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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. terrific planking job....don't think i could do that...just haven't the patience
  2. really nice planking job....fraid i've always been guilty of just using long strips....shame on me :)....just never had the patience...congrats!.....vic
  3. gotta keep an eye on this one too, good shew.........was it expensive to order the wood?....gosh...never heard of crown timberyard....
  4. oh cedric.....just had a thought...what about spraying a few coats of primer on the hull to fill in the grain, depending on how much grain you want to fill, then a fine sanding ?....do you think that could work, or would that be just as tedious etc, and maybe not as effective for whatever reason?.....just curious..... haha...from now on, i'll just watch, and see how this exciting and informative build evolves......cheers.....
  5. oh....just widening the hull around the lower gun deck near the bow...... if i remember, the heller kit is probably vertical........was too much work for me though haha...........but today? ..hmmmmmmm...........when i finish my wooden ships and am too old to deal with the mess and glues etc, i may opt for the heller royal.....who knows.....which is why i'm interested in your progress.....oh i just remembered, i was wanting to widen the stern galleries and hull too.....quite an endeavor
  6. ha....i wanted to modify the hull too...was even thinking of gluing on thin walnut planks, changing the shape of the hull at the same time,....especially the bow area, and of course wood decks, and open galleries on the side......but like i said, i gave up .....but....i hope you hang on to your vision, cause your sub sub conscious knows better how it should be, haha...(dig into the akashic records),,.... nothing is wasted in giving it all you got ......so many beautiful decorations etc on this ship makes it worth while me thinks......hmmmmm....interesting how much attention is placed on the detailed sculptures etc on plastic ships, and how crude most of the sculptures on many if not most wooden models in comparison.........
  7. super....so much attention to detail.......i read once, on the heller victory, that the person sanded down some of the grain, which he thought was too coarse.....but maybe on this model it's not necessary?...just curious.....i tried to do a waterline with this model many years ago, but wasn't happy with it, so i let it go:).......i'll have to keep an eye on this one, as there seems to be a lot of heart involved, not to mention research.....thanks...
  8. gads...........a new problem...now i can't edit the post...wonder how come................what i wanted to add was, go to the last page..then scroll down...just an example i found......hmmm seems i can edit this one though....probably just a glitch
  9. if you look down you'll see...... You, Siegfried, Chuck and 4 others like this and the 4 others will be revealed.....when clicking....
  10. all's ok...you can see the visitors like before....whew!
  11. hmmmmm...i think you still can see who visited...not sure yet, as enough people haven't clicked on likes
  12. so we lost all those past visitors...oh well.....nothing like starting fresh....sure i've done it a dozen time in my life........
  13. hey.....what happened to the like-dislike options?....all the past ones have been wiped out and replaced with a fancy cup......was so nice to see who visited...nicest part of this forum, where someone can express like without having to write lines of adulations........did someone make a horrific complaint?
  14. this was posted a page or two back.......... Hi. I was recently in an conversation with Amati and i can tell you they wont release the victory for a long time. Im guessing years. They had multiple other ships to be released before the victory. I was advised to not wait and rather find another build that takes years to build. Thats why im guessing it wont be released this year at all. I dont think there is any chance of it being released in 2018 too. The answer they gave me was pretty clear. But it would be nicer if they could have given us an estimate tho.give us some good information?
  15. congratulations! and lovely photos!.....all that's left is a sexy stand.....
  16. yep........that's the way i do it......nothing worse than out of control thin ca
  17. good show.........and thank you donrobinson for the cache clearing advice!!!
  18. yeh, but what glue did you use.....I used thin ca, but it came out a bit shiny......maybe some flat clear paint....will have to address that later.....
  19. ha....i can reply on my wife's computer, but not on mine.....so mine's the problem....will have to bring it to a tech to figure it out.....no problem on other sites....strange.....oh...just tried internet explorer instead of firefox, and it's ok there-here :)...hmmmmmm......
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