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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. very nice ej!!....................guess the last part of the puzzle are the anchors
  2. gads...i don't know what to say....but am grateful for your kind words.....so interesting that you brought up fear of failure and i've never thought of that...... but you've just made me realize that yes, i've always had an idea in my head of how something should eventually ideally look, or be.....and just went ahead and figured out how to get to that place through trial and error..... i think my main thing is perseverance....ha...i was supposed to be a pianist when a child, but had too many handicaps....but i spent my whole life trying....and finally at 76 i managed to play some pieces on the piano as i thought they should sound, and put them on a little cd, as a testimony i guess......then, i was able to let it all go, as it didn't matter any more :)..... but the ship building is different....it's just like someone who likes to play golf or go for walks in the woods etc .......the challenge of figuring things out is fun....maybe like a crossword puzzle....with me it's all romance and capturing the grace and beauty of these sailing ships balanced with the deep respect for the hardships and sufferings and brilliance of the men who sailed in them.... i'm trying to make the sails with a strong, but light material which would flutter and billow in the wind, rather a practical stiffer material....i want to see the ship dance........a graceful ballet on the waves....that's why i build an r/c model...and large is better for realism......
  3. thanks,....nice to do my little part in the midst of such talented modelers....it came out ok, for a lazy impatient person ....maybe the lazy impatient people, are the ones that come out with inventive innovations to make things easier and faster.....i tend to do the minimum of refinement necessary to accomplish an end result......and some people say that i have so much patience :)....i guess patience is a relative term.............and gads, it's really tricky to make things even and correctly proportioned on these ships eh?......funny....i think something's centered or straight, and six months later i see....no...it's not quite straight....sheesh :).....oh...my hat's off to the serious really refined modelers, as i really don't have the heart to emulate such.......i just do enough to get the effect i want...guess i'll work on the drive unit now for the ships control.......then the drat lines which i keep procrastinating.......:)
  4. thanks...they came out ok....will be adding a dimmer.....they are 12v led's, but i just used a small 9v battery to test.....not sure what kind of battery i will use...maybe even a 6v....will have to do more research.....
  5. ok....lighting is done....still may do some tweeking.........placed some led's in glass tubes to dissipate the light.......
  6. just caught this and am truly humbled by the detail, and quality of workmanship.....ha...i remain an amateur with good intentions
  7. super!...what nice shots....such even warm lighting.....bet it feels good......cheers.......
  8. thanks, coming from someone who is a role model in refined modeling....
  9. thanks ej .................................i think both of our ships will end up looking pretty neat.......
  10. last shots until after the rigging, which won't be for quite awhile me thinks.....cheers..................
  11. hmmmm...been so long since i was working on it, cause i'm working on my la couronne.....but....i realize that i'm using the taubman's plans, which chuck said are not accurate....but i'm not smart enough or have enough patience to do more research :)...but i'll modify if i find anything needing change........gonna mickey mouse my way through them :).........thanks.....
  12. you mean you're gonna put a motor in it? ....beautifully done....very impressed.....cheers...
  13. that's some iphone...and the lighting is great........technology has sure come a long way....soon these small devices may replace these very expensive slr's :)..............
  14. crows feet....what i've done is, after they've been tied, rigg up something to keep them stretched, and run i bit of thin ca along the lines......so the will appear taunt even without pressure.....i very quickly dampen the lines with a kleenex or whatever so any buildup of ca won't look shiny...
  15. gorgeous....and great photography too....and don't tell me you took them with your i pad or whatever.......such fine finishing, which i was never able to do in this lifetime...and never will haha.....just too lazy.....congrats....!!!
  16. all i found on the roman warship was a video with no specs. or information.......guess it is another not out yet kit....... i feel sorry for chris...so much heart and soul in what he does....sure must be frustrating....
  17. ha....mine will be three feet wide....don't think i'll build a cabinet...
  18. hmmmm.....i wonder if moving the yards diagonally would be acceptable.....case wouldn't have to be as deep....but maybe that's a no no ??
  19. hmmmmmm.....nice idea....i would build it a scaly where naval figures are available to purchase if possible....really adds to perspective me thinks....
  20. ha....you definitly are an artist as well as a craftsman.....you seem to create an emotional impact with your models...not just a beautiful display.....this makes them come alive.......
  21. might as well show an update.....i don't keep records of my build....only here.............working on the cannon carriages now....and then will have to cast the cannons........then...then....then........THE DRAT LINES........my poor arms....... oh....looking for some small 1/72 scale figure that i can make coppies of to place on the beak...large to small....or maybe the same size head or bust with a body getting smaller twards the bow......can't seem to find a female at this scale.....may have to make them....we'll see...............
  22. hahaha.....what a shock.....like someone building the taj mahal, then suddenly, changed their mind and did something else haha..........you're doing so so much better job on your model, than i did on my original rw kit....but all's good....change can be a very positive thing, since what we do, is less important than finding out who we are
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