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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. don't know exactly...:))), asume ,due to there are those of the detergent components ...surfactants...which make this mix of pastels powder and water more stable _ and more "active" on surface?...but not sure... I ,ve found this "receipt" somewhere in internet long time ago...it was from model "washing" tips and tricks...but I use it in wrong way :))) not as "washing", but mostly for " weathering " :))) my paint works...make them less bright and more stained...if I could say that...
  2. Hi Marc , there is nothing special I think...just use any dry artistic pastels, must be not oil pastels...made powder from it ,mix with water-alkohol-a very small drop of any dishwash detergent...that all...apply on surface/ area which need to be stained,remove excess of staff with cotton stick or smthng similar( wet brush???)...if applied too much...made correction as desired...after drying , could be fixed with ... acrylic matt varnish ( I use )...actualy, this stuff ,if applied...one time ... than could not be removed easily,even without any fixation liquid... :)))... in the begining,I try to seal it with varnish...but later on ,just use it without any sealing attempts...
  3. Hi Marc, Thank You very much for the answer, now is clear...I was afraid abt long drying time of this stain, but looks everything is OK ! I saw fotos of Herbert's models for the Texel Roads diorama( save it as bookmarks/ one of my lovely)-they looks realy cool(specialy weathering wood effect)!!! I use dry pastels,acrylic paints and acrylic stains(maker Plaid/FolkArts) for weathering, they drying in minutes, but never used oil paint as stain medium....and it is just iteresting to see how it works on your model... All The Best! Kirill
  4. Hi Marc, You mentioned" Van Dyke Brown oil paint"... didn't know/ never use oil paints for weathering effect/ abt this paint...try to find in internet,what is it... they said, this paint very difficult in drying...like never became dry,even in thinest film...??? How do you manage it?
  5. Hi Marc, results of your "paintings jobs"/weathering and distress effects - looks good! very good!... I like it... would be very interesting to look at completed painting/weathering... All The Best! Kirill
  6. Good day, Jay, Thank you very much , for your attention and comments, I' m very glad that you found somthing interesting / or useful for your current project in this my galleon build log... *but This Soverign of the Seas, is it clipper, or it is that old famous ship, from 17 century? * information about Red Jacket, I saw your message, where your mentioned book as a source of additional information about RJ, is that you mean? If yes, I saw it... thanks , need to find & buy this book / wnen I be back home in May.
  7. Greetings colleague, it turned out great !!! Wonderful detailing! I studied the model foto with great interest ... were any additional information used in the construction besides the instructions from the kit? With respect. Kirill
  8. Good day,Daniel, looks nice, sharp-accurate! what subst. do you use for making such nice casting- reproduction? sorry if You already told abt this early... All the Best! Kirill .
  9. Good day all, very interesting discussion! Ropes looks very good! I didn't try Mara,but use Tera same maker... looks they are the same looks in results... By my experience, Gutermann is very nice materialI for rope making... I prefer to use it white...and later,when rope made- to paint it in suitable color... mostly ,for standing riging -I used acrylic umbra + small drop black and dark brown+ acrylic matt varnish... and for running rigging - same mix as for standing,but less portion+more ochre and add matt varnish again... when polimeraised ,this "tar" prevents rope from unraveling... but actualy acrylic paint is not too suitable material for rope painting, due to easy could be fall apart when rope pulled trough the blocks for example...and later on damaged area need to be repainted... Much better result gives artistic oil paint ubra ,and umbra +ochre for running rigging deluted in artistic oil (?danish oil?) or suitable thiner... on this model by Dmitry Shevelev ,all rigging painted in this way(base thread color was white) https://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=28865&start=330
  10. jose_b, thank you very much for you mentioned the Le Saint Philippe of 1693 link ! I missed it/ or didn' t reach it yet in reading posts in this wonderfull Marc building log I have to order this book as well - it is briliant! :)))
