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Everything posted by fnkershner

  1. Harley you could do what I did - get impatient and use the dremel a bit too much. I am now on my second boat and maybe this time there will be no dremel. God bless ME and their guarantee.
  2. Another problem you have is the scale. This is a very small scale for this ship. If you want to stay true to scale you will find that 3 mm blocks are about the largest you will use. I suggest the most common block you will use is 2 mm. Even this is out of scale but it will be the best you can find. No one makes a smaller block. Do you have a list of blocks that come with the kit? Both size and quantity? I suggest that is where I would start. By trying to replace each of the metal blocks with a similar wood block. About 20 yrs ago one of my first kits was the Flying Cloud by Scientific. I would bet that we had the same solid hull and much of the kit was the same. I found the rigging very challenging due to the scale. I never finished her.
  3. I read somewhere that in addition to the hammocks providing some protection (not Much) There were 3 main reasons for having them in the Cranes - 1. To air them out. It must have stunk to high heaven below deck. 2. To deflect splinters and small arms fire in battle. Not much of a bullet proof best but that's what they had. 3. As crude life preservers. As we all know most sailors could not swim. and a well rolled and tied hammock would float for up to 1 hour. so if the ship went down or you went over board a Hammock was better than nothing.
  4. Martin - Meredith understood what I meant. Either through my local club or personally I have every tool that Jim Byrnes makes. I personally would live to have a mill. I would even love to have a lathe. But so far even I (A confirmed ToolAholic) can justify the purchase. I wouldn't use either of them very much. I delayed buying the Thickness sander until now. and I would not have bought it if the Club had not decided it was useful for everyone. (We all chipped in). Meredith - the fact that you can take the piece and turn it over and do the second cut and not see any difference is an indication of skill and quality of the tool. Like you I thought I would use a full size Table saw for my modeling. I did buy one and I had fun building furniture and other projects. But I must admit that the only thing modeling related that I used it for was cutting the plywood base. 1 to 2 Inches thick is not too bad for the Byrnes Saw. You know you can raise the blade and you already have found that you can make 2 cuts. Can you post some pics of the Tasmanian Maple?
  5. Meredith - If you need help with Ideas on what to buy I am sure we can help! Lets see I would start with something from Jim Byrnes. I know you have the Table Saw. What else do you already have that he sells? I recently completed my set of Model Machine Tools. I am quite pleased with myself.
  6. Do you think she will notice the difference between Diamonds and CZ? Give it a try. I know with mine she has a nose for the more expensive items. Somehow every time we go on vacation to the Carib. We come home with a shiny bauble that cost as much as the air fare.
  7. Well let me see if I can help you get to 80 pages before you are done!
  8. If the admiral finds something shiny that she can wear on her pillow you will be given permission to buy whatever you want. Of course this will likely double the cost of your tool. But it helps to be able to point a diamond necklace and say that one is my table saw, and those earrings are my Jim Brynes rope walk. But I ask you what is the price of peace?
  9. I'm with you Simon. After sanding all of the 2nd planking off of my Harvey. I am about to start again.
  10. So are you planning to hold out to be the first log on MSW 2.0 to reach 100 pages?
  11. Keep going Keep going, you are almost there!!! Augie! Augie! Augie!
  12. Thanks guys. I guess if Jesse doesn't answer in a couple weeks I will just offer this kit to any member of MSW for the same deal. Basically I want $70.00 plus shipping cost. Beside I have scored great points with the Admiral! We are reducing stock in my work shop!
