Ive got the space !!!!
  14. Frankly I think using a Oil paint Sepia wash would probably do the same thing from my experience dabbling in Oil Painting.
  15. Looks great Toni - looking forward to following this build !
  16. I am very curious here about a decal approach for the frieze - it would allow variance of color for the background and would allow you to apply the same finish you wish on top of the decals for a match to the hulls finish
  17. Hey Chuck - don’t miss this place in New Orleans - Napoleon House. Great Gumbo and Muflettas. The place has history - originally they wanted to spring Napoleon from Elba and move him here but he died first. Favorite bar in New Orleans - have a Pims Cup !
  18. It’s fixed !!!! Thanks Greg - this tool works really well in conjunction with the Byrnes Thickness sander - I’m still getting a tiny bit of chipping - but it’s much more efficient to use the planer to reduce stock and finish off with the Brynes tool. My French Pear could be the culprit - I do notice it has a tendency to chip when carving if not careful - it’s pretty wood though
  19. Hi Greg, The Proxxon customer service just re sent me the manual which is nebulous - if you can send me a quick pic of your blades in position - would really help me and any other owners of this machine on MSW. Thanks - hope you had a nice holiday.
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