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Everything posted by Cuda1949

  1. Have a Happy Birthday. Love your Mayflowers Great Job Al
  2. Great Job. This will be helpful when I want to chose my next build. Al
  3. Wow what a build looking forward to following along. As a side note I built a ship in the bottle of the Young America as one of my early builds. Still one of my favs. Good Luck. I will be sitting in the front row observing your build. Al previously from Philly PA
  4. As in anything you should build a ship type that you like. I prefer Galleons. A good first ship would be The Bluenose or The America. Good Luck. Al
  5. Have a very Happy Birthday. Al Here are a few pics of The Black Pearl. I uesd coffee stirrers from a local coffee shop. After I applied them I sanded then down so they look more authenticate. Your hull looks really good, keep up the good work. Al
  6. Daniel, I have planked a few sibs (The Black Pearl) However I start with a solid hull and then plank on top of it to give it a realistic look. Look forward to seeing the Brig when you do get it done. I also prefer Pirate type ships but some how I end up doing Clipper and sloops. Al current build SIB The Bounty and the Scientific Constitution.
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