  11. Thanks, I see... old color I like ...but this...almost pink. :)))...no :))) but understood, it's historic accurate!
  12. Hi Marc, by my experience, I could say, Making own rope, undoubtedly will be much less expensive than buying them somewhere... Consumption ,when rigging - quite high due to manipulations with ropes...need always to have them in excess for convinience...and if try to use "shop "made ropes,they became gold :))) - at least for me,when I m making rigging,I have too much threads waisted... one more advantage making own ropes - you will make exactly that size,which you need according to your rigging plan... for making rope you need not expensive and very simple machine...and suitable threads...than some weights approx 1kg max,for heavy ropes...and small portable el.drill...for making process faster....that all... I saw on our shipmodel market( russian) ,some of our colleques offer "High End" rope making machine(I' m planing to buy such in the future) ...they are fantastic in work,and looks nice for example ,like this https://shipworkshop.ru/products/all-products ...but funny things, simple machine ,even made from cartoon without any pinions, works with the same good results as HighEnd rope machine! :))) I have this ,3d printed unexpensive brand https://modelshipyard.ru/product/trosomot-trehprjadnyj-pr-va-rossija/ I guess, Guttermann line is polyester, with no fluff at all...at least this brand, "tera" ... they have wide range of threads , but this "tera" serie, is what we need for model rigging purposes...other type of their product could be with fluff - which is not suitable,at least for me...
  13. :))) ...small X-Mess surprise... :))) Daniel, This is Big X mass surprise! Thank You very much! :)))
  14. Dear Marc, Thank your very much for your attention and warm comments I'm very glad that You found interesting my "spanish galleon" experiments:))) ... of cause, when asked,I will be glad to share all my knowledge /methоds in rope imitation and sails making... by the way, as I consider rigging questions quite important,I will take the opportunity to say a few words...abt material for model rigging... next my model I' m seriously planing to equipt with self made ropes(by using rope making mashine) complitely, all rigging, but not like on this model,where self made ropes were used mostly for stays, and for some ,a few only,running rigging ropes... , on this model for running rigging ,in common,I used ordinary sewing threads as they were arrived from the shop,but only painted them by acrylic paint... and on macro foto you could see that most of the ropes have very " loose" structure,which I don't like... but ok, it will be corrected on the next model... the best staff for making ropes,by my opinion, it is threads "gutermann", type"tera"... before I ve found this threads , I' ve spent /waisted a lot of time,money and material in experiments which threads are the best... #need to be easy to paint, and and must be complitely without fluff!!!# when found them, I ve bouth all available sizes in one time , ordered them like a kind of "set" ,which lately could be used for own ropes making... my compilied set ,looks like this( one of the shop from many...) details/text and prices in russian... but I believe,if contact ( website adress in lower left corner of the foto)with supplier ,they could arrange all ness-ry info in english as well... if not this shop,than knowing id No of this threads and maker, same could be bouth in other places... All The Best! Kirill
  15. Dear Adrie, I watch your building with great interest !!! I like this type of ships ...presently I'm busy with almost similiar " galleon" project as well...it is plastic kit ,and spanish galleon ... but nevertheless always with big interest followed by any buildings of galleons ... for inspiration, here I collected many pictures with galleons in a good resolution, a very good help when you need to find some historically accurate details for your own model ... https://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t5753f763-galleons-pictures-spanish-dutch-english-begining-of-century-famous-dutch-artists.html Wish you all the best! Merry Christmas and new year !!! Kirill
  16. Hi Daniel, Great work! stove looks nice, such detailed ! Carefully stadied her fotos from France,you posted above - fantastic job you have done!!! Wish you all the Best!!! Merry christmas and a happy new year!!! Kirill
  17. Good afternoon, Dear В.E, Thank you very much for your attention to my project. I really appreciate the positive feedback from such a great modeller like you. Often look at your work for inspiration! :))) All the Best! Kirill
  18. Good day Marc, Your( yours and colleques who participate in discussions) researches and building of your model just fantastic for me! Recently started to read all topics from begining- a lot of interesting facts ! Thanks a lot for sharing such information...have plans in future to assemble this model too...not with such deep conversions as you did, much less...but posts in your building just priceless for me! Thanks! Kirill
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