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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. ooooooheeeee....such detail...good shew.....(ed sullivan).....
  2. flame only works with epoxy resin....not polyester 😀...swoosh!.....i usually use an hand butane torch at low setting, and give it a quick swipe...doesn't take much...never tried a shaver though...just a thought.....good luck....
  3. sure you already know that a flame will remove bubbles from epoxy resin, and regarding mold material...what about vibration....maybe even an electric shaver or whatever....not sure if any of this applies to your situation, but thought i'd mention....cheers......
  4. dear friend herve in france, did some fancy manipulation here....pretty cool
  5. you seem to be able to capture a fluidity in your sculptures, a feeling of movement, which is nice....
  6. thanks hubac-calhoun.....my R/C build, along with other's is on this forum.....https://www.rcgroups.com/scale-sailboats-653/? under coronne II.. hope i was allowed to post that link......the rudder, the yards are radio controlled...that's it....some fellas actually attach a submersible motor and prop to the rudder or drop keel to help get them out of trouble....me...i have to be on the water in a boat, as this old style of ship ends up drifting downwind and i have to tow it back.....a trades wind sailor, opposed to the more modern designs which can go up wind to varying degrees.....all the windows and lanterns have led's....cheers....
  7. just a simple record that she sails, and the cannons work.... will try for better at a later time.......
  8. are you sure???...are you really really sure??? ............nice to have company.....
  9. forgot to look at the drawing...haha....have to add more lead.....should be a little below the lower wale.....
  10. thanks ej............video was pretty shaky, being on a boat, so we'll have to patch together some of the better shots....we'll see....
  11. am quite relieved, thanks...........do you think she should sit a bit lower in the water?....
  12. ok..............got her in the water with the help of a friend......first effort was a struggle finding the technique, but we'll have to do it again, and it will be a lot easier, plus we'll take better shots....videos were too shaky, as we were on a boat....now i know how much ballast and how and where to launch.......will make another effort at the proper time........
  13. interesting......never thought of this before, but i think your scratch carvings actually have a more dynamic emotional appeal, than factory ones.....ship has more of a life force which effects those who see it..............
  14. haha.....was referring to the ring on your finger rather than the wreath
  15. horses are great, and the fellow.........well he's just an old greek man, and you done very well replicating an old man :)...to me it adds a lot of character......i have a problem with people, maybe cause we're so complicated compared to animals..........and that ring looks very mysterious.....like it contains secret electronic devices......
  16. ha....yes using the original gorilla glue really got me upset.....had to redo a lot of work...didn't know whether to laugh scream curse or cry...though it must have some special purpose i don't even want to know about :).....but gorilla ca is great...use it all the time....but mainly on wood ............but i think the ordorless ca's work well too...... your depth of analysis never ceases to amaze me.....haha...i feel more like a neanderthal compared to you.....
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