  13. Jesse - I finally completed my inventory. I have a complete kit ready to ship to you. Here is a list of what is missing: 1. Belaying pins - Somehow this kit has no belaying pins. 2. Ships boat - There are no parts other than strip wood for the ships boat. 3. Wood filler blocks - both bow and stern should have blocks to terminate the hull planking. They are missing. Extras: 1. It includes 3 White metal Crew + 1 officer that need to be painted. 2. Swivel guns 3. Extra cannons. 4. Extra lumber So I should back up and explain. I first bought this model more that 20 yrs ago. It has gone thru at least 2 moves. Along the way some pieces got lost or damaged. So when another kit came available on Ebay I bought it. The ebay kit was missing parts too. This contributed to a very low price. Lucky for me the missing parts were different from the parts I was short on. So mostly I had 2 complete kits. As you can see from my log on this kit I am bashing it quite a bit. So that has yielded even more extra parts. The result is I can ship you a kit which is almost complete. PS I will ship in original box complete with box art. I should also mention that my original kit was designed for 2 layers of planking for the hull and the Ebay kit was designed for 1 layer. Your kit does not have the first layer of hull planking in Basswood. But it does have it in Walnut! So far I am out the cost of copying the Plans (which I shall ship in a mailing tube separately - so no creases) which is $30. I need you to PM me with an address so I can find out the shipping cost to you. Besides all the above I am willing to part with everything for $40. in my pocket. Beside everything you send me will end up being spent at Chuck's store. I hope you see this as reasonable. I also hope the Forum Police will not get mad at me for mentioning money here. I am just trying to clear out my excess stock and help out a fellow modeler. And maybe make enough money for more goodies from Chuck.
  14. Another Syren! Oh Goodie! Augie can I have that chair next to you?
  15. I have the same kit as you do. First I completely agree with your comment about the older kit being the better one. I also have the double laser parts. they make a big difference. I got a good price for her off Ebay. But as I started to do the research that you mention I got discouraged about yet another fantasy of history. I will follow your build with interest!
  16. Chris - His lordship seems pleased with the inspection and he should be these are nice boats. I am also impressed with the painting of the brass. You are right it does not look metal.
  17. Ok so far I have a complete set of plans and instructions for you. I also have the false deck, false keel, & bulkheads. I have 2 complete sets of cannons and most of the deck furniture. I may be short on deck planking. But I am sure I have enough doweling for the masts & spars. I will continue with the inventory and let you know. Please remind me where are you located? so I calculate shipping. I think I can even supply a white metal crew person at the right scale. I am guessing you may need to acquire some planking material, that is about all. Have you looked at my log and some of the discussion regarding errors in this kit? I believe Blackie has even done a better job than I have uncovering errors.
  18. Jesse - Please let me know if you were able to salvage anything. Like do you need a copy of the plans? I am doing inventory today and will let you know what I have and what I don't have.
  19. Wow! tell us about the dvds? are the good? Does he do a good job of leading you thru the build?
  20. Pictures! Why didn't some one tell me? How could I have missed this rare event! So Augie they often say that rigging is about 1/2 the build. Sounds like from your experience you would say about 2/3rds? What would you say is the hardest part so far? Is there anything significant you would have done differently? You can't finish that quickly the log has not reached 100 pages.
  21. One last thought - you bought it on EBay. There is a product quality guarantee. See if you can get your money back. Also if you are in love with the Harvey I can send you plans, False Keel, Bulkheads, False deck, and much of the strip wood. It is likely I also have much of the fittings. I am sure I have at least 1 spare set of cannons. Hmm now you have me thinking. I should just put together a Harvey kit and ship it to you. Pay for the shipping and it is yours. Let me spend some time this weekend and I will figure out what I don't have for the kit.
  22. All I can say is that after seeing this method of creating the Rabbit. I hope to never have to carve a rabbit again. It is so much cleaner and more precise. And the big advantage is that you really are not cutting a rabbit. My biggest fear on my Bluenose was cutting too far and going thru the wood. This is just one of the Excellent features of this kit.
  23. Mark - Thanks for the log. I can't wait to start working on my Syren again.
  24. Jesse - I have lots of spare parts from my Harvey. Let me know which version of the kit you have and what wood you will need to replace and maybe I can help you. I have a spare false keel and a full set of bulkheads. Let me know what you decide to do and I will do my best to help you.
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