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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. thanks ej.....i'm looking forward to the trials next spring-summer too....should finish it by christmas, and then i'll finish, god willing, the confederacy.....after that no more building...will have a clean house from then on ..guess i'll not be posting anything till then..will spend time enjoying other peoples builds.......cheers to all....................vic
  2. ok...thought i'd post some 'where i am' shots.....and i'm sorry about the poor photos, as i'm working in my living room which is not very large...next spring i'll take some shots outside, when it is finished..... rigging not attached properly yet, and needs more work....staining etc....using braided nylon which is good for a working model...got some 'close enough size' belaying pins from model expo..... shots show imitation rigging which looks roughly like it should, but instead, is functional.....will move yards with separate lines attached to a winch...and the drive assembly is already made...... for the gold pedestal sculptures, i got lazy, and put a wig on a superman toy...close enough for jazz and i like the imagery:)...like kings tend to think they are supermen... these are the cannons, designed and built by dan lewandowski, which will be installed in the center of the lower deck, four on each side............... filled a 42''- 2'' abs pipe with lead, and it will be used as an external ballast, which may not be needed, as the ship is quite fat, but it will give more stability and handle a bit stiffer breeze..... using a bamboo sheet for the sails, which i'll be starting shortly........ a friend, has a large lathe, and he turned these pedestals for me.......the 3/8'' threaded rods that secure the ballast, which will also secure the two pedestals on a stand, which i haven't made yet....may use a sheet of dark maroon laminate....easy to clean and goes nice with the walnut..... ha...and no.....i won't be building a case for it
  3. an inspiration, so clean....so clean...........!!!
  4. beautiful beautiful beautiful!.....and...no....no one can work so meticulously, so fast...............either you have a bunch of elves working for you at night......or..... your ship is really already completed, and you're just posting shots of the build as the days go by............. it's just too much for me...i may not be able to look at it anymore kinda like if Christ came down and manifested in a blaze of light right now.....many, if not most, would shriek, and cover their eyes, and hide....all their shortcomings and sins being so exposed... it is kind of a miracle to me.........i'll keep looking, but i'll be at a loss for words, so i'll just be clicking on ....like.... from now on apologies, if i'm over reacting...cheers.............
  5. not to mention, that taking good photos of a model, can be quite time consuming if done right, and this young fella does a super job of it......
  6. gads, i hope you haven't already revealed this, but what glue did you use to install the planks?....ca?...if so.....no allergies? ha, my wife's sinuses clog up when she's exposed to ca fumes...i'm starting to react too....but, coming to the end of my build, i't not a problem...
  7. good info, thanks....but for my situation, i need the flags fluttering in the wind....i'll use these as a temporary solution, and when i get the bucks together, i'll have some proper flags made.........ha...last ones i had made were purchased in usa, and came from turkey for e.j.....they should work well.....and....i've never done planking as well as ej...super!
  8. fantastic herve!!!....all the power to you......sent address.........ha....now back to googling and ogling at this build
  9. well ...my gosh, i'm truly honored!!!.........yes....i mainly build to create a mood....a romantic vision .......i just cannot do what you do, which, like i said, is breathtaking!....you will likely combine the two......and that is an accomplishment!!!............i pray herve is well....lost contact.....i think he had some difficulties in the past......i'm so enjoying this log..........cheers.....
  10. gag.............breathless.......................
  11. friend just printed them out for me on some silk inkjet printable fabric sheets, and they don't look too bad....very thin....so i'm applying some fray check liquid to see if that works.....will let you know.....although i'm sure silk screening would be better....and i just discovered that the fray check i am using makes the colors run..............i mailed the company and maybe they can give me some advice here ....guess i'd need a water based one...................we'll see.......cheers....
  12. oh..............just curious.....do you think you can use those flags i sent you for your la couronne?
  13. a holy man i met once said.......''a strong man revels in his strength....and a weak man wonders how he got it''...........well ...you can go ahead and revel deservedly, and i, contently, remain here scratching my head ....thanks for the experience............ and oh....you're obviously right about the chisels........
  14. oh neko..........if you would like some dental burrs, if you should be so inclined, not that you need them :), i have a bunch, which i'll never use that i could send you ....the only thing is, it would be nice to have a really small dremel type drill to drive them, which won't be unwieldy....but some artists are attached to the manual method, which may add more soul to the work :)....
  15. thanks.....i'll just look and learn from now on,..........and votre anglais est 100% mieu que mon francais si vous ete francais...ou, comme poirot...je suis belge ?
  16. if i may........what kind of pear wood?.....got some pear once which was very light like yours....then the second time years later i got some which was relative dark.......maybe grown in the north or south makes a difference.....and if i missed it .....what kind of wood for the carving?...looks like it has an awfully fine grain...thanks..
  17. augh.....i think i'm gonna be ill ..or at least cry....unbelieveable....time for me to quit pretending i'm a modeler .........boy.... am i gonna be attached to this thread....super super....and the fellow looks so natural and lifelike..............................................................and so small...................sheesh!!!
  18. hmmmm....correct me please......i thought that the wales on french ships were straighter and didn't cut through the gunports like the british ships.......thought they were more parallel to the gunports.....?
  19. so sorry!..i was referring to neko's work......just discovered all these talents, and i'm yet getting people mixed up ....sheesh!.....where is cedric's build that you mentioned?...........
  20. just found this.......and to me ..intuitively....that is the right hull....never felt right about the hull on any of the kits i've seen......jolly jolly good!!!.....congrats!!!
  21. helllo.............what happened to la couronne???

    1. francisb


      Hi thanks for asking am part way through rigging her but have had a break for a while, some friends asked me to paint a large mural for them that took a couple of months!will try and put some photos on also started Pegasus so have been busy. Hope your ship modelling is going well best wishes Mark

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